An Assessment Of The Role Of Nigeria’s Agriculture In Development


An Assessment Of The Role Of Nigeria’s Agriculture In Development


Chapter One




Background to the Study


The husbandry of the advanced nations has husbandry as the base for growth and development. utmost developing countries have husbandry as their primary( traditional) pursuit and it’s the gateway to sustained growth of the husbandry. Nigeria is greatly endowed with capabilities, coffers and the wherewithal to give the introductory requirements of the citizens. Before discovering oil painting in marketable amounts, the profitable system of Nigeria wasagro-based with the sector account for about two third of the Gross domestic product( GDP) and during pre independence, it had been the main stay of the nation.


According to( Amaza and Udoh, 2000), “ husbandry is the main stay of homes in Nigeria and is a significant sector in Nigeria’s frugality. This explains that a strong agrarian sector has a multiplier effect on any nation’s socio- profitable and artificial fabric due to itsmulti-dimensional nature. Until the 1970s the sector handed the introductory food of the population, was a major earner of foreign exchange for Nigeria and supplied raw accoutrements needed by manufacturing sector to give acceptable employment. The husbandry sector still remains the top supplier of raw accoutrements for diligence. trouble have been geared towards accelerating profitable development with the ultimate thing of transubstantiating the frugality into an industrialized one, raising the weal of the population with husbandry acting as the catalyst for the consummation of the pretensions. The traditional part of husbandry in profitable development provides the foundation for this position( Obiechina, 2007).


Agriculture also called husbandry include the civilization of creatures, shops, fungi and other forms of food biofuel, fibre, medicines and other products, used to sustain and enhance mortal life. In utmost developing countries, husbandry is the springboard for profitable development and a sustained growth of the ultramodern frugality. It can be stated then that profitable growth goes hand- in- hand with a flourishing agrarian sector, as well a abating agrarian sector is the top factor for poor profitable performance of developing countries particularly Nigeria. Abayomi( 1997) stated that rising agrarian productivity has been the main attendant of successful industrialization and among the places conventionally credited to agrarian sector constitutes the major source of employment.


husbandry is a material sector for reducing poverty and sustaining growth of developing countries. In terms of donation to Gross Domestic Product, the food and agrarian sector dominates developing nations including Nigeria especially among the pastoral residers. This donation also includes employment and income, its growth and development are necessary for the overall process of socioeconomic development of Nigeria.


The abecedarian places credited to husbandry for development has long been discovered honored. It’s a major source of benefactions that help induce artificial growth and structural development of an frugality. Agriculture’s multiple functions for development follows driving profitable growth, reducing poverty, narrowing income difference, furnishing food security and delivery of environmental services.


Classical proponents viewed profitable development as a growth process of shifting factors of product from an agrarian sector characterized by low productivity and the use of traditional/ crude technology to a ultramodern artificial sector characterized by high productivity.


In the early stages of development, large share of manufacturing is agriculturally connected. As much, rising income of ménage in pastoral areas is vital to give request for manufactures and services domestically produced. Moreso, technological change and affair growth in husbandry were linked to unrestricted frugality model that in turn held down civic pay envelope costs and stimulated competitive exports of artificial products( Hsieh and Sadoulet, 2007). This testament falls under the structural metamorphosis paradigm. There’s still an argument for a broader part of husbandry for development.


In 2000, 191 United Nations members agreed on the central part for meeting the environmental docket and this was elevated in the eight renaissance development pretensions. Agriculture is considered as the major stoner and abuser of natural coffers. Agriculture relates to the MDGs and “ particularly central to the three of them – poverty reduction and hunger, fostering gender equivalency and sustainable operation of terrain ”. also, agrarian growth remains critical to achieving these pretensions.


Grounded upon its substantial base to make upon in view of its abundant natural coffers, including98.3 million hectares of which 74 million hectare is good for tilling indeed though a half is employed( Omotor, 2009). In view of its climate and agro ecological conditions, Nigeria has implicit for producing a wide variety of crops through mechanized husbandry. Climatic specific of the nation from the tropical areas of the seacoast to the thirsty zone of the north makes it possible to produce kinds of products that can be grown in the tropical and semi tropical areas of the world. The kinds include sludge, yam, tuber, cocoa, win fruit et cetera.


Agriculture suffers from low productivity reflecting reliance on antiquated styles. The profitable significance of husbandry covers employment generation of which is a major labour employer, it holds the ace for reducing severance. Severance is among the hanging problems facing Nigeria.


Records have it that the technological strides of the more advanced husbandry had their root in husbandry. Beforehand development proponents argue that husbandry can offer the important demanded affair of food and propagate industrialization. The argument/ debate is anchored on the raw accoutrements demanded by the diligence along with the labour that will be absorbed by diligence.


