Many cities throughout the world are experiencing severe traffic congestion, which is causing considerable problems with the proper operation of their everyday activities. Many factors contribute to bottlenecks, including the level of technological advancement and the economics of the country in issue, both of which influence the other elements.

An attempt was made in this study to examine the economic impact of traffic congestion in Nigeria.

The study’s goals were to look at the economic effects of road congestion in Nigeria from a variety of angles and to find supporting policies that could help alleviate traffic congestion. The study discovered that traffic congestion has a significant impact on Nigerians, institutions, and the government in general in a variety of ways.

According to the researcher, Nigeria’s current transit system is struggling to cope with the city’s population and growth, as well as provide the basic demands of its citizens. An urban development strategy was devised and presented to establish a quick bus system for the entire city in response to public transportation difficulties in Nigeria. The BRT system’s components will contribute to public transportation’s goals and performance, such as shorter travel times, increased reliability, improved identity and image, increased security, increased capacity, and improved accessibility. As a result, BRT is suggested for developing-country cities. More importantly, the urban poor might greatly benefit from BRT’s superior accessibility and high-quality service.




One of the most important sectors of the economy is transportation. It is extremely important in the day-to-day operations of economic development. It enables the passage of inputs to production locations and evacuates products for storage or selling, acting as a catalyst in the manufacturing process. Its role is critical in all facets of society’s social and economic life (NTP, 2011). After meals and shelter, transportation, particularly road transportation, is a basic requirement for individuals.

Access to basic requirements can be enhanced, many expenditures can be saved, productivity can be raised, and therefore human and economic development can be improved with an efficient, safe, and economical transportation system that offers the option of diverse modes of transportation. In addition, pollution control is a priority. Inefficient and inefficient transportation networks, according to Pacione et al., (2005), considerably impede economic development, social opportunities, and social relationships. For the metropolitan population, economical and high-quality public transportation is critical, as its absence leads to economic, social, and physical isolation (Department of International Development, 1999). Low-income neighborhoods in suburban locations with limited access to public transportation and other basic urban infrastructure appear to be affected by the problem (Hine, Olvera et al, 2003). Transportation is critical for development in general because without physical access to resources and markets, health, education, and other social services suffer, growth stagnates, and poverty reduction is impossible to continue.

Motorized transportation, with its negative consequences, contributes significantly to a misalignment of the three pillars of sustainable development: economic growth, social progress, and environmental protection (Robin and Wytse, 2011).

Lagos is one of Nigeria’s most important industrial, commercial, and public administrative cities, with offices for a variety of ministries and departments, as well as private and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Nigeria accounts for more than 40% of global GDP and contributes 80% of domestic revenues to national governments. As a result, it continues to be the epicenter of all economic, social, and political activity, both locally and globally, and as such, it is the most populous and busiest city in the country (Setebe, 1994).  Increased propensity to travel due to population expansion, urbanization, and family income; significant increase in automobile ownership; and increased commercial and industrial activities have all resulted in an increase in demand for car transportation (Oni, 1999: UN, 2011). This increase, however, does not correlate to the expansion of the city’s physical infrastructure, which is one of the most important elements for the establishment of a reliable and efficient transportation system. The most noticeable effects of roadways becoming unworkable due to a lack of amenities to allow vehicles to move properly are traffic bottlenecks. The wasteful and inefficient use of material and human resources in particular is a result of these limitations.


Despite the fact that Lagos is the economic hub of Nigeria, road traffic congestion is a headache and a burning concern for public and private organizations, as well as the city’s residents in general. Congestion in the city is linked to longer lines for vehicles and limited access to work and homes, particularly in the morning and afternoon. Serious traffic congestion can be seen between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. (when most workers arrive at work), between 12:30 and 2:00 p.m. (during lunch breaks), and between 03:00 and 08:00 p.m. On the basis of these statistics, it can be concluded that the vast majority of workers and people in general arrive late at their places of employment, such as offices, markets, and schools. The amount of time lost by road vehicles owing to traffic congestion is calculated using estimates of queue lengths, congestion times, and average queue speed (Hansen, 2000). People in Nigeria clearly spend more time in traffic jams than in other transactions. Nigerian transportation is chaotic, inefficient, unreliable, and dangerous in general. It has a negative impact on society, particularly the urban poor, by limiting productivity, slowing human growth, and lowering quality of life. It is claimed that all of the complexities and issues that most employees and members of the general public face in varied degrees and conditions are directly related to existing road traffic congestion. Its economic impact, on the other hand, is largely unknown and unlikely to be thoroughly recorded.



