Design And Implementation Of Information Management System
Chapter One
Information systems have come the backbone of utmost associations. Banks couldn’t reuse payments, governments couldn’t collect levies, hospitals couldn’t treat cases, and supermarkets couldn’t pasture their shelves without the support of information systems. In nearly every sector — education, finance, government, health care, manufacturing, and businesses large and small — information systems play a prominent part. Every day work, communication, information gathering, and decision making all calculate on information technology( IT). When we visit a trip agency to bespeak a trip, a collection of connected information systems is used for checking the vacuity of breakouts and hospices and for reserving them. When we make an electronic payment, we interact with the bank’s information system rather than with labor force of the bank.
ultramodern supermarkets use IT to track the stock grounded on incoming shipments and the deals that are recorded at cash registers. utmost companies and institutions calculate heavily on their information systems. Organizations similar as banks, online trip agencies, duty authorities, and electronic bookshops can be seen as IT companies given the central part of their information systems.
Information Management System( IMS) is a general term for software designed to grease the storehouse, association and reclamation of information.
IMS is also the name of IBM’s mammoth software program developed in the 1960s to support NASA’s Apollo space program. This IMS interpretation was the precursor to IBM’s premier hierarchical database operation system( DBMS).
Electronic document and records operation system( EDRMS) is a type of content operation system and refers to the combined technologies of document operation and records operation systems as an intertwined system.
Unlike DB2( IBM’s relational database software), an IMS database uses parts, or data blocks, as structure blocks of the hierarchical model. Within each member are multiple data pieces, which are known as fields. At the top of the scale, the member is known as the root member. parts of a specific member are known as child parts. The child member order represents the order in which each entry is entered in a database.
Hierarchical IMS databases generally come in three forms
1. Full function database deduced from the Data Language Interface( DL/ I), this database form may have further than one single access system. Overflow Sequential Access Method( OSAM) or Virtual Storage Access Method( VSAM) may be used to store and pierce database fields.
2. Fast path database Designed to grease an optimum sale rate. exemplifications are data entry databases( DEDB) and main storehouse databases( MSDB).
3. High vacuity large databases( HALDB) Handles large volumes of data and provides dependable vacuity for each piece of data in the database.
IMS( Information Management System) is a database and sale operation system that was first introduced by IBM in 1968. Since also, IMS has gone through numerous changes in conforming to new programming tools and surroundings. IMS is one of two major heritage database and sale operation subsystems from IBM that run on mainframe MVS( now z/ zilches) systems. The other is CICS. It’s claimed that, historically, operation programs that use either( or both) IMS or CICS services have handled and continue to handle utmost of the world’s banking, insurance, and order entry deals.
Background Of The Study
Paper– grounded Information operation system are fleetly getting outdated. They’re fluently lost, are subject to wear and tear and gash, are expensive to handle, can not be transferred electronically, may be delicate to interpret, and are hamstrung. These abecedarian downsides are driving a transition across the globe towards Electronic Health Records( EHRs).
This exploration work offers a practical result using cryptography to cover these sensitive electronic records of studentsand staffs in computer wisdom department, Federal council of Agriculture, Ishiagu, and gives them sequestration control over who views their records, details and every other sensitive information in other units of the academy.
Statement Of The Problem
Computer wisdom department of Federal council of Agriculture is to an extent manually operated and manage records and data. The recording of scholars admitted and their conditioning are done manually in a book, which looks appears rough. therefore, the books or lines are exposed to physical damage by ants and pests, accumulation of dust patches; this makes the contents to be lost, lost or indeed altered.
Purpose Of The Study
The purpose of this study is to develop software that can be used in information operation system scholars entered with its conditioning. Also to promote effective and quality of services to individualities
1. Capture the introductory data in the departmental unit of Federal College of Agriculture where scholars can view their train.
2. cover sensitive information at the colorful department using stoner login security and triadic DES encryption system there by assigning unique decryption key for each stoner which works when.
Significance Of The Study
This study is primarily aimed at computerizing the homemade system of information operation system as used in the departments of FCAI. It’ll help in a good number of ways to ease the process of reacquiring data and records in the system.
This study will also punctuate the significance information operation system to an association and business centers too.
Objects Of The Study
The major objects of this study is aimed at developing a system for the operation of information others include
i. To save time( fast inputting and penetrating of records)
ii. To enable the operation to plan ahead
iii. To reduce fatigue of the staff
iv. To insure delicacy in the records of information
v. To insure safety of the documents records data information, because the system will be word aid to reduce access.
vi. To insure integrity of the records
vii. To insure thickness of accounts and reduction of error due to damage of information
viii. To reduce phony and loss of information by theft
Compass Of The Study
The compass of the study covers the polytechnic as a whole and only the operation staffs and scholars of the institution
Though, the compass is in such a way that the study can be carried out in one and only way that’s computerizing the pupil information. This will help to streamlined the essential problems encountered by the superintendences of this association
Limitations Of The Study
This exploration work thou is on information operation system but it’s dependent on mortal operation and manipulation in other to perform its work effectively.
Also this exploration work is limited to power force as it happens to be the only source of energy thus without power holding the system can not work.
Eventually this exploration work is constrain and limited to computer knowledgeable those who can operate a computer system effectively and its operation thus a computer illiterate can not make use of this exploration work as anticipated.
Description Of Terms
Robotization This is the use of control system similar as computer to control and reuse data, reducing the need for mortal intervention
Database This refers to a large store of affiliated data on a computer that can be access and modified by the stoner.
Word This is a secret law that a stoner must class into a computer to enable him access it or its operations. This is made up of figures, letter, special character or a combination of any of the below orders.
Record System The act of using a computer system to store and modernize information/ data successionally in order to keep train security.
Motorized To convert a grounded system to start using a computer system to control, organize and automate commodity.
Data Entry This is the standard input device through which the system gets further of the instructions and commands
Research A careful study of commodity, especially to discover new data or information about it.
System Set of computer element( that is, the assembling of tackle, software and peripherals to serve together.)
IMS( Information Management System) is a database and sale/ record operation system that was first introduced by IBM in 1968. Since also.
Information Information( docked as word or word.) is that which informs, i.e. an answer to a question, as well as that from which knowledge and data can be deduced( as data represents values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of real effects or abstract generalities)
Information system A computer Information System( IS) is a system composed of people and computers that processes or interprets information. The term is also occasionally used in more confined senses to relate to only the software used to run a motorized database or to relate to only a computer system.