The Nigerian frugality was positive in 2003. Annual GDP grew by9.1 percent( NBS, 2007) between 2003 and 2005,6.1 percent from 2006- 2008. The growth can be attributed to the non oil painting sector, primarily husbandry which has grown fleetly counting for about 35 percent to total GDP.


trouble to restore the sector has yielded lower than optimal result. Implicit of the sector is large, considering the capacity of the sector to give the food for the population through increased affair and employment to better the weal of citizens, furnishing foreign exchange, stimulating investment and industrialization. Because of poor technology, affair and income are low. Accordingly, husbandry is caught in a low position equilibrium trap where the rate of return can not rise among other effects in view of the system of operation/ practice( Titus, 1996). Developing the sector is pivotal to profitable development. With soaring poverty, severance, importation of introductory tools needs husbandry holds, implicit for bringing about general development of public frugality, thus, the experimenter has embarked upon this study to estimate the part of the Nigeria’s husbandry in development.


Statement of the Problem


husbandry is one of Nigeria’s real sector able of fostering profitable growth. The sector is a catalyst, that is, it’s a propagator of growth which can trickle down to other sectors and therefore bring about development.


In Nigeria, husbandry has experienced neglect in the form of poor operation, inadequately enforced government programs and lack of introductory structure necessary for better performance. Nigeria’s frugality can be described as an agrarian frugality indeed before independence and till date, a lesser part of the population is engaged in agrarian practice.


Agriculture employs over 65 percent of the labour force, contributes immensely to gross domestic product and generates profit for government through import.


Detriments these benefits, there’s further that can be deduced howbeit, there’s a abating interest in the sector. In 1980, government expenditure( intermittent) in education was N155.81 m, N52.79 m for health, transport and dispatches entered N27.30 m but government intermittent expenditure on husbandry was a stingy N17.14 m for that period. This quantum dropped to N13.03 m in the preceeding time, N14.80 m in 1982, N12.77 m in 1983 before rising again to N20.69 m in 1986 and N46.15 m in 1987 which can not be compared with N225.01 m spent on education.


A farther review reveals that in 2000, the civil intermittent expenditure shows that N15.218 m was spent on health, N 57,956.64 m was spent on education, N25,154.67 m on internal security and N 6,335.78 m was sparingly given to husbandry.


Another problem facing this sector can be seen in the quantum of cropland cultivated. In 1990, 82 million hectares of Nigeria’s total land area of about 91 million hectares were set up pastoralist indeed though42 of the cultivated area was tended.


Nigeria’s cocoa affair has declined with a eventuality of producing 300,000 tons per time, but in 1999 145,000 tons was produced. There’s how investment in husbandry. The eventuality of the sector is slightly tapped which explains the gap in meeting the adding demand for husbandry goods. Credit installation is delicate to gain. This hinders the shift from crude apply to sophisticated husbandry machines. These problems needed this study to determine the part of Nigeria’s husbandry in development.


Objects Of The Study


The objects of this study includes the following


1. To estimate the agrarian history of Nigeria.


2. To make meaningful suggestions as remedial measures for working some of the problems facing agrarian development in Nigeria.


3. To assess the cause of decline in agrarian product in the sector in Nigeria.


4. Ways husbandry can bring about development.


5. Agrarian reforms at revamping the sector for public development.


Exploration Thesis


The functional thesis to support the exploration work is hereby stated therefore;


H0 husbandry doesn’t have a significant effect on public development


H1 Agricultural has a significant effect on public development.


Significance Of The Study


A flourishing agrarian sector can offer a lot towards profitable development. The study aims to give answers to what the applicability of husbandry is to profitable development, the causes of agrarian decline and how the present agrarian productivity will be bettered in order to produce further job openings, foreign exchange, investment openings for overall profitable development.


The exploration is significant as it stands to profit Nigeria as a whole. The exploration intends to bring out ways to ameliorate on husbandry for development through increased agrarian investment, exploration in chancing results to problem facing husbandry for development in Nigeria.


Compass And Limitations Of The Study


The compass of this study is Nigeria and concentrate on the part of the Nigerian husbandry in development. The originality and trustability of any study or exploration work is grounded on the volume and quality of available data. Hence, this exploration work is constrained by several factors including vacuity of data in sufficient volume, time constraint as well as sufficient finance to complete the design write up.


Description Of Terms


There are some terms that are used in this study that bear an explanation. The meaning of the generalities as it’s portrayed in this study is necessary for appreciation.




husbandry is the occupation of cultivating land and parenting crops and beast, husbandry,. It’s also the art or wisdom of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops and the parenting and operation of beast, tillage, husbandry, and husbandry.


Agrarian Productivity


Agrarian productivity is the rate of agrarian goods to the rate of inputs used in product. It’s the rate of affair to input in the agrarian product process.


Economic Development


profitable development is a sustained combined conduct of policy makers and communities that promote the living standard and profitable health of an frugality. It’s also the quantitative and qualitative changes in an frugality.




Poverty according to the United Nations( 2010) is the incapability of getting choices and openings, a violation of mortal quality. It means lack of introductory capacity to share effectively in society. It means not having enough to feed and clothe a family, not having academy or clinic to go to, not having the land on which to grow one’s food or a job to earn one’s living, not having access to credit.


The World Bank( 2010) defines poverty as pronounced privation by well- being and comprises low inflows and the incapability to acquire introductory goods and services necessary for survival with quality.


Severance And Employment


Severance is the state of being without work but laboriously seeking or searching for work or staying to return to work.


Employment is the state of having jobs and performing any paid work.


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