
The topic of this study is “The Roles of Managers in Effective and Efficient Organizational Management.” Nigeria Breweries Plc, Ibadan, Oyo State, as a case study. The company employs approximately 200 people. The Yaro Yamani formular was used to determine the sample size, which was 150, and the number of questionnaires distributed. a perigo perigo periperigo periperigo periperigo periperigo peri The extent to which managers can have a significant impact on performance and the success or failure of an organization cannot be overstated. Managers create the environment that promotes motivation and successful organizational performance. Managers play an important role in the life of an organization. They direct, guide, influence, facilitate, and coordinate the organization’s activities. The achievement of organizational goals is also dependent on them, as are the works. The study investigates whether managers have a direct relationship with an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency. They provide the required skills and leadership to move the organization to greater height. Primary data for this study were collected through questionnaires, while secondary data included text books, journals, and so on. After analyzing the data, the following conclusions were reached: that the manager’s function contributes significantly to the achievement of organizational objectives; and that the leadership styles adopted by managers are dependent on the prevailing situations and employee behavior. Incompetence and a lack of managerial skills are two management issues that are impeding the organization’s operations.

There is no doubt in the modern business world that what makes organizations effective is not only their financial capacity, but also the caliber of human elements operating within them. That is why some organizations struggle to maintain their status while others continue to thrive.

Furthermore, it has been observed that some organizations simply close down after being established, whereas their contemporaries not only expand but also continue to operate successfully. The secret behind the disparities in organizational operational ability is largely dependent on their managers and the roles or activities that they perform in them. Today, most corporate organizations around the world not only enjoy maximum productivity.

Chapter One


1.1  Background to the Study

In today’s business world, there is no doubt that it is not just the financial capabilities of such organizations that make them effective, but the capabilities of the human element working within them. Because of this, some organizations find it difficult to maintain their status, while others continue to move forward.

Additionally, some organizations have been observed to close shortly after starting, while their peers have not only expanded but continued to thrive. It mainly depends on the manager and the role or activity that manager performs within the organization. Today, most business organizations around the world not only enjoy optimal productivity, but also a tremendous competitive edge that puts them ahead of their contemporaries due to manager efficiency in business. A manager’s actions shape the destiny of an organization.

But at this point, I’m tempted to ask who these managers are and what function or role they play in this business organization.

Discussions about the role of managers argue that the work of managers is highly organized, that management is a logical, ordered process, and how best to allocate resources to achieve organizational goals. It seems to indicate that the administrators calculate reasonably. In practice, you often have to act emotionally as a manager and rely on your intuition. Rapid response is an important aspect of management action. Managers are often held accountable and have little or no time to analyze every nuance of the situation, so they make decisions under uncertain conditions without being sure what the best outcome will be.

The range of problems facing leaders is very large (highly diverse) and must be addressed simultaneously. They need to make decisions quickly (simplicity) and often work to the best of their ability based on the experience they have gained throughout their careers. A manager and his subordinates learn from both successes and failures.

According to (Cole, 2003), management is not an activity per se, but a description of various activities performed by members of an organization who hold the role of manager and who is formally responsible. A job in which he is responsible for at least one other person in the organization. He also explained that the activities carried out by these managers are generally grouped in terms of planning, organizing, motivating, and managing activities. Associated manager tasks are described.

Another contribution to the activities of managers in organizations (Donnelly, 2006) explains that plan managers define activities that establish positions and assign responsibilities for the realization of plans. When it comes to motivation, managers are persistent in meeting the social and psychological needs of their employees to achieve organizational goals. In management, administrators monitor and evaluate activities and ensure remediation mechanisms. Years ago, managers were seen as “bosses,” and that may still be the case today, but many managers are themselves, not the ones who tell their subordinates what to do. is viewed as a leader. The role of a leader is broad and often very complex. Not everyone wants to be a manager, and not everyone should think about it. “Managers are people who oversee the activities of others and exercise leadership.” He said that all managers have a leadership role, and that role involves creating and maintaining He added that this includes motivating and training employees. However, this is only one aspect of the manager’s role within the organization.

