1.1  Background of the study

In recent years, the significance of work-life balance has grown to include a wider range of populations, such as undergraduates who combine full-time study with part-time employment or graduate students who combine full-time employment with part-time study. For many people, including many students, finding a balance can be difficult and complex. The rising cost of living and rising tuition fees are contributing factors to the trend of post-graduate students juggling work and study. Therefore, balancing work and school is necessary to meet the demands of such a level of education.

A student who has successfully completed an undergraduate degree-level course at a college or university and is pursuing additional study at a more advanced level is known as a postgraduate. an advanced level student

is a student who is enrolled in a postgraduate program that requires an undergraduate degree for admission, such as a master’s or doctorate program. While some of these students are working class, married, and settled but want to advance their education, others are sponsored by their parents and have just finished their service year. The working class among them struggles to strike a balance between work, family, and studies regardless of their status.

The concept of work-life balance among postgraduate students is a recent development that has received little attention but could have significant effects on educational institutions, employers, and students themselves.

Work-life balance refers to an employee’s capacity to manage his or her obligations to family, friends, and the workplace. Work-life harmony helps to align work priorities.

roles and family roles, which will improve performance and efficiency within the organization. The importance of adaptation in this relationship cannot be disputed because of the behavioral nature of how it affects business performance. The entrepreneur’s emotions are essentially engaged by the extreme unpredictability and high personal risk involved, which affects his or her judgments, decision-making, as well as behavior.

1.2 A description of the issue

Work-life imbalances are prevalent in the Nigerian workplace and have a wide range of negative effects on businesses, including low productivity, absenteeism, and a lack of focus during working hours. It has been difficult for postgraduate students who work and study to come up with methods for achieving a work-life balance by coordinating the

issues with work-related stress, uncertainty, emergencies, and interpersonal and scholarly relationships. As a result, finding a balance between obligations to one’s family, career, and education has become more crucial. In light of this, the purpose of this study is to investigate the work-life balance and coping strategies of postgraduate students.

1.3 Purpose of the investigation

This study’s main objective is to investigate postgraduate students’ work-life balance and coping mechanisms. The study specifically looks for

1. To determine whether postgraduate students have trouble juggling their work and academic obligations.

2. To ascertain the degree to which postgraduate students’ life balance is impacted by their work and academic responsibilities.

3. To investigate the adaptive strategies used by graduate students to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

1.4 Research suppositions

The following hypothesis serves as the basis for the research.

H01: Managing work stress and academic work is not difficult for postgraduate students.

H02: It is unknown if post-graduate students can use adaptive mechanisms to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

1.5 Importance of the research

Postgraduate students, employees, business owners, and the general public—particularly those in the workforce or entrepreneurs—will all benefit from the study.

It will alert business owners to the need to review their job descriptions for their employees and probably develop a career plan for them. It will also encourage them to allow their post-graduate students to work a few hours each week in order to help them with their academic obligations. Employees and business owners will learn stress management techniques from the studies.

adaptive mechanisms that will enable them to keep a balance between work and life. More importantly, this research will add to the body of knowledge in the field, providing opportunities for further research in related areas and serving as a resource for academics and students working on related projects.

1.6 Study’s range of inquiry

This study’s focus is on postgraduate students’ work-life balance and coping mechanisms. However, the study is only open to a select group of postgraduate students at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) in the state of Lagos.

1.7 The study’s limitations

The following factors could limit this research’s ability to proceed.

Financial restraint: A researcher’s ability to find relevant materials, literature, or information and collect data efficiently is often hindered by a lack of funding.



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