Impact Of The New Electoral Act On The Advancement Of Democracy And Politics In Nigeria.


Chapter One




Background of the study


The process by which popular principles similar as popular sovereignty, commission, political equivalency, maturity rule, functional constitution, rule of law, independent bar, periodic free and fair choices, and mortal rights and freedom are elevated in a polity is appertained to as popular governance. Popular governance is a process by which popular principles similar as these are elevated in a polity( Ajayi, 2017). still, in the case of Nigeria, these values aren’t getting more robust because they aren’t operating effectively, particularly the ideal of free and fair choices, which is maybe the most important of the three crucial principles. Election is largely essential in a republic because it’s the means through which the expression of the people are expressed through legality and the race of leadership. In other words, election is the medium. According to Apam( 2022), an election is described as a post mortem that investigates the record of office holders whose factual performance may have little to do with pledges made when they were preliminarily tagged. This is because real performance may have little to do with pledges made. still, the ambition for popular government in the nation has not been satisfied by the three general choices that have been held in Nigeria since there-emergence of republic in 1999( the times 2003, 2007, and 2015 independently). nonetheless, with the exception of the results of the election in 2015, it’s the same political party that has been dominating the nation at the center; as a result, the legality of those choices is called into mistrustfulness due to the irregularities that have been associated with them( Bako, 2021). It’s important to note that the fight for republic in Nigeria wasn’t conceived solely as a means to an end in itself, to end the rule of the service, or as an action acquainted toward the outside world. Rather, the fight for republic in Nigeria was conceived as a means to achieve responsible political institutions, which promote a government that’s responsible to the people( Bello, 2017). In the meantime, popular governance isn’t only about choices and the handing over of power to civilians; it’s also about the rule of law, respect for the constitution and for abecedarian mortal rights, socio- profitable commission and peace, security for lives and property, and other similar effects. The state that Nigerian republic has been in throughout this age, in terms of perfecting the political and socio- profitable commission of its population, continues to be an vision. As a result, it poses abecedarian questions similar as,” What does it mean to be a popular society, and which republic is applicable?” It’s important to ask these questions because, formerly popular government is completely in place in Nigeria, it’s anticipated that it’ll produce happiness for a significant portion of the population, in discrepancy to the happiness endured by a small number of” transnationally acquainted nobility” in the country. In addition to this, it’s anticipated that it’ll bring about equivalency, a slow and steady metamorphosis of the socioeconomic and political systems, as well as the licit creation of an terrain that will enable people at all situations to exercise control and authority over the political and profitable conditioning that have an impact on them( Diamond, 2015). In utmost nations, the blights in the electoral act lead to election apparel, which is a severe peril to popular morals in any liberal republic. choices may be outfitted in a number of different ways. These problems are erected into the electoral rules of the maturity of African countries. Kenya, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and other nations all have issues with their electoral rules because of crunches in the Electoral Act. The popular process in Nigeria is hampered by these excrescencies. Nigeria’s republic is the most vibrant republic in Africa with population of over 150 million. People frequently believe that the rest of Africa would follow in the steps of Nigeria because of its massive size. As a result, a great deal is anticipated from Nigeria. This indicates that the manner in which she manages her electoral process can serve as a model for popular procedures in other African nations( Dode, 2016). In 1960, Nigeria won its independence from the British imperialists and incontinently transitioned into a popular system of government. thus, the study examines the impact of the new electoral act on the advancement of republic and politics in Nigeria.


Statement of the problem


A number of different effects contributed to the defective election that took place in Nigeria. incapacity on the part of the electoral commission, which acts as an arbiter during the voting process, the do- or- die intelligence of political parties in their hunt to seize political power by any means necessary, wide procedural irregularities, multitudinous frequentness of violence, intimidation of the electorate, filling of the electoral box, poverty on the part of the electorate, and other factors are principal among the contributing factors. Other contributing factors include etc( Ebirim, 2020). The results of several choices have been so hotly challenged in recent times that both the very actuality of the nation and its republic are now in jeopardy. This unfortunate pattern of election fraud has significant impacts for Nigeria’s political future since the practice, rather than dwindling, continues expanding and getting more sophisticated with each election that comes after it.( Elaigwu, 2022). Hence, the need to look into impact of the new electoral act on the advancement of republic and politics in Nigeria.


Ideal Of The Study



The general ideal of the study is to examine the impact of the new electoral act on the advancement of republic and politics in Nigeria. The specific objects is as follows.


To examine the impact of of the new electoral act on the advancement of republic in Nigeria.


ii. To find out the benefit of the new electoral act.


iii. To probe if the new electoral act will help in reducing apparel during election


Exploration Questions


The following questions have been prepared for the study


What’s the impact of of the new electoral act on the advancement of republic in Nigeria?


ii. What’s the benefit of the new electoral act in Nigeria?


iii. Will the new electoral act will help in reducing apparel during election?


Significance of the study


This study will be significant to INEC as it’ll be exposed to the challenges in enforcing the changes in the electoral act and also perfecting in strategy to conduct free and fair election.


The study will be significant to the academic community as it’ll contribute to the being literature.


Compass Of The Study


The study will examine the impact of of the new electoral act on the advancement of republic in Nigeria. The study will also find out the benefit of the new electoral act. Eventually, the study will probe if the new electoral act will help in reducing apparel during election. Hence this study is demarcated to INEC Nigeria.


Limitation of the study


Like in every mortal bid, the experimenters encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. inadequate finances tend to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature, or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the experimenter resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so, the experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the quantum of time spent on exploration will be reduced.


Description Of Terms


Electoral act Act of Parliament having effect for the purposes of section 58( 4) of the Constitution


Democracy a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, generally through tagged representatives.


Politics the conditioning associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.

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