Compilation On Bibliographic Abstract And Index Bibliographic Information On Taxation In Nigeria




This complication dealt with taxation as a subject, its principles objects, classes, purpose and effect in any given frugality rainfall.


Taxation is a mandatory butnon-punitive tax on parcels, income of individual and co-operation bodies. The plutocrat raised there constitutes part of source of finance for general government expenditure in the frugality. It involves transfer of coffers or income from private sector to the public sector in order to negotiate or achieve some of the major profitable social and profitable liabilities under taken by the government.


Taxation according to the encyclopedia is the process by which the people pay for the charges of the government.


System of taxation levies are classified as progressive commensurable or accumulative according to the chance of income they take as income raises or fails.


Progressive duty System Under the progressive taxation, the advanced the proportion of income, which is taken away as duty and lower the income, the proportion of income taken away an adding proportion of rises.


Commensurable Tax System This system whereby the rate of taxation is the small for all mortal earners.


Accumulative Tax System The advanced the income the lower the chance income which is taken away as duty. Accumulative taxation s common where the rich and poor have to pay some quantum of plutocrat as duty, either directly as bean duty laterally in the form of advanced prices. A goods and services consumed by both the rich and the poor. In west Africa most levies are accumulative since people in the colorful communities are generally asked to pay certain fixed sum of plutocrat toward certain development design. Irrespective of income and also since circular levies like import and import duties from a lesser proportion of government earnings.




1. A interference to work Heavy direct taxation especially when nearly linked to current earnings can act as a serious check to product by encouraging absenteeism and making men reticent to work overtime. still direct taxation may actually increased to incitement to work in order to earn further plutocrat as to buy goods which the circular levies have made clearer.


2. A interference to Savings Taxation will easily reduce people’s capability to save, since it leaves them with lower plutocrat as their disposal. Taxation may thus act as interference to savings.


3. A interference to enterprise Those who regard profit as a round for enterprise condemn duty on profit because they consider that similar levies checks enterprise. It’s argued that the business men will embark on large profit if they’re successful. Heavy taxation on profit, it’s said, robs them of their possible price without furnishing compensation on the case of failure.


4. Taxation may encourage affectation We’ve formerly seen that one of the styles used to fight affectation is to budget for a large fat, the object being to reduce by increased taxation the quantum of copping power in the hands of consumers, with full employment still increased circular taxation will lead to demand for advanced stipend, thereby encouraging affectation.


5. Diversion of Economics Taxation of goods may force produce to direct coffers into duty free areas irrespective of the people’s want.


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