The Impact Of Violent Conflict In The Process Of Democratization


Chapter One




Background of the Study


In social wisdom no conception has a single description, because there are clustering views of generalities that is, different scholars view generalities base on their particular idiocencracy. thus, it’s imperative to conceptualize the introductory terms which will give us a better understanding of this exploration study. Republic and democratization are two different words in meaning. Republic can be described as a system of government under which people exercise the governing power either direct or through tagged representatives periodically tagged by themselves Appadorai A( 1972). This means that a state may in political wisdom be nominated as a republic if it provides institutions for the expression and, in the last analysis, the supremacy of the popular will on the questions of social direction and policy. Other factors, similar as frugality, equivalency, brotherly feeling and the small size of the state, are durable and make for its successful working, the optimum of republic, political liberty is the necessary minimum. Republic is by far the most popular form of government in the world moment. There’s hardly any leader who doesn’t wish to be seen as a democrat or a governance that doesn’t seek to be described as popular. From the below description, one could infer that republic is a political system that seeks and insure the involvement of all and sundry in decision timber and operation of the country’s affairs.


numerous of the rudiments of ultramodern republic are generally taken to have began in ancient Greece, particular the megacity of Athens. Indeed the word ‘ republic ’ derives from two Greek words, ‘ demonstrations ’ which means the people and ‘ Kratein ’ which means ‘ rule of or by ’ the term republic, thus, literally means ‘ rule by the people ’. In addition to its Greek antecedent, ultramodern republic is also taken to have evolved from similar medieval institutions as the British congress and the jury and from the political propositions of seventeenth century similar as equivalency of men, natural rights and sovereignty.


After knowing what republic entails, it’s important to also conceptualize what democratization means which is the focal point of this exploration study. Democratization is the process whereby a country borrow the tenets of republic to the fullest. It could also be seen as the strict adherence to the dictates of republic. There’s lower agreement among political scientist about how that process occurs, installing the criteria to use in determining if democratization has in fact taken place. numerous countries have espoused popular political system only to see them collapse in a military achievement or other rebellion that yields authoritarian government rather. generally, a country doesn’t suppose that republic has truly taken root until at least three public choices have been held. Another criterion raised by numerous experts is the peaceful transfer of power to opposition parties. similar transition is critical because it indicates the major political force in a country are prepared to settle their disagreement without violence and to accept that they will each spend period of time out of office. thus, democratization in substance is the strict adherence to the provision of popular government.


Large violent conflicts do with great frequence in poor and sluggishly growing countries while there’s some disagreement about the causes of conflict most studies point to high pitfalls of ignorance associated with poverty, weak state structures, poor governance, natural resource dependence and vertical inequality( inequality between politically applicable groups similar as religious groups or ethnical groups). It’s important to note that conflict also leads to enormous difficulty. The post election extremity of 2011 also brought serious difficulty to the people of Jema’a Local Government area because the request was burnt down, there was also affectation in the prices of goods and food particulars in the area.


JacobS.( 1984) opines that violent conflict involve at least two or further parties using physical force to resolve contending claims or interest. Violent conflict may do among individualities or groups not combined with government, but the term is most generally applied as a reverse for war. At whatever position it occurs, a violent conflict generally involve further than battle.


Statement of Research Problem


Republic is the most popular and respectable form of government in the world, because it gives the citizens the occasion and freedom to know and contribute in the governance of their own affairs. still, Nigerian republic is a mockery of the ideal republic because of post election violence which claims a lot of lives and property of people. In Jema’a Local Government there have been several heads which are generally violent in nature in the original government. The recent bone was the 2011 post election extremity in the original government which was between the Muslims and the Christians in the original government. This extremity led to the lost of parcels worth of billions of Nairas as well as the lives of innocent citizens in the original government. This has caused a perpetual abomination between the Christian and Muslims in the original government. Up till moment there are reported cases of attacks in the original government as a result of politics. All these post election extremity and attacks are against the tenets of republic and has also marred the democratization process of the original government and the nation at large. Republic doesn’t encourage all these heads and other electoral malpractices because it’s against its tenets and can fluently mar the image of the original government and the country at large.


