
This paper is primarily concerned with analyzing the impact of housing supply on housing availability using the World Bank housing park Owerri case study.

The main motivation for this study, which analyzes the impact of housing development offerings on other housing in this particular study area, stems from the sudden change in that situation.

This study examines the impact of these changes on the physical environment and population of the study area, with particular emphasis on the areas of housing unit provision and the provision of basic social facilities and infrastructure, taking into account World Bank housing advances. put it down and check it out.

The sole purpose of providing housing and its impact on other housing in area studies is also examined.

table of contents

chapter One

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Problem

1.3 Purpose and objectives of the research

1.4 Research question

1.5 Importance of examining the scope of research

1.6 Scope of investigation

1.7 Limitations of the study

1.8 Survey overview

Chapter 2

2.0 Literature review

2.1 Definition of terms

2.2 Factors Affecting Housing Demand

2.3 Factors Affecting Housing Supply

2.4 Housing finance

2.5 Impact of housing supply on housing construction 2.6 State government efforts to create a housing tax system.

Chapter 3

3.1 Study design and methodology

3.2 Sources of data collection

3.4 Size example

3.5 Data collection method

Chapter 4

4.1 Data presentation and analysis

Analysis trolley elevated from 4.2 d

Chapter 5


5.1 Results

5.2 Recommendations

5.3 Summary and conclusion

bibliographic appendix

chapter One


1.1 Research background

Housing is considered one of the most important for human physical survival, next to food supply. It contributes to the physical and moral foundations of the nation and stimulates social stability, work efficiency, and personal development. However, despite these facts, quantitatively, housing remains one of the biggest problems facing Nigerian cities and governments. In addition to the characteristic slums and conditions, owning a home is becoming increasingly difficult for the average Nigerian.It is also very difficult to find suitable accommodation in the market at reasonable rents. . Rents are high in all states, and considerably higher in other capital cities, but still not enough for monthly incomes for all categories of low, middle, high and self-employed.

The main reason rents are high is that the supply of housing is well below demand. Recommended 20% of monthly income for rent. The problem is more acute in cities and towns where commercial and industrial activity has long been established and in rapidly growing and concentrated cities. Finding rental housing is a big problem, and when such housing is finally found, they are rented at very exorbitant prices, regardless of location or ease of access to residence. They make up the majority of the monthly income of the recruiter. work. Until recently, it was very difficult for both the average breadwinner and the self-employed to build a home with ten years of long-term personal savings. Most Nigerian civil servants saved very little between 1978 and 1988, avoiding spending on building their own homes. Also, the cost of building materials is so high, and the cost of property, labor, and professionals is so high that the construction cost per square meter can only be covered by people after providing food and other social needs. much higher than it can be.

Also, due to the fact that individuals are unable to own their own homes due to the high cost of construction, there are more home buyers than the supply of these goods and services, resulting in people hiring at very exorbitant rates. The effects of this largely urban housing shortage have not only resulted in overpopulation in some towns, but many people have taken refuge under bridges, built shacks, and organized shifts. (as in Lagos). Most unfortunately, existing residential buildings do not meet modern needs and lack counterparts such as flush toilets (Wcs), P, P water, electricity and open spaces. This situation prompted the United Nations to launch an aggressive Shelter for All program in 2000.

To achieve this, the Nigerian federal government included it in the country’s Third Development Plan (1975-1980) to achieve a significant increase in housing supply, especially for the low-income population. tried to be actively involved in providing housing for all income groups. Income to bail out wage earners and the self-employed, hit hardest by acute shortages, a situation where a city employee paid more than 20% of his monthly income as rent. This led to the provision of settlements by the federal and state governments, increasing the housing stock for the urban population. Against this background, this study attempts to examine the impact of these housing developments on housing supply.

1.2 Problem reporting

Governments around the world, especially those in the developing world, are starting to provide housing for Weisen. This is usually the argument that the private sector of the economy provides housing. Although these settlements were established by law and status, they have administrative problems that create legal, physical, financial, social, political and other problems, and in recent times public housing Management is linked to water resource issues. These problems manifest themselves in the form of dilapidated buildings, poor protected areas and environmental conditions. All these are the result of lack of management and maintenance.

The core of today’s Nigeria’s housing problem is clearly concerned with the main component: the low-income population.

1.3 Objectives and objectives of the survey

The main objective of this research work is to assess the impact of housing development on housing supply in urban areas of Nigeria.
To achieve this goal, we have set the following goals:

(1) identify various housing developments in the study area;

(2) determine the quantity (number) of housing units to be offered in Owerri by Imo Housing Corporation;

(3) Judgment of the impact of the housing development on housing supply

(4) identify the problems and limitations of the Imo Housing Association in the provision and management of these housing complexes;

(5) Propose methods to improve the four problems in (4) above, and promote housing supply in urban areas.

1.4 Questionnaire

1. Mention various residential developments in Imo Owerri

2. How many homes does Owerri Housing Cooperative offer?

3. What impact will these settlements have on housing supply?

Four. What problems does Owerri Housing Co-op encounter in providing and managing these housing developments?

5. Recommend ways to improve problems associated with providing more housing development in metropolitan areas.

1.5 Importance of research

It has often been argued that the distribution of homeownership, particularly among the working class, has increased support for private property ownership in general, and that the thesis of housing as a domain of social structure weighs heavily on capitalist private enterprise. I got

To further support this point, the provision of housing in Owerri is designed to encourage individuals and low-income people to enjoy its role in stimulating the national economy, its social services or importance, its financial and economic importance to individuals. I was drawn to Such services provided in this sector include provision of housing or accommodation, provision of credit/mortgage collateral, inheritable durable goods, contribution to physical development, source of social status/status, This includes providing employment opportunities. , INVESTMENTS – RETURN IS AN INCOME STREAM Examines the cost of providing housing, reintegration into cities, schools, hospitals, recreation centers, and more.

Therefore, the need for shelter or shelter is so universal that its meaning or importance is so obvious. The importance of housing transcends national and political boundaries and is a guarantee of health and personal productivity. Citizens of any of these countries who live in decent housing enjoy good health and are productive, thus making a positive contribution to the growth of their country’s economy. When we look at the social importance of housing for men, and its role in the economic development of communities and individuals, we can fully appreciate the importance of housing for men, which is at the heart of this issue. 1.6 Scope or Research

This project is limited to analyzing the impact of housing development offerings on housing availability, using the World Bank’s Owerri Housing Development as a case study. However, this work does not deal with the provision and development of housing developments.

1.9 Survey overview

This project consists of his five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction outlining the problem, research objectives, weapons and goals, importance of the research, scope and limitations of the research, research questions, and an overview of the research. Chapter 2 is the literature review, where relevant relevant literature is reviewed.


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