

This work is necessary because of the need to understand, both internally and externally, the significance of the impact commercial bank lending has on small industries. Chapter 1 of this work proceeds with the introduction of this work, its small definition and its means. You play games and lend securities. Chapter 2 provided definitions of terms used by small industries to borrow from commercial banks. Chapter 3 describes the techniques used by small-scale industries and how they are implemented. Chapter 4 of this topic deals with the presentation and analysis of data, how small industries are represented in society and how people react to them, positively or negatively; Chapters cover summaries, conclusions, and recommendations. chapter One
10 Introduction

Through observation, I have come to understand what is common in people’s minds (i.e. whenever the word “small” is mentioned, people’s minds are not big, they are Standards race to something or an image that is not inherently compliant.When it comes to small industry, the same goes for the economy.People looked down on it, but everything big started from small I forgot to understand that it starts.
However, modern economics research shows that it is difficult to maintain balance and sustained economic growth by relying solely on large business organizations. It is well known for its significant contribution to building a strong and vital economic base. For years, management research has focused on large organizations with rigidly formed, impersonal relationships. The obvious reason is the general high risk associated with large capital expenditures and large scale operations. In Nigeria, the term SME has several definitions. This is because different countries are at different stages of development and have different economic situations.
According to the Bank of Commerce and Industry (NBC), a SME is a company whose assets do not exceed his N750,000.OO and the Central Bank of Nigeria defines a SME as a company whose assets do not exceed N25 million annually. increase.
Therefore, we examine the uniqueness and level of commercial bank lending for small businesses and how appropriate this lending was to solve the financial problems of small businesses. Research background
Osubor and Okafor (2006) A merchant bank can be defined as a financial institution that deals with money and credit. A commercial bank is a limited-residence company established for profit and owned by its shareholders. Commercial banks are the most important financial institutions in the country. They are unique and outstanding in their service performance.
Because of the nature of the economy we are in, the kind of leadership we have, and the lack of mutual trust, today’s commercial banks are notorious for their restrictive lending policies. This policy made it completely impossible to claim Hubei Yin relatives of the industries they needed to expand and grow their business and economy. , or the timing of the loan disbursement may not match the timing of the need for the loan.
Commercial bank lending to SMEs is poorly explained. The reasons for this are the high interest rates of bank loans, the need for collateral, and the understanding of SMEs.
1.2 Problem Description
Just as people face challenges every day, so do businesses and organizations.

1.3 Purpose of the survey
Because of the nature of the economy we are in, the kind of leadership we have, and the lack of mutual trust, today’s commercial banks are notorious for restrictive lending policies. It has become completely impossible for small industries to get the credit they need to expand and grow their businesses and economies. In situations where a loan is approved, the problem may be that the amount is not reasonable or the timing of the loan disbursement does not match the timing of the loan need. So the reason for this work is to find out:

Maximum amount of commercial bank loans to SMEs.
On the adequacy or inadequacy of commercial bank loans to small and medium enterprises. How much credit do merchant banks give to small industries? To provide solutions and recommendations when needed.

1.4 Research question
– What is the main reason for the commercial bank’s uniqueness? Namely, the impact of small business lending.
– What role would you say commercial banks have played in the growth of small industries? ) Are there any differences that SMEs face when getting loans from commercial banks?
– Has the development of these small industries affected the growth of the economy?
1.5 Importance of research
The purpose of this research is to:

– Job creation:
Small businesses provide self-employment for the majority of people in our society. In this way, they become breadwinners and responsible members of society.
– Entrepreneur development:
SMEs form a training ground for businessmen. Developing experience and skills If a successful small business operates, it can be used to advantage in a large company.
– Industrialization of rural areas:
SMEs in rural areas form the basis of industrialization. Small-scale industries can easily survive in rural areas due to the low need for infrastructure facilities.
– Reduced foreign exchange requirements:
Small businesses need little or no foreign exchange. Most of their devices are locally made. – Relatively low investment:
In comparison, SMEs do not require large capital investments. At the same time, they guarantee a quick write-off. It also offers some flexibility as it can easily adapt to changing economic conditions.
1.6 Scope of investigation
This research highlights the work of Lagans Venture, Mind the Glass, and Commercial Banks. This is necessary to simplify the cost and information gathering and time factor. The above organizations are located at No. 3 Ekerinah St. Aba and 186 Azikiwe Road Aba respectively.
1.7 Research Limitations
For efficient and effective research work, there are usually some restrictions on the work.
Cost is also one of the limitations of research, as all costs are high.
1.8 Definition of terms
Bank loan:
It is a system by which commercial banks and other financial institutions offer lines of credit to their customers for the purpose of trading, expansion and growth.
bank loan:
This is a fixed amount of money that a bank lends to a customer under specific conditions for an agreed time. Bank Uniqueness:
It’s what sets Commercial Bank apart from other institutions is our ability to work with all other departments without discrimination.
Security Security:
This includes credits deposited with banks as a replacement for late payments by customers.
Small industry:
In the 1991 Credit Policy (Monetary Policy Circular No 25), the Central Bank of Nigeria stated that SMEs, as firms with capital investment (excluding land and working capital) or turnover not exceeding N5 million, were classified as merchants and commercial banks. Credit is defined. more




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