Patient Information System


Patient Information System




New technologies have bettered the capability of electronically storing, transferring and participating medical data also changed. At the same time, they also produce serious questions about who has access to this information and how they’re defended. The end of PIS is to store the detailed information about the Case like treatment details, date of joining and allocated croaker . The major modules in this system are allocating the bed, allocating the croaker to the case. During this exploration, data were collected from colorful sources like interview with croakers , online, bookse.t.c. These data were collated and results showed that there’s a poor effectiveness in the present case operation system in hospitals moment. These inefficiency are seen in the devilish length of time it takes to search for and detect patient flyers and the ineffective stuffing system espoused among others. This design thus aims at developing an bettered patient information operation system which tackles the problems associated with the current homemade system of operation. The design design uses an object- acquainted design methodology and focuses more on Teaching Hostpitals. The frontal end of this design is designed using PHP programming language while MySQL was used for data storehouse.


Chapter One




Background of the Study


A sanitarium is an institution for health care that provides patient treatment by technical staff and outfit. generally, hospitals are funded by the public sector, by health associations( for profit or nonprofit), health insurance companies or charities, including finances by direct charitable donations. Historically, still, hospitals were frequently innovated and funded by religious orders or charitable individualities and leaders. ultramodern- day hospitals are largely staffed by professional croakers , surgeons, and nursers. Hospitals are distinguished by their power, compass of services, and whether they’re tutoring hospitals with academic confederations. Hospitals may be operated as personal( for- profit) businesses, possessed either by pots or individualities similar as the croakers or they may be voluntary- possessed bynon-profit pots, religious associations, or operated by civil, state, or megacity governments. Voluntary andnon-profit hospitals are generally governed by a board of trustees, named from among community business and communal leaders, who serve without pay to oversee sanitarium operations.


utmost community hospitals offer exigency services as well as a range of outpatient and inpatient medical and surgical services. Community hospitals, where utmost people admit care, are generally small, with fifty to five hundred beds. These hospitals typically give quality care for routine medical and surgical problems. Some community hospitals are nonprofit pots, supported by original backing. These include hospitals supported by religious, collaborative, or osteopathic associations. In the 1990s, adding figures of not- for- profit community hospitals have converted their power status, getting personal hospitals that are possessed and operated on a for- profit base by pots. These hospitals have joined investor- possessed pots because they need fresh fiscal coffers to maintain their actuality in an decreasingly competitive assiduity. Investor- possessed pots acquire not for profit hospitals to make request share, expand their provider networks, and access new health care requests.


tutoring hospitals are those community and tertiary hospitals combined with medical seminaries, nursing seminaries, or confederated- health professions training programs. tutoring hospitals are the primary spots for training new croakers where interns and residers work under the supervision of educated croakers . Non tutoring hospitals also may maintain confederations with medical seminaries and some also serve as spots for nursing and confederated- health professions scholars as well as croakers – in- training. utmost tutoring hospitals, which give clinical training for medical scholars and other health care professionals, are combined with a medical academy and may have several hundred beds. numerous of the croakers on staff at the sanitarium also hold tutoring positions at the university combined with the sanitarium, in addition to tutoring croakers in- training at the bedsides of the cases. Cases in tutoring hospitals understand that they may be examined by medical scholars and residers in addition to their primary” attending” croakers . One advantage of carrying care at a university- combined tutoring sanitarium is the occasion to admit treatment from largely good croakers with access to the most advanced technology and outfit. A disadvantage is the vexation and irruption of sequestration that may affect from multiple examinations performed by residers and scholars. When compared with lower community hospitals, some tutoring hospitals have reports for being veritably impersonal; still, cases with complex, unusual, or delicate judgments generally profit from the presence of conceded medical experts and further comprehensive coffers available at these installations. A tutoring sanitarium combines backing to cases with tutoring to medical scholars and nursers and frequently is linked to a medical academy, nursing academy or university.


Statement of the Problem


In the current system of operation in Teaching Hospital Nnewi, when a case enters the sanitarium, the following sequence of operation is carried out. First, the case is registered in the card/ enrollment room, and also the case goes to the nursers ’ workbench for examination( vital signs), the nursers also carries the patient brochure to the croakers ’ workbench for opinion. After the opinion, the case is also transferred to the laboratory for test or the case is transferred to the drugstore for collection of medicines; the drugstore section checks the cases specified medicines and bring them before the brochure is transferred to the bill office for billing. After opinion the case can also be appertained to another clinic or to see a adviser in the same sanitarium. For illustration he she may be appertained for radiology services( CT checkup, MRI, and ultrasound) or to special services like dental care. There may also be possibilities for surgical services. The outpatient may recover completely and be discharged or die and will be given a death report.


These processes are tedious and full of man- made crimes. The purpose of the sanitarium operation system is to automate the system for easy storehouse and reclamation of data, smooth inflow of information and operation of sanitarium. Some crimes linked in the current system include


Lack of immediate reclamations- The information is veritably delicate to recoup and to find particular information like-E.g.- To find out about the case’s history, the stoner has to go through colorful registers. This results in in convenience and destruction of time


ii. Lack of immediate information storehouse- The information generated by colorful deals takes time and sweats to be stored at right place


iii. Lack of prompt updating-colorful changes to information like patient details or immunization details of child are delicate to make as paper work is involved.


iv. Error prone homemade computation-Homemade computations are error prone and take a lot of time this may affect in incorrect information. For illustration computation of case’s bill grounded on colorful treatments.


Preparation of accurate and prompt reports This becomes a delicate task as information is delicate to collect from colorful register.


Objects Of The Study


The main end of this design is to design an automated case record operation system for Teaching Hospital Nnewi for controlling the inflow of case’s data in the sanitarium. To achieve the stated ideal, the following specific objects were laid out


Develop using web- grounded technologies a system able of landing and storing cases data for a tutoring sanitarium


ii. System should be suitable to induce and manage bills of each case


iii. Proper recording of cases ’ opinion.


iv. Keep proper track of movables made with the case by the sanitarium


Keep track of list of beds( enthralled and Vacant).


Significance of the Study


The work will be salutary to both the operation and staffs within the sanitarium establishment as it makes cases operation easier. It’ll enable the operation to know the total number of cases and the payment made by case as the software will keep tracks of all the cases ’ deals with the sanitarium. It’ll insure that cases are attended on time and a how a case can get registered first, before the proper bill process.


This design is significant to me as it enhanced my programming chops making me know more on how to practicalize my theoretical grounded knowledge. This design will also serve as a reference point to scholars who want to venture into programming.


Compass Of The Project


The case record operation system is able of supporting any number of patents in the sanitarium. It has multiuser capability and each account runs singly without affecting other modules. This means that all departments of the sanitarium are connected but work singly. The integrity and security of the data in database system are given minimal consideration. It was designed using PHP programming language and MySQL for data storehouse. It has the patient section, the appointment sections and the opinion section.


Limitations of the Study


The data was collected from different hospitals, both private and government. In lack of time and coffers, the data collection was simply informal recording


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