Curriculum Innovation And Its Impact On Sustainable Education In Nigeria


Chapter One




Background of the study


The word class comes from the Latin word” currere,” which means” race course,” and refers to the series of conduct and gests that children go through as they grow into mature people, according to Collins English Dictionary( 2003). A academy’s or university’s class is the collection of courses and their contents. A class is conventional and is grounded on a more introductory syllabus that simply specifies which motifs must be studied and to what position in order to gain a specific grade or standard. In other words, a class might relate to all of a academy’s courses. “ Class is all the literacy that’s organized and guided by the academy, whether it’s done in groups or collectively, within or outside the academy, ” Kelly( 2003) says. In other words, class lays out in advance what we want to negotiate and how we’ll do it. Class, according to Offorma( 2005), is a planned literacy experience handed to a pupil at academy, and it’s made up of three factors a program of studies, a program of conditioning, and a program of guidance. As a result, the meaning of the term class has been charged to meet the educational requirements of colorful courses of study. Class, according to Blenkin( 2012), is a collection of knowledge motifs and/ or subjects. That is, class is the process of transmitting or delivering knowledge and chops to learners using the most effective ways available. Class is a well- organized course plan that outlines the objects and learning gests that will be used to attain these pretensions. It’s a system of preparing individualities to come productive citizens and helpful members of the society to which they belong in a broader sense. As a result, class is an educational tool used to educate and humanize the full person. The class, according to a ultramodern view, is all of a child’s knowledge and experience gained within and outside of the academy walls, on or off the schedule, i.e. the gests the learner has anyhow of when or how they do( Akinsola & Abe, 2006). According to Jeffs and Smith( 2010), the conception of class serves as a major dividing line between formal and informal education. Feting that some informal preceptors espoused class proposition and practice in order to be more unequivocal about material, and that class approaches that focus on objects and comprehensive programs appear to be compatible with the learner’s overall development. A plan of action or written document that includes ways for negotiating asked pretensions or ends is appertained to as a conventional perspective of a class. To put it another way, a class is a written account of what happens over a period of study. Kelly( 2008) defined class as those rudiments that kiddies learn as a result of the system in which the academy’s work is planned and structured, but which aren’t overtly included in the planning or indeed in the knowledge of those responsible for the academy arrangements. numerous African educationists have honored class perpetration as a major roadblock to achieving the mainland’s educational pretensions( Obanya, 2007). Class perpetration comprises putting into effect the officially approved courses of study, syllabi, and subjects( Chikumbi & Makamure, 2005). Mkpa( 2007) defined class perpetration as the task of transubstantiating the class document into the operating class through the combined sweats of scholars, preceptors, and others involved. In other words, class requires combined sweats from end- druggies at all situations in order to achieve the asked pretensions. Class perpetration, according to Garba( 2004), is” putting the class to work for the attainment of the pretensions for which it was established.” Okebukola( 2004) defined class perpetration as the restatement of class objects from paper to practice. That is, only effective class perpetration ensures that the pretensions for which the class was created are met. Class perpetration, as defined by Ivowi( 2004), is the restatement of proposition into practice, or proposition into action.


Statement of exploration problem


Despite the wide recognition and relinquishment of class as a career of public gospel in the Nigerian educational system, there appear to be challenges in putting this pivotal educational design, similar as the Sustainable Development Goals, into action. Due to poor prosecution, numerous noble class points have failed to make it past the planning stage. Class ideas that were well- intentioned have remained largely inactive and dysfunctional. As a result, half- ignited, ill- trained, and sometimes confused graduates are produced by advanced education graduates who are set up to be grossly shy in practical and professional capabilities. All nationalistic and serious- inclined stakeholders in the educationalsub-sector should be concerned about these and other affiliated issues. In this environment, we shall probe Curriculum Innovation And Its Impact On Long- Term Education In Nigeria.


Objects Of The Study


The primary ideal of the study is as follows


1. To examine class invention and how it affect the educational sector in achieving sustainable development pretensions for enhanced introductory education.


2. To examine the impact of class in achieving sustainable development pretensions for enhanced introductory education.


3. To find out if the class used presently is suitable to cover up all academic areas


4. To find out how to make enhancement in the class in other for sustainable development of the educational sector.


Exploration Thesis


The following thesis have been formulated for the study


H0 there can’t be enhancement in the class in other for sustainable development of the educational sector.


H1 the class used presently isn’t suitable to cover up all academic areas


Significance of the study


The significance of this study can not be undervalued as


l This study will examine Curriculum Innovation And Its Impact On Sustainable Education In Nigeria


The findings of this exploration work will really give the important demanded information to government associations, radio stations, broadcasting commission and academia.


Compass Of The Study


This study will examine Curriculum Innovation And Its Impact On Sustainable Education In Nigeria


Limitations of the study


This study was constrained by a number of factors which are as follows


just like any other exploration, ranging from attainability of demanded accurate accoutrements on the content under study, incapability to get data


Financial constraint, was faced by the experimenter, in getting applicable accoutrements and in printing and collation of questionnaires


Time factor time factor disguise another constraint since having to shuttle between jotting of the exploration and also engaging in other academic work making it uneasy for the experimenter


Functional Description Of Terms


Class the subjects comprising a course of study in a academy or council.


Innovation the action or process of instituting.


Sustainable education Education for Sustainable Development( ESD), which has been defined as UNESCO, 2014.” Education for Sustainable


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