Web Designing – Creating An Interface For Great Lakes Peace Network Foundation
Chapter One
Background Of The Study
Web Design is a process of conceptualization, planning, modelling, and prosecution of electronic media content delivery via internet in the form of technologies( similar as mark languages) suitable for interpretation and display by a web cybersurfer or other web- grounded graphical stoner interfaces( GUIs).
The intent of web design is to produce a website( a collection of electronic lines abiding on one or further web waiters) that presents content( including interactive features or interfaces) to the end stoner in the form of web runners once requested. similar rudiments as textbook, forms, and bit- counterplotted images( GIFs, JPEGs, and PNGs) can be placed on the runner using HTML, XHTML, or XML markers. Displaying more complex media( vector plates, robustness, vids, sounds) generally requires draw- sways similar as Flash, QuickTime, Java run- time terrain, etc. Plug- sways are also bedded into the web runners by using HTML or XHTML markers.