The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (2022) estimates that there are currently 39.4 million people living with HIV worldwide, with 4.9 million new HIV infections occurring each year and 3.1 million deaths due to AIDS. The top three regions for the estimated 40 million people living with HIV/AIDS are sub-Saharan Africa (25.4 million cases), Asia and Eastern Europe (9.6 million cases), and North America (one million cases). According to a report released by UNAIDS and the WHO, the incidence of HIV increased significantly in East Asia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia between 2002 and 2004. (WHO,2022).

Several international health organizations have reported alarming increases in the incidence rates of the virus and AIDS since its discovery.

illness, especially in young adults and adolescents. The majority of college students—who make up half of the 15,000 newly HIV-infected people—are teenagers between the ages of 15 and 29. In Nigeria, 5.4% of adults (15-49) are HIV/AIDS positive, which is a startling rate of HIV/AIDS spread.

In Edo State, Nigeria, University of Benin has a population of over 35,000 people and 100 different cultures and ethnicities, according to Okoregie (2022). The University of Lagos’s student life is very active and vibrant, and because these students are young, it is common to find them with shared interests that can result in the best of times, the worst of times, or a time of wonderful new birth as a result of their interactions.

the sex-centered friendships that develop between boys and girls and are frequently based on sex (Peters, 2022).

Okoregie (2022) added that HIV voluntary testing is a process in which a person voluntarily consents to an HIV test and receives coaching to help them manage stress and make personal decisions regarding HIV/AIDS prior to the test being administered. The counseling’s objectives are to stop the spread of HIV and provide psychosocial support to those who are afflicted. Following the counseling, a test for HIV antibodies is given to see if there are any antibodies in the blood, and post-test counseling is given based on the test results.

The undergraduate population’s perception of HIV voluntary testing is a significant factor in determining the

HIV prevalence in a nation like Nigeria, which is on the list of countries with poor knowledge of safe sex and HIV. All undergraduates should strive to voluntarily submit to an HIV test, which will help prevent the spread of HIV, as students who have a negative attitude toward voluntary testing are a clear indication that their understanding of HIV/AIDS is insufficient. As a result, there is a need for intense advocacy for voluntary counseling and testing (Peters, 2022).

Voluntary counseling and testing are urgently needed in the current context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, especially among students who are considered a susceptible demographic and who are constantly impacted by their surroundings, especially their school environment.

their environment, particularly their peers. As a result, research into the opinions of University of Lagos undergrads regarding HIV voluntary testing is required.


Studies have revealed a concerning rise in the virus and illness incidence rates since the discovery of this deadly virus, particularly among adolescents and young people. Among the nations with this alarming rate of HIV infection and AIDS growth are Nigeria, where 5.4% of adults (ages 15 to 49) are HIV positive (Ike, 2022).

Therefore, the goal of this study is to comprehend the attitudes of University of Benin undergraduates toward HIV voluntary testing.


This research’s main objectives are to investigate undergraduates and HIV voluntary counseling and

testing. Other specific objectives of this research include:

i. To find out whether college students are aware of HIV voluntary counseling and testing.

ii. To assess how well-informed undergraduates are about HIV voluntary counseling and testing.

iii. To determine whether the university has enough HIV voluntary counseling and testing centers.

iv. To determine whether voluntary HIV counseling and testing contribute to a decline in HIV/AIDS in academic settings.


In this investigation, the following research queries will be addressed:

i. How well-informed are college students about voluntary HIV counseling and testing?

ii. How well-informed are college students about HIV voluntary counseling and testing?

iii. Does the university have enough locations for free HIV testing and counseling?

Does HIV voluntary counseling and testing?

Does testing help to lower the HIV/AIDS rate in universities?


Find out whether there are enough HIV voluntary counseling and testing centers in the university, how much undergraduate knowledge there is about HIV voluntary counseling and testing, and whether HIV voluntary counseling and testing contributes to the decline of HIV/AIDS in universities.

The study’s participants will be chosen students from the University of Benin in Edo State.

Limitations to the study: 1.7

The researcher encountered some obstacles while conducting this study, including time restrictions, financial limitations, language barriers, and respondents’ attitudes. To ensure the success of this study, the researcher was able to manage these obstacles.

Additionally, the case study methodology used in the study presented some difficulties for

In order to overcome obstacles, it is important to respect the general principles of justice, fairness, objectivity in observation and recording, and the weighing of the evidence.


HIV/AIDS: The human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, attacks the body’s defense cells, leaving a person more susceptible to contracting additional illnesses and infections. It is spread through sharing injection equipment or through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, most frequently during unprotected sex (sex without the use of a condom or HIV medication to prevent or treat HIV).

Typically, voluntary counseling and testing for HIV entails two counseling sessions: “pre-test counseling” before taking the test and “post-test counseling” after the results are known.

Since knowledge inspires action and thoughtful response, it is necessary to educate University of Benin students about the significance of HIV voluntary testing, which would enable them to learn their HIV status and put them in the driver’s seat for halting the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Students will have the chance to learn about safer options and maintain safer sexual and drug-related behaviors through this study.

Additionally, it will present an opportunity to lessen the impact, burden, and stigma of HIV/AIDS.


Undergraduates who voluntarily seek HIV counseling and testing are the subject of this study. This study specifically looks at whether undergraduates are knowledgeable about HIV.


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