Family Social Instability And The Academic Achievement Of Government Students In Senior Secondary Schools


This paper examines the influence of Broken Home and Academic Performance of Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom. A self-made questionnaire was administered on three hundred students for data collection. Data generated from the questionnaire were analyzed using frequency and simple percentage, to answer research questions while t-test was used to test the research hypothesis. It was therefore recommended that, effort should be made by the society to foster the mutual coexistent of both parents as a   child under a single parent may performance dismally academically.



1.1     Background of the Study

In recent time, the academic performance of students has been a core area of interest in which many individuals become concerned to find out why it is declining instead of improving. The home background of students becomes an important factor under consideration for the improvement of students’ academic performance. The family is seen as a place where a child is nurtured by parents in the midst of brothers, sisters and relatives.

Marriage of a youth in ancient society was part of the responsibilities of his parents. The young man had no choice and no say; he had accept to his wife with joy and thanks. In some cases, a wife was married for him at a time he could certainly not afford to keep a wife and maintenance was born by the parents. In the past marriages was a matter within the clan or within clan’s and its environs parents were not anxious to see their sons getting married to girls they weren’t sure of moral status, or  character.

Marriage arranged by parents on the basis of friendship ties rarely broke up in the past. Single parenting or broken home in the past was very rare because of penalty of infidelity and fear of offending elders of both families.

A home is built on love and mutual understanding and with good planning is able to meet its goals. In a home where love and understanding are lacking such a home is bound to crack. The broken homes are homes or families where either the father or the mother has ceased to be a member of such a home or family through divorce, desertion to mention but a few. Single parenting or broken home can, therefore, be defined to be personal misfortune for either of the spouse in any society, but it is a universal escape for the inevitable tension in the marriage, single parenting as a matter of fact breaks the bonds   which once  united two individuals and their families. The bond of dissolution can occur as a result of extra marital practices by either of the parents, early marriage before getting married. The proper upbringing of children is more important objective of the family than the happiness of the parents.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

There are many problems with single parenting or broken homes which at the long run reflect on the performance of children in schools. Some of these problems are the gab on the children’s existence because there is one or no adult to guide and direct their bechaviour and desires as children learn by imitation. There is increase in domestic work and redistribution of household chores, which leaves the children with little or no time for their studies. Also, it has been observed that children from broken homes suffer some other problems such as non provision of some basic material needs like food, clothing and learning materials. In security, step parents do not show much love and affection to their step children. Thus, these children suffer from mental retardation, personality and moral decadence.

The high level of moral decadence in our society among children has been alarming. It is now a  common scene of children indulging in various anti-social vices such as smoking, insulting elders, walking half-naked, premarital sex and fighting among others. Most children do not fear the presence of their churches while doing these acts. Inspite of series of preaching in the churches and mass media, children are still bent on doing the acts sometimes unabated by parents.

Some children, especially the adolescents feel that their parents and elders are “old school” who do not have genuine contribution to offer. Most people argue that moral development and a sense  of maintaining them are values to be fostered at home rather than at school, while others say that it should be fostered at school. Some people believe that since the cradle and foundation on which every moral aspect rests.

It has been observed that most children steal at home and outside, while others pretend at home but steal outside. In the university for instance, many students dress well from the home but on reaching the campus they change those dresses to something else, while others wear those nasty clothes from home.

The school authority, religious organizations, and the general public have tried their best to instill moral values into the children through biblical approaches seminars and orientation but all still prove abortive. This is why the present study tries to investigate the influence of broken homes on academic performance of students in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area of the State.

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