The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of road traffic on Nigeria’s economy, using Lagos as a case study.



The purpose of this study is to look into the influence of road traffic on Nigeria’s economy.


To establish a link between current road traffic congestion and job performance.


To determine the amount of money lost due to traffic congestion on the roads.


To investigate the physical and mental consequences of traffic congestion on work performance.


To identify any additional regulations that may be required to decrease traffic congestion on the roads.


Research Question in General
What is the economic impact of Nigerian road traffic?

Specific Research Questions: What is the economic impact of Nigerian road traffic?

What is the link between traffic congestion and productivity at work?

What is the cost of traffic congestion on the roads?

What are the problems that road traffic congestion causes in terms of work performance?

What are the supporting policies that need to be implemented in order to alleviate traffic congestion on the roads?


It is obvious that road congestion is a resounding occurrence and a hot topic for residents of all classes in Nigeria’s capital city. This is because, aside from the general impact on city inhabitants’ job performance, every person who lives, works, or simply visits the city is affected or affected differently by existing traffic congestion. The goal of this study was to demonstrate how traffic congestion impacted the social and economic well-being of Nigerians.

It demonstrated its link to work performance and other socioeconomic aspects of daily living in particular. The analysis revealed a clear picture of the extent of traffic congestion and the estimated loss it has caused thus far.

The document outlined many measures that have been employed, as well as those that are currently being adopted, to ease traffic congestion in Nigeria’s capital city. Most importantly, the study offered pertinent recommendations and ideas based on the findings’ nature and their connection to current national transportation policy. Furthermore, the research pin has identified several areas that will require further investigation in the future, assuming there is a gap between this study and other studies on the subject.


The research was carried out in Lagos, which is the most bottled of all the cities in Nigeria. It is also the most populous metropolis in the world, with nearly every public, private, and international socio-political and economic sector. It has a significant number of employers and employees in both the formal and informal sectors as a result of this case. It doesn’t matter if it’s private, public, or worldwide. As previously said, people from various settings rely on public and private transportation. This demonstrates that they are linked to traffic congestion.

Because the researcher was unable to interview all of the people who live and work in Lagos, four governmental and private sector organizations were chosen to represent all official employees in the city.

Several public organizations, including Cowrywise, Maiatafo, the Ministry of Transportation, the Nigerian City Hall and its municipalities, and the Nigerian Traffic Police – Police Force of Nigeria, participated in the study. This choice is explained by the fact that these places are directly related to the issue of transportation in Lagos, specifically road transportation. As a result, the information provided by the relevant authorities was crucial to the research. This was also done to avoid any prejudices that might arise if the search was limited to Lagos residents.

Another study focused on Okada drivers and public transportation chiefs, including taxi drivers, motorcyclists (bajaji and bodaboda), and businessmen.


The researchers faced a number of obstacles during the research, including a lack of time. Because some of the information was not readily available, the time provided for the study was insufficient to conduct an intense and exhaustive investigation. The personal study fund was insufficient to cover all expenses, including transportation, food allowances, research assistant recruiting, and stationery.

The researcher ran into administrative issues while conducting his investigation. Many respondents, especially those who were intended to use questionnaires, were unable to complete them on time, while others tricked them to the point that the researcher had to disseminate additional copies. Furthermore, many respondents considered getting money from the researcher.


The researcher initially chose to conduct the investigation over vacations and weekends, which were recognized as constraints in 1.7. Because the alternative was deemed ineffective, the researcher opted to take a 28-day annual vacation, which effectively solved the time constraint and allowed him to gather, analyze, and interpret the data on time.

The investigator had to borrow a large sum of money from other people. As a result, he was able to cover a large portion of the research topic while also studying a relatively large sample size. Respondents were also informed that there was no money and that the study was for the purpose of acquiring a diploma. Respondents agreed to join and collaborate after lengthy explanations.


There are five chapters in this research. The first chapter contains an introduction and background to the subject, as well as a statement of the problem, the study’s major and specific objectives, and research questions. The scope, significance, limitation, delimitation, and organization of the study are also covered in this chapter. The study’s literature is discussed in Chapter 2. It includes an introduction, a glossary of concepts, a theoretical and empirical review, and a conceptual framework. Research methodology is covered in Chapter 3, which includes the research paradigm, research design, study area, population, sample and sampling methodologies, instrumentation, validity and reliability of instruments, instrument administration, and data analysis strategy.

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