1.2       Statement of the Problems

What makes an organization different? These differences are evident not only in the organizational structures and environments in which these organizations operate, but also in the competence of the executives and managers responsible for day-to-day management of these organizations. Research shows that while some managers are committed and skilled in their leadership roles and functions, others exhibit an unusual level of indifference to managerial attitudes, a situation that often leads to the downfall of an organization. This leads to

Thus, disparities in the performance of business organizations, especially those in the same economic environment, show that the roles played by managers and the functions they perform determine to a large extent the success or failure of an organization.

Against the above background, research shows that some organizations enjoy employee efficiency, greater market share, optimal productivity and maximum profits, while others oppose within their organizations. Not only do we experience , but we often find it difficult to achieve reach. And in the worst of this kind, some of these organizations hit Waterloo and were forced out of business as a result.

The fact that some organizations are the best performers and others are miserable helps us recognize the problem that the manager’s role is critical to the success of any business organization. But the question is:

Me. To what extent are these managers fulfilling their role?

ii. What are the barriers to success in these roles?

As a result of the above analogy and in response to the question, this study informed about the role of managers in business organizations, with specific reference to a Nigerian Brewery (NB Plc).
1.3       Objectives of the Study
The general aim of this study, with the help of Nigeria Brewery Ltd., Ibadan, is to examine the role of managers in the effective and efficient management of an organization.

Specific objectives of this survey include:

Me. Consideration of the role of leaders in the organization.

ii. Identify key management functions that managers perform to improve productivity within the organization. iii. A study of how managers’ leadership/management style affects employee productivity and performance in the business organization under study.

IV. Identification of administrative issues that interfere with the smooth running of the business organization.
1.4       Research Questions
To achieve the goals of this study, we address the following questions.

Me. Do managers have a role to play within the organization?

ii. Do administrative functions within the company’s organization have a positive effect on the achievement of objectives by employees within the organization?

iii. Does a manager’s leadership/management style influence employee productivity and performance in the undergraduate business organization? IV. Which administrative problems are counter to the smooth functioning of the enterprise organization under investigation?
There is no significant relationship between managers and the role they play within the organization

There is an important relationship between managers and the role they play within an organization.

Hypothesis 2

There is no significant relationship between the manager’s role in the business organization and the influence of employees within the organization on achieving goals

There is an important relationship between the role of managers in business organizations and their positive impact on the achievement of goals by people within the organization.

1.6       Significance of the Study

A manager’s role in the efficient and effective operation of a business organization cannot be underestimated. A manager is the platform by which an organization’s success or failure is measured. Therefore, the study clarified the main role managers are expected to play within an organization to improve the smooth and effective operation of the organization, and therefore most managers (mainly inexperienced managers) important because it benefits you.

This study is very important because it highlights management functions that most business organization managers have been unable to perform, making organizations highly beneficial. As a result, exposing them (i.e., managers) to this research will enable them to look inward and understand how such managerial roles are related to organizational performance success. I guess. The research is also very useful for other organizations (non-corporate organizations), especially as it impacts employee productivity and efficiency declines, as the findings and recommendations will allow finding solutions to problems. is beneficial to

Above all, this research will be of great importance to students and other researchers, who will benefit from their research activities.The research will serve as a kind of starting point for future interested fellow students.

1.7       Limitation of the Study

Research of this nature cannot be successfully completed unless the researcher experiences some limitations and limitations. With this in mind, one of the major limitations experienced by researchers during the course of this study was time constraints. It was not easy for the researchers to comprehensively record the activities of the company organization managers selected for this study and to justify their other scientific commitments within the time allotted. Attend regular classes, complete assignments, and so on.

Another major limitation of this study was the lack of funding. This type of research requires sufficient resources to enable researchers to make ongoing visits to the corporate organizations selected for the study to gather relevant information on the subject under study. However, the problem of lack of funding has largely negated researchers’ efforts in this direction.

Another major limitation of this study was the difficulty researchers encountered while administering and collecting questionnaires from respondents. Some of the people interviewed were found to be very uncooperative, and sharing information with outsiders could affect their friendships with management, the researchers said. However, the researchers clearly advised that the research was for academic purposes only.

1.8      Scope of the Study 

As quoted in (Osuala, 2000), it is natural for researchers to mark the boundaries of what they are studying, so they should very carefully define the scope of the problem by properly presenting it. can also do. To this end, therefore, the scope of this study includes the role of managers in business organizations and the organization selected for this study is Nigerian Breweries (NB Plc).    



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