Design And Implementation Of An Expert System In Diagnosis And Treatment Of Breast Cancer


Chapter One


Over the time the leading cause of death in women progressed between 35- 54 times is bone cancer and alternate to cardio vascular complaint in order women( Logan 1975). Mortality and prevalence rate vary throughout the world with England and wale making first and us fourteen developing countries like Nigeria not left. In fact and two leading cancer spots are bone and lung account for about 25 of all cancer such a common complaint in women and 1 and 12 women is affected in theU.S and 1 Nigeria. still its not surprising that there live and long list of implicit threat factor these include nutrition Geography Ethic factor growing factor, age of first birth being bone complaint drop equality, unopposed ovarian cycling menstrual experience lactation experience, viral thesis still heritable and family history of bone cancer are now considered to be two most important threat factor maturity of women now come to medical attention in developing countries than in developing countries consequences the current emphasis is on forestallment and early opinion of bone cancer so as to minimizes the death rate cause by it.

Statement Of The Problem

The problem to be addressed in this work is the development expert system for the opinion of bone cancer artificial intelligence system are to the employed in the development of the system and sub problem can be stated as follow.

a) The need for early opinion of bone cancer.

b) The opinion of bone cancer bear expert skill are short force

c) The need to reduced and mortally and prevalence rate by bone cancer

d) Need to ameliorate the overall quality of health through early expert opinion of bone cancer.

Purpose Of The Study

1. The study and apply AI fashion in development of expert system

2. To show how knowledge can be acquired and represented in intelligence system.

3. To formulate an intelligence opinion system and easy opinion of bone cancer( dr cr)

4. To demonstrated the use of sense programmes as a logical tool for developing intelligent system.

5. To make a high position of moxie available to lower good profession

6. To enhance the capability of leading expert in medical opinion.

7. To serve the knowledge and moxie of leading expert who ultimately retire or die.

Provocation Of The Study

The need for working complex individual problem using AI system

a) There’s an adding need to acquire and store the knowledge of mortal experts in automated logic system in order to help the expert take decision briskly and I the absence of the expert. This study is a in that direction.

b) Developing general individual problem working strategies.

opinion of bone cancer is chosen to demonstrate the operation of AI fashion in working medical individual problem. bone cancer is a current content issued in drug since the cancer scourge assumed global important. still the provocation for this study is high not in opinion of bone cancer but also suggesting life expectation and possible treatment of bone cancer and other affiliated complaint.


The study involve computer grounded trials taking system bandied compactly.


This involve developed study of the principle and ways governing the development and operated of automated logic system for working complex opinion problem the system is studies by learning its parcels and conception through incremental understanding and knowledge base development and streamlining the conclusion machine reveal the pattern of logic espoused by the system to make intelligence decision.


AI methodologies for knowledge representations and conclusion will be applied in designing the system this system include.

Object the conclusion that’s defined by associate rule

ii. Attribute a specific quality that with its rule help define the object

iii. Rules of conclusion.

Knowledge base can still be a list of object their associated rule and trait conclusion machine part of the knowledge grounded to set up a situation that matches and its involve.

Forward changing ways data base drive uses information that’s give to make through a network of logical and or until the it reaches the terminal point.

ii. Background chaining fashion( object drive) reverse of forward chaining

iii. The rule value system request information that has the topmost significance according to the current state of the system. still backward changing fashion is employed for this study reference from chapter two three.


This study will be enforced with turbo protract and c as a exploration sense programme tool and tested with factual data from sanitarium and case with bone cancer.


A system prototype or( software prototype) is first established the result of opinion generated from the system will be compared with formerly anticipate established opinion on case with bone divagation from the with anticipated result then the system amended until affair correspond with anticipated results also the system can be dissect as perfect software water fall model from opinion and treatment of bone cancer.


Artificial means man made intelligence according to the wordbook means “ the capacity to seize data and prepositions and their relation and to reason about them intelligence is related to the capability to fete patterns draw conclusion dissect complex system into simple rudiments and resolve contradiction. still, AI can be define as the wisdom of making machine do effects that would bear intelligence if done by people( Alan Turning 1950). Moreso, AI can be defined as the objectification of intelligent thinking programs into machine which are executed in working knowledge ferocious “ specific ” problems.


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