Description Of Terms

Violent conflict the term conflict has no single description because scholars have clustering views on the conception. Smithk.( 2000) opines that, conflict is the struggle or contest between people with opposing requirements, ideas, beliefs, values, or pretensions. From the below description, one could infer that violent conflict is a struggle to meet disagreeing requirements of individualities in the society.


Democracy As earlier stated, no conception has an respectable description in social wisdom. thus, for purpose of this exploration study, republic can seen as a political system that’s grounded on the concurrence of the ruled. That is, the citizens needs and aspiration attendants the conditioning of the autocrats who are periodically tagged to represent the millions. still, it’s imperative to note that republic is classified into direct or circular that is, through tagged representatives.


Democratization This is the strict adherence to the vittles of republic in a given political reality. These tenets include; free and fair choices which are periodically conducted, freedom of speech, presence of a constitution, abecedarian mortal rights among others.




Religious conditioning and political leaders caused violent conflict in Jema’a Local Government Area.


Objects of the Study


1. To assess the conduct of republic in Jema’a Local Government Area.


2. To also assess the impact of violent conflict in the process of democratization in Jema’a Local Government area and the country at large.


3. To know or to find out what government has done about the issue of violent conflict in the original government, especially the 2011 post election extremity.


4. To also assess how the people of Jema’a Local Government are feeling about violent conflict which has been caused by politics especially the current issues of attacks in different townlets.


Exploration Questions


1. How has government reply to the issue of violent conflict especially the 2011 post election extremity in Jema’a Local Government area?


2. What are the causes of violent conflict in Jema’a Local Government area and how can it be remedy.


3. How has violent conflict affect the process of democratization in Jema’a Local Government Area?


4. Has republic in this period of conflict enhance and networks development in Jema’a Local Government Area?


Significance of the Study


This study on the content( The Impact of Violent Conflict in the process of democratization A Case Study of Jema’a Local Government 1999 – 2011) is aimed at examining the impacts of violent conflict in the process of democratization and also to give a way forward or results to this miracle which is ineluctable in all mortal societies though it can be controlled. The study is imperative because it’ll serve as an eye nature to the citizens of Jema’a on the negative consequences of the problem. likewise, the study will also explore applicable measures that will ameliorate the conduct of republic which is a channel of indifferent growth and development of any political reality because, it’s base on the concurrence of the ruled.


The compass of the Study


This exploration work is aimed at assessing the impact of violent conflict in the process of democratization over the times. It’ll be delicate to extend the compass of this study beyond Jema’a Local Government Area. The original government is made up of 12 electoral wards with a relatively number of pulling units or centres. This study will thus be confined to the thirteen wards in the original government because it can not include a comprehensive examination to all original government areas in the country at large.


exploration Methodology


I intend to use or employ the quantitative system of data analysis. The primary source of data in this exploration work will be through questionnaire being administered aimlessly using the named targeted groups in the original government area. A total number of 60 questionnaires will be administered drawing 5 repliers from each of the thirteen wards in the original government. thus, a methodical arbitrary slice system of selection will be espoused in this exploration. The methodical arbitrary slice system involves opting every utmost element or person from the target population. The 9th rudiments represent or mean the desire of replier that should be included in the slice chosen in a successional order hence the term methodical .


The size and population of the wards in the original government under study will be enough to induce the needed number of repliers that will correspond with the anticipation of this work. The targeted groups cut across age, coitus, occupation, class and so on. As similar, a careful measure would be taken thereby icing a fair representation of the entire population. In other words, in other to insure a reasonable representation of the entire population, a careful measure is going to be picked of the targeted groups which cut across coitus, age, occupation class among others.


The donation and analysis of the data will be grounded on replier socio – demographic characteristic. The data will be presented in a irregular form showing the frequence distribution of replier grounded on occupation, coitus, age, educational attainment and internal status. Each of the distribution of replier will be presented in a single bar map. The secondary data will be source through the use of journals, diurnals, public books, journals, internet, unpublished books among others.




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