Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Point Of Sales System


Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Point Of Sales System


Chapter One




Background Of Study


One of the great recent advances in the world of information technology is the rapid-fire development of communication which has brought world into a global vill, we can shoot matters electronically(e-mail), hunt for information( WWW), buy goods online(e-commerce), withdraw transfer plutocrat(e-banking), lessoning online(e-learning), this has effected the society positive to a great extent, as result robotization of deals shouldn’t be pure


operation of technology in Deals has been espoused in developed countries for over two decades now, and this has been attributed to the desire of the governments of these countries to ameliorate the effectiveness of their goods and services, processes, responsibility.


Switching from a traditional cash register to a motorized POS system can be delicate- there are numerous factors to consider and some risks to avoid. still the return on investment and benefits to your business can really make it worth your time and trouble.


In the most introductory sense, a POS system is a glorified cash register. The most introductory POS system consists of a computer, a cash hole, damage printer, a examiner, and an input device similar as a keyboard or scanner. still, in addition to being more effective than cash registers, POS systems can produce detailed reports that can help you make further informed business opinions.


POS systems saves plutocrat, give productivity earnings, and can cut down the quantum of time you spend down from the primary focus of your business. This POS System Buyer’s Guide will walk you through the process of assessing multiple POS merchandisers and choosing the right system.


Statement Of Problem


Deals is the abecedarian tools in any business association the profit and loose of any business depends detailed information on deals made to prop decision timber and executions, if responsibility isn’t checked, also the business is sure to collapse, as a result in any retail or hospitality business there’s need for a system that gives feedback to the operation to prop decision timber, this is where point of deals systems comes in handy


Purpose Of Study


The purpose of this study is to prop Golden Toast Enugu in enhancing their business by creating detailed reports that can help make further informed business opinions.


Significance Of Study


Moving from a cash register machine to a Point of Deals system is veritably significant to any retail deals of business conditioning because the return on investment and benefits to your business in the area of stocks recycling, responsibility and accurate data collation for effective operation of the business.


compass OF THE STUDY This design covers Golden Toast Enugu Office, the design will only cover the point of deals section of the company.


Provocation For Study


Before the experimenter embarked on this exploration work, a careful study with a feasibility study was carried out, the experimenter discovered that the lords Venture has been operating on homemade record keepings and deals force. What actually motivated the experimenter to carry out this work was for the reason that, I made a purchase of some particulars of different product at lords Venture. The sealer calculated all that was purchase and end up making a mistake on the total cost and incorrectly charge on of the product below cost prize. I paid for the particulars and left with my tab, but at the end of the day they discovered the error, luckily I’m a regular client, so I was informed and I had to pay up to complete the payment. With this prevalence I also allowed of developing a deals system that will help and replace all kind of crimes in the homemade operating one.


Likely Donation To Knowledge


This exploration work will expose the experimenter and also the compendiums to so numerous chops and enhance their programming capability as the software for this exploration work will be develop using a sophisticated programming language of object acquainted, which is a high position program language. thus to the exploration more exploration jotting skill, more rendering capability, further understanding on working real life situation. To the end druggies it’ll be of great benefits to them as it’ll reduce the number of error prone by the homemade process of their operation, totally keep track of deals and stocks and deals force.




The points and object of this design to design and apply a motorized point of trade software with the end of enhancing responsibility within points of deals. Other objects of this study are


A system that will induce deals damage after purchase.


induce daily, yearly, monthly and date intervals named, its report


Limitation Of The Study


utmost constraints endured during the course of writing this design is that of detailed information about their major operations, the particular director was a little politic in answering my questions in order to reveal information that may grave the company’s image, though that didn’t stop me from writing and probing for detailed information


Assumptions Of Study


It’s assumed that Golden Toast Enugu, uses cash register as their point of deals and they’re networked and connection to the internet for effective information dispersion.


Description Of Terms


Bar Code information decoded into a blockish bar shape, this information can be read by special device.


Cash Hole a box attached to point of deals system that opens when directed by the software.


Daisy Chained used when one device is connected through another device


Data Collection Terminal a stationary or hand held battery powered terminal with operation software use to collect and reuse data from bar law


TV( Liquid Crystal Display) technology used for display.


VAR( Value Added Reseller) a bracket of business that resells particulars and add some value to the trade either in training or supports


SKU( Stock Keep Unit) used in force control and POS where each product is assigned a number.


Bond A written guarantee of a manufacturer’s or retailer’s responsibility. A limited bond provides specific conditions under which a manufacturer or retailer will repair or replace an item.


Hole fund The quantum of plutocrat left in a hole after the hole has been closed. The hole fund is generally used to give incipiency plutocrat( change) for the coming business day.


Drop- boat Refers to an item that will be packed directly from your supplier to your client.


DUKPT( deduced Unique crucial Per sale) A system of Leg pad encryption.


Dun A demand for payment of a bill or account.


EBT( Electronic Benefit Transfer) An electronic system that allows donors to admit government benefits(e.g., food prints) by means of a disbenefit card. Retailers can only accept EBT cards for food particulars that have been authorized by the USDA’s Food Stamp program


EDC( Electronic Draft Capture) An automatic system of authorizing, balancing, and settling credit card deals entered in your retail software package.


EDI( Electronic Data Interchange) Capability to electronically exchange copping information between your retail software and the seller’s system.


Hand reduction A reduction in dealing price on wares vended to an hand.



Account Receivable An Amounts owed to a business( an asset), generally by guests who bought goods or services on credit.


Adjustment An increase or drop to the volume indicated in the retail software package. The adaptation ensures that the records in the retail software match the factual physical volume in force.


fresh cheapie An increase of a former cheapie to further lower the selling price.


Address Verification Service( AVS) A service that reduces credit card fraud by vindicating the cardholder’s address information when the physical card is not available to swipe through an MSR device(e.g., as with telephone orders). AVS processing does not affect whether the charge is approved. rather, AVS indicates whether or not the address handed by the client matches the address on train with the credit card company so that the trafficker can decide whether or not to reuse the charge.


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