1.1       Background of the Study

The availability of certain inputs, both in terms of human and material resources, which are often referred to as production components, is required for the achievement of organizational goals, whether they are public or private. Land, labor, financial resources, and entrepreneurial initiative are examples of production factors (Adeleke, 2018). Because of individual differences and uniqueness, labor, which refers to different categories of workforce who perform managerial, technical, supervisory, and general duties in an organization, is the most difficult to manage of all these factors. This is significant because labor refers to various categories of workers who perform managerial, technical, supervisory, and general duties in an organization. Individual goals and objectives, individual requirements and preferences, individual differences in interests compared to those of the business, as well as individual strengths and aptitudes. Given what has been said thus far, it should come as no surprise that the success of the educational system, like the success of any other organization, is heavily reliant on the ability to make efficient and effective use of the teaching staff. Furthermore, the company must carry out training and personnel development programs to ensure that the instructors are used to their full potential. Employee training and development is an effort to improve employees’ current and future job performance through learning in order for them to advance. be able to carry out activities that have been allocated for the purpose of achieving the aims and objectives of the educational system. As a result, training can be viewed as a systematic approach to fostering high levels of efficiency and performance through various learning processes. According to Adeleke (2018), an employee’s job competence can be obtained not only through formal schooling but also through the acquisition of specific job skills and knowledge through training and development. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. As a result, a greater emphasis should be placed on training and development as a business remedy in order to recruit competent people. It is impossible to overstate the significance of training when

When it comes to increasing the efficiency of any business. This is due to the fact that it is an essential component of the overall quality management process and assists workers in properly carrying out their tasks and responsibilities, allowing the company to achieve the goals and objectives that it has set for itself (Adeleke, 2018).

The term “training” refers to an organized procedure for changing behaviors and mindsets in order to achieve peak performance in a variety of tasks. Furthermore, it can be defined as a systematic process that is based on the requirements of a specific job and is tailored to the individual’s specific needs. As a result, it is a necessary activity that must be carried out. The purpose of the exercise is to address specific organizational issues by providing a staff with the necessary and required knowledge or abilities. As a result, training is aimed at teaching specific skills or information, and these learned skills and knowledge must be used to address specific and relevant organizational challenges. As a result, it requires people who have been taught to change the way they do their jobs. On the other hand, manpower development can be defined as learning activities that are oriented toward future demands rather than current ones, and that are concerned with long-term advancement, career advancement, and succession rather than immediate performance (Adeleke, 2018). Human resource development is essential. a methodical process with the overarching goal of ensuring that an organization has the capable managers needed to meet both its current and future needs. It is concerned with improving the performance of existing managers, providing them with opportunities for growth and development, and ensuring that management succession within the organization develops the capacity to solve a variety of problems and meet future needs to the greatest extent possible. When it comes down to it, advancement frequently has more to do with the future job than it does with the current one. As a result, it is a strategy whose goal is to enable individual workers to develop to the fullest extent of their abilities. Because

It is a planned, guided, or directed activity carried out by an employee to help prepare him for future higher-level responsibilities. It is important to note that development programs have a broader scope and a more general outlook, and they are aimed at senior employees and for long-term purposes. This is because development programs have a broader and more general scope (Olaiya, 2019). When an organization invests in employee training and development programs, it is moving in the right direction toward achieving the organization’s goals. This is because the programs will significantly improve the employees’ performance in their current jobs.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Development and training are, without a doubt, critical components of a company’s overall performance. According to Olaiya (2019), certain public organizations have a casual attitude toward staff training, retraining, and development. This is evident at the Lagos State Post Primary Teaching Services Commission, which is located in Lagos state, because the commission rarely sends teachers on training and development programs. Induction and orientation programs, for example, are not frequently provided to newly hired employees. Even when teachers are sent on structured training (which is usually for a limited period of time), they are given very little or no opportunity to demonstrate the abilities they have gained in order to be promoted.

Get promoted or a higher salary. As a result, it is thought necessary to investigate the impact of staff training and development on teacher productivity.

1.3 Purpose of the Research

The study’s overarching goal is to investigate the impact of staff training and development on teacher productivity. The following criteria will be used to guide the research:

i. Investigate the extent to which staff training and development programs can improve teacher performance.

ii. Determine whether on-the-job experience can improve teacher performance.

iii. To investigate the extent to which teachers receive professional development training.

iv. To assess how teachers’ performance can be improved in order to provide more effective instruction.

1.4 Research Suggestions


To guide this study, the following research questions have been posed:

i. To what extent could staff training and development programs improve teachers’ performance?

ii. Can on-the-job experience improve teachers’ performance?

iii. To what extent do teachers receive professional development training?

iv. How can teachers’ performance be improved for more effective teaching?

1.5 Importance of Research

This research is extremely important to the Teaching Services Commission. This study will also benefit ministries of education at both the federal and state levels, as well as other organizations directly involved in human resource development, training, and consultancy services, particularly for teachers.

Furthermore, students of educational administration and members of the general public who are stakeholders

Information on the level and effectiveness of staff training will be available in human resources and development programs.

The study will be important to the academic community because it will add to the existing literature.

1.6 Scope of the Research

The study will look into how staff training and development programs can improve teacher performance. The study will also determine whether on-the-job experience can improve teacher performance. The study will look into how much training teachers receive for professional development. Finally, the research will look into how teachers’ performance can be improved in order to provide more effective instruction. As a result, this study will be limited to Kwara State.

1.7 The study’s limitations

The researchers encountered minor constraints, as with any human endeavor.

while carrying out the study. Inadequate funds tend to impede the researcher’s efficiency in sourcing relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher chose a moderate sample size. Furthermore, the researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the time spent researching will be reduced.

1.8 Definitions of Terms

Staff Training: This is a systematic method of increasing the productivity of high-performing teachers through the learning process.

Development: the process of creating or being created.

Productivity is defined as the amount of output produced per unit of input.

A teacher is someone who teaches, usually in a school.


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