Design And Implementation Of An Online Result Checker
Chapter One
General Introduction
It seems quite a safe bet to assert that the Internet and mobile Communication have had a preponderant influence on the way the world relates moment. On the other hand, education remains a sine qua non fact of life for the inviting maturity of mortal society In Nigeria; the educational sector has endured pronounced changes as a result of the preface of internet- grounded services. In one case, results for the UTME( Universities Tertiary Matriculation Examination) are now reused and released within days of the examination being written, an ever- adding number of universities are employing the Internet to deliver a widening range of information and support services, covering similar areas as admissions, pupil enrollment , examination records, and distance literacy. This work is an attempt at delivering an online system able of delivering examination results on demand, using the University of Calabar as case study. This operation will also give capability to help scholars, speakers and executive labor force interact in resolving any result- related complaints. This chapter introduces the work as an reality, agitating the issues which are abecedarian to the work ab initio a. The problem scripts which, prima facie, advance necessity to the work; b. The modalities pertaining to the consummation of the result system; c. The content and extent to which the work will be carried out;d. Delineations of crucial terms applicable to the central theme of the work.
Problem description
The major problems regarding the delivery of examination information services in Nigerian universities include
Detainments in the release of results;
crimes essential in handling and assessment of answer scripts;
Detainments in marking answer scripts; and
clumsy response systems – where they live – for handling result- related complaints.
Ideal Of Study
From the foregoing, the objects of the study come relatively clear – as a result, the study aims to achieve the followinga. Abstract design for a secure, accessible and stoner-friendly online examination results system for a university, using the University of Calabar, UNICAL, as case study;b. Development of such a system to demonstrate its functionality, using the XAMP(cross-browser Apache/ MySQL/ PHP) web garçon frame;c. Perform tests on the said system to assure functionality, availability and usability of the system.
Exploration Defense
defense for engaging in this study can be drawn from the following reasons a. The need to demonstrate the effectiveness of employing mobiledriven information systems as a feasible complement to systems grounded on the regular Web, within the university information frame; and b. The need to achieve a lesser degree of responsiveness among stakeholders in the results system – scholars, speakers and system directors – enabling them unite effectively to resolve result- related complaints.
Exploration Methodology
In order to realize the objects of this study, it’s material that, as in all matters of substance, strategy be employed in achieving set pretensions. The methodology employed in the course of this study is outlined thereforea. figure a set of conditions to be met by the system proposed;b. Conceive and apply the design of the said system as a webbased operation, largely using UML, the Unified Modelling Language, along the lines of an object- acquainted approach;c. Development of the result system using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, a RAD( Rapid Application Development) IDE for creating Websites and operations.d. Deployment of the result system for testing after the result is developed, it’ll be uploaded onto a free web garçon for the purposes of demonstrating its functionality.e. Beta testing on the hosted result to confirm its conformity to the system demand specifications before outlined;f. Detailed reporting of the findings stated above, with derived consequences, and noted grounds for unborn invention.
Compass And Limitations Of The Study
In the course of realizing this design, I shall take into account the consideration that all development and analysis regarding the design will be centered on internet norms and technology. In full, the compass of the work is outlined therefore
a. The result, as conceived and developed in this study, will concentrate on examinations for undergraduate courses only;
b. The questions delivered by the result will be of two formats, viz, multiple- choice and private;
c. As conceived, the result shall comprise of the following modules
i. A result hunt operation for scholars, grounded on the Internet, through which scholars and speakers can search and view results, as well as interact regarding result- related complaints;
ii. A back- end operation, to be used by speakers and directors, for the operation of essential information for the system, similar as course allocations, course pupil lists
iii. stoner authentication modules, which will employ unique modes of authentication to uniquely identify druggies, and maintain stoner state within the operation.
In addition, a number of limitations live which must be noted. These include
a. The personal nature of the academy gate will make it rather delicate to pierce the data schema used by it; hence, the data schemas employed by the proposed system will for the utmost part be theoretical in nature. still, this can be surmounted with acceptable cooperation from applicable agencies within the University Management;
b. The time-critical nature of the study informs my use of prototype- grounded RAD to develop the proposed result.
Description Of Terms
Beta testing Testing carried out on software independent of its manufacturer by external druggies.
Internet operation A Web point with dynamic, i.e. data- source acquainted stoner-specific, content, which generally requires some form of stoner authentication.
Mobile device Any device with the functionality for information operation and transfer free from spatial and temporal constraints. similar bias include mobile phones, smart phones, PDAs( particular digital sidekicks), tablets and compendiums , among Others.
Mobile Web The Internet, as accessible to mobile bias and computer system
e. RAD rapid-fire operation development, a style of programming in which emphasis is placed on speed and delivery, generally employing expansive use of IDE( integrated development terrain) capability.
UML Unified Modeling Language, the transnational standard for specifying, imaging, constructing and establishing the vestiges of software systems.
stoner authentication the process within the environment of an Internet operation wherein eligible druggies are granted concurrence to enter – and use – the operation;
stoner state the full set of all stoner-specific program data within a program or Internet operation.
online result system It’s web grounded software, that can reuse course enrollment and affair results to the stoner.
Web operation see Internet operation.
Chapter Layout
The work contains a aggregate of five chapters the first, named “ General preface ”, true to form, expatiates on the introductory generalities bolstering this study. Chapter 2, “ Literature Review and State of the Art ”, offers an exposition into the exploration which has been carried out previous to the present time. Chapter 3, “ System Design Methodology ”, deals with the analysis workflow of the result development process, while Chapter 4, “ System perpetration ”, focuses on the perpetration workflow, agitating details of the enforced system, in relation tothe processes employed in its consummation. In conclusion, the final chapter, “ Recommendations & Conclusion ”, I duplication a brief synopsis of the work in its wholeness as effect to my consequences from the system perpetration phase, in relation tothose areas where inventions in this field can be made.