Design And Implementation Of An Airline Seat Reservations And Ticketing System


Design And Implementation Of An Airline Seat Reservations And Ticketing System




This work is aimed at the development of a web- grounded Airline Reservation System. The current system of airline reservation is faced with many specialized issues, ranging from not allowing passengers to cancel their reservations as well as doesn’t give functionality for passengers to view price map. This calls for the need to develop a new system that corrects this error. The new system will allow the passenger to cancel his/ her reservation, if any problem occurs and view price converse which didn’t do in the oldsystem.This system will allow the airline passengers to search for breakouts that are available between the two trip metropolises, videlicet the “ Departure megacity ” and “ Destination megacity ” for a particular departure and appearance dates.


This system will insure enablement of online flight bookings, online access to passenger’s suggestions and complaints and a system that will enable online news publications for flight drivers accessible to guests. The methodology espoused for this design is the Software Development Life Cycle( SDLC). The system is developed using PHP, MYSQL, JavaScript. This current system will make passenger airline relationship with the guests more flexible and dependable. This work successfully designed a web- grounded airline reservation system, answered the problem of passenger attainability to cancel flight option and provides easy access to flight information.


Chapter One


Background Of The Study


Online Air Ticketing is a kind of stoner backing where guests can bespeak tickets for flight online. This is an easy system which saves a lot of time. Airline ReservationSystems were first introduced in the late 1950s as relativelysimple standalone systems to control flight force, maintain flight schedules, seat assignments and aircraft lading. The ultramodern Airline Reservation System is comprehensive suite of products to give a system that assists with a variety of airline operation tasks and service client needs from the time of original reservation through completion of the flight. One of the most common modes of trip is traveling by air. guests who wish to travel by air currently have a wide variety of airlines, and a range of timings to choose from. currently competition is so fierce between airlines that there are lot of abatements and a lot of luxuries given to guests that will give an edge to that particular airline.


The World Wide Web has come extensively popular over the last four times, and presently utmost of the airlines have made provision for online reservation of theirflights.The Internet has come a major resource for people looking for making reservations online without the hassle of meeting tripagents.Reservation is the written record or pledge of an arrangement by which lodgment are secured in advance. Airline Reservation Systems( ARS) used to be standalone systems. Each airline had its own system, dissociated from other airlines or ticket agents, and usable only by a designated number of airline workers. trip agents in the 1970s pushed for access to the airlines’ systems. moment, air trip information is linked, stored, and recaptured by a network ofComputer Reservations Systems( CRS), accessible by multiple airlines and trip agents. Theglobal distribution system( GDS) makes for an indeed larger web of airline information, notonly incorporating the buying and selling of tickets for multiple airlines, but also making thesystems accessible to consumers directly. GDS doors and gateways on the Web allowconsumers to buy tickets directly, elect seats, and indeed book hospices and buses rental.


Statement Of The Problem


The current system of airline reservation is the homemade system where a client has to physical go to field to book a flight. This current system is slow, time consuming and it’s veritably delicate foreach person to bespeak through office agents. druggies interrogate about the tickets through phones and itis veritably delicate for the stoner to flash back all the details that they entered through phones. It’s also delicate to calculate how numerous people registered and how numerous seats on a particular aeroplane are vacant. This requires quite a lot of time and destruction of plutocrat as it requires relatively lot of force to do. Among other failings, theexisting airline reservation system has the following failings associated with it.


guests aren’t suitable to make cancellationsafter making reservation in an event where they aren’t suitable to travel again.


The homemade system of going to the airline office to bespeak flight is now obsolete and tasking.


The airline spots aren’t open tocustomers suggestions and complaint.


Objects Of The Study


The main ideal of this study is to design a web- grounded reservation system which will automate the processes of airline ticket reservation, booking and airline operation henceminimize crimes performing from homemade system operations. To achieve the stated ideal, the following specific objects were laid out;


To study the current system relating its inefficiencies


ii. To design an online airline reservation information system to grease online bookingand flight scheduling


iii. Provision of an option that will enable a passenger( s) to cancel his/ her flight due to vagrancy or impulse.


iv. Online access to passenger’s suggestions and complaints.


v. A system that will enable online news publications for flight drivers accessible to guests.


Compass Of The Study


The advanced system is web- grounded hence will run on a cybersurfer which in turn requires an internet connection. This system will grease online booking; keep client records, provides an onlinemenu on flight schedules, flight destinations and their prices, show indispensable links to otherpartner airlines and will have runner devoted to client queries and replies. The systemexcludes feeding for calculating staff payment and other operation issue. For the sake of this design, a localhost garçon will be used rather of an online hosting system.


Significance Of The Study


From the standpoint of the airline; the system will give among other effects the following; Minimize repetitious work done by the system director and reservation clerks. Maintainconsistency among different access modes,e.g. by phone, by web, at the information office andacross different physical locales. Maintain client information in case of exigency,e.g. flight cancellation due to tempestuous rainfall. Minimize the number of vacant seats on a flight andmaximize flight capacity utilizationReduce trouble and frustration for trippers in cataloging a trip, especially by reducing the searcheffort for the flight they need to take. In addition, the outgrowth of this study will give a basisfor developing the applicable approach to the problems associated with air traveling operationsin relation to Airline Reservation Systems.


Also, this exploration work will be salutary to those who travel a lot by air as it’ll reduce the stress involved in the homemade system of reservation. For experimenters, this work will serve as a reference point for inquiries.


Description Of Key Terms


· Airline Industry( Air Transport Industry) This is an area of commerce that uses aircraft to transport people, weight, and correspondence. The air transport assiduity encompasses breakouts of common carriers( government- certified companies that offer weight and passenger services to the public) and general aeronautics( private aircraft used for recreation or business


· Reservation: The written record or pledge of an arrangement by which lodgment are secured in advance.


· System: This is any collection of element rudiments that work together to perform a task. In computer wisdom, System is used in a variety of surrounds. A computer System is a tackle system conforming of a microprocessor and confederated chips and circuitry, plus an input device( keyboard, mouse, fragment drive), an affair device( examiner, fragment drive), and any supplemental bias( printer, modem).


· Network: In computer wisdom, a network is a system used to link two or further computers. Network druggies are suitable to partake lines, printers, and other coffers; shoot electronic dispatches; and run programs on other computers Computerize To control a function, process, or creation by a computer


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