Design And Implementation Of Orientation Camp Information System


Design And Implementation Of Orientation Camp Information System




This Project Design and perpetration of Orientation Camp Information System( A Case Study of NYSC Orientation Camp Akwa Ibom) was designed to exclude the problems associated with homemade running of information at the Orientation Camp similar as data redundancy, time destruction etc. Enrolling scholars into the exposure camp is a veritably delicate, critical, and important process. Managing all formalities is a veritably complex and sophisticated process. In the old, conventional system, i.e. the homemade enrollment system, communication between different parties working within the camp is veritably delicate. Lack of technologies used in exposure conditioning obstructs dealing with it in a ultramodern and simplified way. The main outgrowth is to computerize everything related to the exposure camp exercise. To do so, the top down software development approach is to be used to study the new system conditions, dissect it, design, apply, and eventually test and emplace it. After the deployment of the new system and working with it, all the problems appertained to were answered; this is done by espousing the Online Registration System which helped a lot in reducing the crimes redounded in different ways and which in turn sensational the correctness of the fraternity information itself.


As a farther work, some features might be added, similar as adding SMS support, adding AJAX functionality to the website to increase response time, and to produce a bulletin board system, that might enable different parties working with the system to interact and communicate with each other fluently.


Chapter One




Until lately, the processing of exposure camp information of fraternity members was done manually and this has had some negative goods on the fraternity.


For case, the detention in the primer processing of fraternity information similar as submission of call up letters, donation of your last institution ID card and donation of your original instrument/ statement of results for webbing, data on which routine is time consuming. this is because of the volume of data on which routine task performed is fairly veritably large. This results in trip and slow processing. The data that’s being manipulated must be dependable and this requires a dependable system. This intensifies the need to give a sophisticated machine that will help in the processing for convenience.


The system with its advanced features in storehouse processing and reclamation make this processing veritably easy.


With the aid of the computer system reclamation and editing and of documents and all problems of the primer processing will be a thing of the once


Background Of The Study


The public youth service fraternity( NYSC) is an association set by the Nigerian government to involve the country’s graduates in the development of the country. There’s no military conscription in Nigeria, but since 1973 graduates of universities and latterly polytechnics have been needed to take part in the public youth service fraternity( NYSC) program for one time. This is known as public service time, fraternity members are posted to metropolises far from their megacity of origin. They’re anticipated to mix with people of other lines, social and family backgrounds, to learn the culture of the aborigines in the place they’re posted to. This action is aimed to bring about concinnity in the country and to help youth appreciate other ethnical groups. There is an exposure period of roughly three weeks spent in a camp down from family and musketeers. After the exposure process fraternity members are posted to the areas of primary assignment. There’s also a passing out form at the end of the time. The program has also helped in creating entry- position jobs for a lot of Nigerian youths. An NYSC forum devoted to NYSC members was lately erected to ground the gap amongst members serving across Nigeria and also serves as an avenue for fraternity members to partake job information and career coffers as well as get loans from the public directorates of employment.


Statement Of The Problem


This design was named the “ design and perpetration ofN.Y.S.C exposure camp information system ” is aimed at enrapturing the process of recycling the data of fraternity members in the exposure camp. The processes involved in the process are still being done manually and homemade way of advertisement has some negative goods as follows


1. The homemade system makes reclamation of stored information veritably slow and delicate


2. generally duty is labour intensities and time consuming. This is because the volume of data on which task are performed is fairly veritably large.


3. There may be elision of information


4. There may also be loss of vital information


Purpose Of The Study


The purpose of this study is to enhance the advertisement of bobbies to service by the use of a motorized system rather than the homemade system that make is work is work delicate.


To identify the problems of the being system.


To give result druthers to the operations essential in the being system.


And to design a new system that will take care of the problems of the being system.


Points And Objects


The primary end of this design work is to study the being system of advertisement of bobbies and produce a motorized design for automatic processing. thus, the ideal this study sets


1. To design an information system that makes data access easy for fraternity members.


2. To design a system that can automatically post fraternity members to their areas of primary assignment.


3. To design a system that can help the NYSC operation to supervise fraternity members.


Compass Of The Study


This design covers the design and perpetration of information system for the NYSC exposure camp( A case study of Akwa Ibom)


Defense Of The Study


The good reason why this design is done is to give an effective system of handling fraternity members ’ data at the exposure.




The study met with a lot of difficulty in the collection of information time constraints was one of the limiting factors in carrying out this study. This was because of the fact that the restoratives are scholars; it was done in consummation with normal class work.


During the exploration there were fiscal constraints.


Time and energy was also spent in trying to design the system.




The new computer design will lessen the time and energy serpent in compendium during advertisement of bobbies . We unfeignedly hope that the computer will be suitable to give name – age- coitus. There are the primary assignments of the entire bobbies in Nigeria if information is well motorized.


Description Of Terms


Computer The electronic device/ machine that accepts data( input, processes it and give asked affair.


Corp member A person that graduated in a honored university or any other betrays institution within or outside the country.


Advertisement The form of transferring people to their colorful places of study in agreement with their separate areas of specialization


Program A set instructions combined together to perform specific task


Homemade processing– This is the process by which office activates are carried out directly by mortal beings without the help of computer


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