Design And Implementation Of Phone Billing System


Design And Implementation Of Phone Billing System


Chapter One


In some times back numerous operation were carried out manually. The system used to prepare bills was homemade which conceivably give room for fraud. lately, computer came into an actuality so as to break numerous problem that may arise as a result or using homemade and reduce the time consuming in handling complex or substantial tasks. Computer is used as an extremely protean way of abetting the understanding of a wide variety of numerous sectore.g. artificial sector, educational sector( subject). Computer can be used for a member of operation in big diligence. For illustration miningindustry., Nigeria Port Plc and NITEL Plc similar as installation of lines, keeping guests or subscribers records in such a way that reference could be made to it at any time. Computer can give instruction and task question which can be of benefit to the druggies, this kind of conditioning is called Computer backed Learning( CAL) or Computer backed Instruction( CAI).

Background Of The Study

Nigeria Telecommunication Plc was formed be external telecommunication and the misshaped department of the formal postal and telecommunication( P&T). The Nigeria telecommunication deals substantially with internal and external communication. thus, it’s expressed as a branch of wisdom that’s concerned with the transfer of data over distance by means of communication. Links like radio, telephonee.t.c. The computing and combination began nearly a century agone . American Airlines established. This date can be transmitted over telephone lines. A measure of data communication system than a veritably uneven distribution of communication installations through an world by bridging the missing link. Communication world promote artistic and social mindfulness, briskly global understanding.

Aim And Objects Of The Design

This design end to introduce a computerized of preparing bill in Nigeria Telecommunication Plc and other marketable enterprises. The motorized system of preparing bill as written in the design will be at a great advantages if it’s enforced. This design will paint end to detention which guests do encounter and company in given out bills rather of homemade system of preparing bills which is veritably slow, time consuming and easy of fraud, the motorized system of preparing bills which is veritably presto, secured and dependable will be in operation.

Compass Of The Design

This study is primarily designed

1. Give details information about Nigeria Telecommunication Plc’s way of preparing bills.

2. Highlights the effectives and trustability of using computer in billing process.

3. Make exploration on how computer can be applied to billing system in Nigeria telecommunication Plc.

4. Examine the possible problems that can arise as a result of using primer in billing system.

Limitation Of The Design

The limitation of this new system is largely recommended for the aid of billing guests that are patronizing the NITEL Plc Ibadan for goods and services of bill processing, this system will enhance effective billing system to help the operation to achieve their points and objects.

Description Of The Terms

Voice Mail A telephone number that answer call and serve as communication processing centre.

ii. Call Answering Machine Call recording machine are the conventional supplementary outfit that are attached to telephone sets to answer calls and record communication.

iii. Pay Phone In this case the subscriber pays after the service had been rendered. The credit is stroke in other to telephone any locality.

iv. Private women These are the cables seen outside the road. They lead from the exchange room to the external world.

Telex Facility Telex is an transnational telegraphy service using teleprinters.

vi. Broadcasting This allows the program to be seen in all the areas of the world using broilers.

vii. Direct Inward Dealing installation(D.D) This is an inward telephoning telephone service that can be connected to PABX or PBX.

viii. Packet Switch Data Network This is a technical data transfer service. The devoted link can be handed public or between two or further countries.


The Nigeria Telecommunication deals substantially with internal and external communication. It give several other services like

1. Telephoning Telephone is an instrument for speaking to a person at a distance using an electric current which travel along a line or using radio swells. Telephone call connects two telephone druggies at different ends.

2. Broadcasting this allows the program to be seen in all the area of the world using broilers. The signal will be transmitted to the external world where by people can have chance to see it. There’s carrier room where frequence is allocated of each broadcasting pot where by broadcasting can be done through broilers signally system.

3. Pay Phone In this case the client pays after the services had been rendered. The credit card is put to telephone anywhere.

4. Private line These are the line seen outside the road. They lead from the exchange room to the external world.

5. Telax Facility Telex is the transnational telegraph services using teleprinter.

6. Telegraph Telegraph is a system for transferring communication to a system using cables and electricity. dispatches transferred by telegraph are generally short, brief and precise.

7. Direct inward telephoning installation( DID) This is an inward telephoning telephone service that can be connected to PABX( Private Automatic Branch Exchange) or PBX( Private Branch Exchange) only. It facilitates immediate response to telephone calls without any driver’s backing.


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