Margarine” Production Using Oil Blends From Palm Kernel, Coconut And Melon


Margarine” Production Using Oil Blends From Palm Kernel, Coconut And Melon




Palm kernel, coconut and melon canvases were uprooted and meliorated. Their physical and chemical characteristics were examined. The refined canvases were blended to produce three samples of margarine win kernel oil painting margarine( PKO), win kernel and coconut canvases margarine were tested for free adipose acid and Iodine value with the following results,1.68 Free Adipose Acid,17.77,20.30,21.57 Iodine value for PKO, PCO and PCM margarine independently. These products were assessed organoleptically using 9 – point hedoic scale o both samples and the standard were set up to be significantly different at 5 position of probability.


There was still no significant difference in taste and colour at the same position of significance. product of margarine using these three composites of canvases should be encouraged to add to the kinds of margarine in the request.


Table Of Contents


Chapter One


1. Preface


Chapter Two


2. Literature Review


Fats and Canvases


Significance of Fats and Canvases


Fats as Food


Essential Adipose Acids


Bracket of Fats and Canvases


Composition of Seed Canvases


Tropical oil painting Seeds


Palm Kernel, Coconut and Melon






General styles of rooting Seed Canvases


Refining and Processing of Seed Canvases




Storehouse of Reused oil painting




Functions of Complements Used


Factors Contributing Flavour and Colour




Chapter Three


3. Materials And Styles


Source of Material


Refining Procedure


Determination of the Specific graveness


Determination of Yield


Determination of humidity Content


System of Chemical Analysis on the Canvases


Give Value Determination


Free Adipose Determination


Determination of Iodine Value


Form for the Product


Product of Margarine


Styles of Analysis of Margarine


Sensitive Evaluation


Chapter Four


Results And Discussion






Chapter Five


Conclusion And Recommendation










List Of Tables


TABLE 1 Bracket of Vegetable Canvases.


TABLE 2 Chemical Composition of Palm Kernel Oil




TABLE 4 expression of Samples


TABLE 5 Shows the Physical Analysis of the Canvases


TABLE 6 Chemical Analysis of the Canvases


TABLE 7 Chemical Analysis of the Margarine Samples




Table 8 L.S.D sensitive Evaluation on the Margarine




List Of Flow Chart


FLOW Map 1 Refining Process of oil painting


FLOW Map 2 product Map


FLOW Map 3 Refining of Crude Oil


FLOW Map 4 product of Margarine


Chapter One




Margarine, a adulation cover made firstly from other beast fats, but currently simply from vegetable canvases , like homogenization and pasteurization is a reach invention. Margarine is made from water in oilemulsion because margarine is oilemulsion. moment it’s a manufactured reproduction of adulation made by mixing a variety of fats that may include Goliath oil painting or vegetable canvases , hydrogenated to an appropriates degree. Stabilize, an oil painting answerable color and a proportion of estranged skimmed milk to supply flavour.


Like its model, margarine is about 80 fat, 20 water and solids. It’s flavoured, coloured announcement fortified with vitamin A and occasionally D to match flannel nutritive donation. Single oil painting or a mix may be used. During World War 1, coconut oil painting was favoured, in the thirties, it was cottonseed, and in the fifties, soy. moment, soy and sludge canvases predominate. The raw oil painting is pressed from the seeds, purified, hydrogenated, them fortified and coloured, either with a synthetic carotene or with annatto, a color uprooted from a tropical seed. The water phase is generally reconstituted or skim milk that’s dressed with lactic bacteria to produce a stronger flavour although pure diacetyl, the emulsion most responsible for the flavour of adulation, is also used. Emulsifiers similar as lecithin help disperse the water phase unevenly throughout the oil painting, swab and preservatives are also generally added. The admixture of oil painting and water is them heated, amalgamated, and cooled. The softer hogshead margarines are made with lower hydrogenated, further liquid canvases than other types of margarines.


In 1860s French Emperor Louis Napoleon III offered a prize to anyone who could make satisfactory backups for buffer, suitable for use by the fortified forces and the lower classes.


French druggist Hippolyte Mege- Mouriezi constructed a substance he called oleomargarine, which come, in docked form, the trade name margarine and is now the general term for a wide range of astronomically analogous comestible canvases . It’s occasionally docked to oleoleomargarine which was made by taking clarified beef fat, rooting the liquid portion under pressure, and also allowing it to solidify. When combined with butyrins and water, it made a cheap and more – or – less palatable adulation cover. vended as margarine or under any of a host of other trade names, adulation backups soon came big business but too late to help Mege- Mouriez. Although he expanded his original manufacturing operation from France to the United States in 1873, he’d little marketable success. By the end of the decade, still, artificial flannel were on trade in both the old World and the new.


Margarine is naturally white or nearly white; by proscribing the addition of artificial colouring agents, lawmakers set up that they could keep margarine off kitchen tables. The bans came common place around the world and would endure for nearly 100 times. It didn’t come legal to vend coloured margarine. In Australia, for illustration, until the 1960s.


In the mean time, margarine manufactures had made changes. ultramodern margarine can be made from any of a wide variety of beast or vegetable fats, and is frequently mixed with skim milk, swab and emulsifiers. Liquid fats are converted into suitable substrates by the chemical process of hydrogenation, which renders them solid at room temperature. numerous popular table spreads moment are composites of margarine and adulation. commodity that was long illegal in the United States and Australia and no mistrustfulness corridor of the world too and are designed to combine and the lower cost and easy – spreading of artificial adulation with the taste of the real thing.


Three main types of margarine are common


Hard, generally uncoloured margarine for cuisine or baking, which contains a high proportion of beast fat. “ Traditional ” margarines for similar use as spreading on toast, which contain a fairly high chance of impregnated fats and made from either beast or vegetable canvases . Margarines high in mono – poly – unsaturated fats, which are made from safflower, sunflower soybean, cottonseed, or olive oil painting.


Margarine, particularly polyunsaturated margarine has come a major part of the Western sated countries, for illustration, in 1930 the average person ate over 8 kg of adulation a time and just over 1 kg of margarine By the and of the 20th century, an average American ate just under 2 kg of adulation and bearly 4 kg of margarine.


Grounded on the fact that margarine can be attained from vegetable fat and beast fat, this study to produce margarine from win kernel melon$ coconut canvases mellow id to probe if the product would be preferred over the sample in the request by the consumers. The odour and taste in the canvases would be removed during processing for it not to affect the sample of margarine.


Physical, chemical and sensitive evaluation test would be employed to probe the quality. With the results we will postpone mine the degree of acceptance of the proudly by the consumers.

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