1.1 Background Of The Study

It is widely acknowledged that business education plays a crucial role in the development of skilled or professional labor in all facets of the commercial, industrial, and managerial sectors. Osuala (2004) asserts that the introduction of business studies highlights the importance of giving kids an education that qualifies them with marketable skills and abilities. “Business studies is a vocational subject taught in junior secondary schools in Nigeria with the goal of providing youths who may continue to senior secondary school with the necessary prevocational skills that will enable them to graduate with the necessary prevocational skills that will enable them to be useful to themselves and to the community in which they live,” he continued.  in which they reside in order to benefit themselves and the community in which they reside in order to benefit themselves and the community in which they reside All schoolchildren, according to him, would be exposed to educational opportunities that would give them a competitive edge in the workforce. Determining the function of business education and assessing business-related subjects in the educational system are necessary due to the growing interest in student performance. Among the factors affecting students’ academic performance are inadequate instruction, students’ negative attitudes toward school, crowded classrooms, and inadequate facilities (Olujuwon,2010). According to NPE, teachers are essential in any educational system (2004). This is because of the system’s built-in characteristics. especially teachers play a crucial part in the growth of the educational systems in every nation. A teacher’s responsibility is to guide students through their learning while also acting professionally, according to Kochlar (2000). According to Onifade (2010), a portion of the issue is caused by governments at all levels’ inability to set up teaching and learning facilities at all levels of secondary education. Typewriters, shorthand, and accounting are just a few teaching strategies that don’t help students better understand the material. which require critical thinking and, most importantly, caution. They are skill-oriented disciplines. According to Aliyu (2001), shorthand and typewriting are commonly taught skill topics. In order to succeed in a skill subject, a student must make use of their cognitive, effective, and affective learning domains.

respectively, psychomotor.

Exam failure is a problem that goes beyond the student’s cognitive abilities, claims Nwanunobi (2010). The majority of secondary schools’ deteriorating infrastructure is the root cause of the issue. The physical infrastructure, including the classrooms and libraries, is appalling, and the laboratories are ill-equipped. So, given these circumstances, how can you expect the child to perform well on the exam? It’s simply not feasible. Kochhar (2000) asserts that a school’s library serves as the hub of academic life. It is considered to be the school’s intellectual testing ground. It is also a repository for knowledge, a source of live concept streams, and a pressurized vault for ideas. However, the school library is the only establishment that offers services to kids, claims Chean (2007). even though it lacks funding. Since not every child has access to books, children don’t read as much as they should. Children may participate in specific reading programs offered by schools, but their hopes and aspirations won’t be realized because of the underfunded school library. A laboratory is deemed necessary because it serves as both an office practical space and a storage area for additional learning tools, according to Aliyu (2001). It is challenging to use traditional classroom teaching methods like lecture and debate, which are ineffective in vocational subjects like business studies, in most public secondary schools, where enrollment can reach seventy (70) or more. Since education is the foundation for all other endeavors, Kochhar (2000) asserted that furniture plays a significant role in the physical, moral, and mental health of students.

establishing a genuine first connection between the mind and the things it is thinking about.

1.2 Description Of The Issue

One of the most alarming trends in the education sector in recent years is students’ failure to pass business studies exams. According to a study done on September 23, 2011, there were, respectively, 63.2 percent, 51.4 percent, 49 percent, and 54.2 percent failures among students at Doubeli Government Day Secondary School for the years 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. There are student failures in public secondary schools as a result, which may be brought on by a lack of qualified teachers, inadequate teaching and learning facilities, inadequate infrastructure, inadequate teaching strategies, failure to complete the curriculum prior to an exam, and a lack of confidence on the part of the students.

Many public secondary schools have not given business studies enough consideration when teaching vocational subjects. For instance, in the public secondary schools of the Yola North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, students are failing business studies exams.

1.3 Study’s Objective

The study’s goal is to investigate the value of secondary school students’ business education training in terms of business teaching and learning. In particular, the study seeks to

1. To assess the Nigerian educational system’s business education

2. To assess the value of business education for students in secondary schools

1.4 Research Prompts

What is business education, first off?

2. Why is business education instruction important for students in secondary schools?

1.5 Importance Of The Research

By offering demanding and pertinent courses that are

Business education classes significantly and crucially contribute to all students’ academic and career preparation in light of the Common Core Standards. Some of the explanations for why secondary school students should enroll in business education courses are as follows:

1. Academically capable students frequently possess higher order thinking abilities, analytical abilities, critical computational abilities, writing and reading abilities, and technological abilities.

2. A person who is prepared for a career makes use of their unique skills, knowledge, education, and experiences to contribute to the success of their employer and the community at large. A person who is prepared for a career has researched numerous employment opportunities and is aware of the educational and skill requirements.

3. A student who has practical life skills has good money and personal finance habits.

management abilities, a knowledge of the factors that influence a healthy economy and what it means to be globally competitive, a comprehension and appreciation of the free enterprise system, the ability to use technology effectively for both personal and professional use, and the ability to apply newly acquired skills to a range of personal and professional situations.

1.6 Study’s Purpose

The study focuses on the importance of effective business education teaching and learning among secondary school students.

1.7 Study Restrictions

The study only includes students in business education programs at secondary schools.

1.8 Participants in the study

The study background, the statement of the research problem, the study objective, and the study scope are all included in the first chapter’s introductory section.

The The second chapter is a critical analysis of additional literature that is pertinent to the study and its goals, as well as the study’s theoretical framework. While the third chapter discusses the techniques used in the study’s data collection, sampling, and analysis. The focus of the fourth chapter is the research findings, which are also examined in relation to earlier findings. The summary of findings, the conclusion, and the recommendations based on the study objectives are included in the fifth chapter.


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