Performance Evaluation Of An E-voting Model For Effective Election System


Performance Evaluation Of An E-voting Model For Effective Election System




Voting is an action considered to be abecedarian in a popular setting. E-voting can be appertained to as an election that involves using an electronic device for the purpose of casting votes. Lack of translucency and other problems associated withsemi-manual system of casting vote in Nigeria has indeed called for a more robust electronic voting system. In this paper, a model for assessinge-voting system using fuzzy sense approach is proposed. The model was dissembled and tested for scholars’ union election using a Federal University in Nigeria. Opinions of the scholars regarding the proposed model were aimlessly tried and anatomized for the purpose of evaluation especially when compared with the being system of voting. likewise, factors that can guarantee free and fair election were bandied and put into consideration during the development of the model. The result shows that the proposed model was effective, effective and dependable for enforcing electronic voting system.


Chapter One




E-voting refers to an election that involves the use of electronic means in at least the casting of the vote. Voting is a process that takes an important position in a popular society. lately, its relinquishment in institutions of advanced literacy among scholars for taking their leaders is gaining fashionability as electronic voting(e-voting) brings to the polling station. Several advantages were noted in, similar graces were listed as bettered turn out, availability for disabled people, and bettered delicacy and speed. The preface ofe-voting raises some of the same challenges faced when applying electronics to any other subject, for illustration-government. It’s a abecedarian ritual of individual to bounce, as this is to help unwanted politicians from gaining access to the position of governance, choose new representatives, and take a stage on important issues. According to, republic is further than votes – it’s an expression of what one intends to do through attestation, campaigning and liaising with people in general. Through the long history of republic, in the pursuit of power, some groups are willing to hang choosers in order to blackjack them; the only way to avoid intimidation is to borrow secret ballot system, this make trouble during voting period to come useless.


The open rights group in 2007 editorialized that for an election to be considered free and fair, it’s anticipated to meet some transnational norms; those listed include delicacy, security and verifiability. Also, choosers are only allowed one anonymous ballot each, which they can mark in sequestration.


For an election to repel the test of time, it must be robust and be ready to repel a variety of fraudulent actions. It must also be sufficiently transparent and scrutable so that choosers and disasters can accept the results of the election.


Formerly when choices were made traditionally, organizers determine who’s eligible to bounce and who shouldn’t indeed move near to polling stations. This may involve a formal enrollment period or making a formal advertisement of age of choosers or other factors that may make one eligible to bounce. Once the election begins, the director may validate the credentials of those trying to bounce. In contrary to the traditional way of voting, electronic voting is essential because it considers ways in which the polling tasks can be performed electronically without immolating namer sequestration or introducing openings for fraud. In order to determine whether a system performs these tasks well, it’s useful still, to develop a set of criteria for assessing system performance. The criteria to be developed are similar as delicacy, republic, convenience, inflexibility, sequestration, verifiability and mobility. The relinquishment ofe-voting in institution of advanced literacy is a welcome development as scholars would have the occasion of taking their representative within a veritably short time with high degree of credibility. The proposed model thus, focuses on assessing the criteria that are considered as vital to any election system.


Statement Of The Exploration Problem


In online voting medium each namer receives a unique ballot law. The ballot law has an arbitrary length and is generated aimlessly to help help manipulation. Online voting system mails virtual ballot papers, including the ballot law, to the choosers before the election. The choosers can also use their dispatch guests to return their votes to the voting garçon.


The voting garçon collects the votes and pollutants out duplicate and invalid votes. Each namer can also check her/ his vote online to insure that her vote has been counted rightly.


Ideal Of The Study


The experimenter embarked on this study to estimate the performance of electronic voting system in the nation, also this exploration work will be suitable to tell if thee-voting system have been suitable to perform well in the electoral body system to the nation.


Exploration Questions


Due to the nature of this exploration work, the experimenter constructed some of the following question as a means of carrying information from the people, in regard to the performance of the system.


1. How dependable is the electronic voting model system over other homemade system?


2. Do you suppose that thee-voting system can correct the missing votes of the citizens?


3. Do you find it easy and stoner friendly to cast your vote over thee-voting system than others?


4. How is thee-voting system performance over others in all aspect like crimes, cost, speed, effectiveness, corruption and lot further?


5. Do you suppose that everyone can cast his/ her vote cast over thee-voting system like in terms of illiterates?


6. What analysis do you have over thise-voting system?


Advantage Ofe-voting Model


Below is a list of the advantage ofe-voting system model over other voting system.


1. crucial benefits of electoral technology include delicacy, speed, effectiveness and effectiveness.


2. crucial challenges remain in the area of security, costs, sustainability, translucency and seller dependence.


3. Trends are down from custom erected systems for each EMB toward technical merchandisers ’ ready- made results.


4. As a consequence of short ICT life cycles, utmost outfit needs major upgrades or complete relief between choices.


5. ICT outfit that was only put in place shortly before an election is likely still immature and has advanced failure rates.


6. The original purchase price of ICT systems can be anticipated to be only a bit of the total cost of power over the outfit’s continuance.


7. Loftiest ICT security situations are precious; each EMB must determine how important security investment is demanded, possible and maintainable.


8. Technical election technology merchandisers offer an ever adding range of services to EMBs, but also bear EMBs to be apprehensive of the challenges involved in dealing with these companies.


9. Voter education, public information and EMB staff moxie are important success factors for election technology executions.


10. EMBs are anticipated to be responsible for the use of choices technology and need the capability to maintain ultimate oversight of the systems in place.


. Compass Of Study


It’s concentrated on studying the being system of voting in Nigeria and to make sure that the peoples vote is counts, for fairness in the optional positions. This is also will produce.


• lower trouble and lower labour ferocious, as the primary cost and concentrate primary on creating, managing, and running a secure web voting gate.


• In furrowing number of choosers as individualities will find it easier and more accessible to bounce, especially in western society were life is a lot further regimented and programmed.


. Limitation Of Study


Time factor, which is the topmost hedge to the successful completion of this exercise, I had fiscal constraints to traveling. The academy is also a hedge to authorization for exit to get my accoutrements for this design.


. description OF TERM


EVS – On line electronic voting system


E-voting- Electronic Voting


INEC- Independent National Electoral Commission


EVR- Electronic Voter Register


PU- Polling Unit


ICT- Information and communication Technology


ECIL- Federal Election Commission


ES & S- Election systems & software


VVPAT- vote empirical paper inspection trails


PEB-particular Electronic Ballot


Leg-particular Identity Number


MBB- Mobile Ballot Box


JBC- judges Booth Controller


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