Political Participation And National Development


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Political participation refers to the direct or circular involvement of the citizens of a country in the governance of their country. Political participation can be astronomically divided into two, videlicet, conventional and unconventional political participation( Efemini 2013). Conventional political participation is concerned with one’s involvement in political crusade, public hail, recall, vote, running for public office, advancing in choicesetc. while unconventional political participation has to do with one’s involvement in public demurrers, civil defiance, political debates, community development, strike action,etc. political participation being an important paradoxical and delicate political proposition, obliges individualities to form and support a given government or the perpetration of a given policy grounded on certain grounds. It also obliges the same people to dissolve any government or oppose the perpetration of any policy grounded on certain grounds too( Almond and Verba, 2010). This work attempts to show that political participation is an agent that provokes or speeds up significant change or action in development since it’s only through conventional and unconventional political participation that one can impact the opinions, programs and other conditioning of the government for the good of the people. Without political participation, there can be no meaningful development in any country. This verity is apparent/ egregious in utmost contemporary societies especially in Africa where numerous countries are underdeveloped. This under- development in Some countries are due to marginalization of the people from active political participation and eventually apathy on the side of the people towards political participation as this makes the leaders to do whatever they like since no bone questions them. But with active political participation of the people, they will be suitable to demand for what’s due to them in terms of development which will include both mortal and infrastructural development. Where the government fails to give development, it’s still through active political participation that the people will be suitable to change such a bad government and replace it with a good bone . This change can either come through advancing similar government out during election or by revolution. Arowolo and Aluko( 2011) stated that through political participation citizens form and support a given government or the perpetration of any policy grounded on certain grounds. The purpose of participation of citizens in the policy making arrangement is to produce sense of belonging and mindfulness necessary for the sustainability of policy despite the nature of similar policy, consolidate republic and engender good governance.


The significance of political participation to public development can not be overemphasized as there any popular society that doesn’t encourage political participation. Emphasizing the need for political participation, Gauba( 2008) argued that


Since utmost people ask profitable development and the physical enhancement of their structure and surroundings, responsive


Government will be similar that seeks and promotes profitable development. On its own, good governance depicts the degree to which institutions of a particular country( similar as superintendent, council or bar) and process( similar as the part of political parties in election) are transparent, responsible to the people and allow them to freely share in opinions that affect their lives( Omoregbe, 2009).


This is simply because good governance must indeed homogenize the process of decision making in a way to guarantee the involvement of the groups for which opinions are being made. For illustration, fat creation programme can only be potent and sustainable only if the affected group is involved at all situations of decision timber process.


Statement Of The Problem


numerous countries are faced with the problem of public development. In a popular society, both the leaders and the people are inclusively responsible for this problem of public development, while the leaders can be criticized for not clinging to the main ideal of republic. which is the prioritization of the ‘ common good ’ over particular interest, which in turn is made manifest in public development. The people on the other hand, admit the lesser share of the blame for their lack of interest in political participation, this apathy on the side of the people gives the leaders room to do whatever they want, still they want it and whenever want it, since nothing questions the programs and conduct.


It’s only through active and popular political participation that the people can thwart the conditioning of the leaders andre-dire minds towards the performance of common good as against private interest, so as to enhance public development.


Political participation is seen as a nostrum for development in a popular society because, it makes programs licit, as it makes people to have a sense of belonging and can lay claim of power of similar programs. It’s through political participation that the citizens partake in the governance of their country, by so doing, they’re suitable to make input in the opinions and programs of the government, hail a government that’s doing well and condemn/ oppose a bad government the or indeed remove similar government.


Exploration Questions


The following exploration questions are stated for this st


1. Did political participation engender political development in


Enugu State from 1999- 2015?


2. Did public opinion engender National Development in Enugu State from 1999 to 2015?


Objects Of The Study


The broad ideal of this study is to estimate political participation and public development fastening on Enugu State from 1999 to 2015.


The specific objects include the following


1. To find out whether political participation formed public development in Enugu State from 1999- 2015.


2. To ascertain if public opinion formed National Development in Enugu State from 1999 to 2015.


Exploration Thesis


The following suppositions are stated for this study


Thesis One


Ho Political participation didn’t formed public development in Enugu State from 1999- 2015.


H1 Political participation formed public development in Enugu State from 19992015.


Significance Of The Study


This study may be of enormous benefit to the general crowd. It’ll go to a great extent in enlightening them on the substance of effective political participation as well as its substance in public development.


The recommendations of this study will suggest ways to insure effective political participation of the crowd.


The recommendations of this study will suggest ways to insure effective political participation of the crowd.


Pupil and other experimenters will as well as widen their compass from the information contained in this study.


Compass And Limitations Of The Study


This study on political participation and public development covers Enugu State from 1999 to 2015.


The experimenter encountered different constraints in the process of carrying out this exploration study.


1. Difficulty in Gathering Research Material


There was difficulty in gathering the necessary information or accoutrements necessary for the successful completion of this exploration study. This is due to the fact that utmost of the repliers were moreover not on sit or were uncooperative in furnishing the necessary information as respects to their price operation practices.


2. Time Constraints


Time also posed as a constraint to the successful completion of this exploration study. The experimenter had to combine the time for lectures and work to carrying out this exploration study. Though it wasn’t easy but she was still suitable to carry out the exploration work.


3. Finance


There wasn’t enough finance on the part of the experimenter to complete this exploration study.


Irrespective of these constraints, the experimenter was still suitable to successfully carry out this exploration study.


Description Of Terms


Social Equality: Social equivalency is a state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or insulated group have the same status in n certain felicitations, frequently including civil rights, freedom of speech,


Property rights, and equal access to social goods and services.


Political Participation: Political Participation can be defined as those conduct of private citizens by which they seek to impact or to support government and politics


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