Role Of Interior Design In Hospitality Industry (A Case Study Cutting Wrought Iron)


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Interior design in hospitality assiduity is the style of decoration used in room. It’s the frame work through which the prospective guests view the hospitality assiduity which include domestic, establishment caffs , fast foods, outlets and hospices.


In any domestic establishment, the introductory conditions for guest are food, drink and accommodation. The statement “ that first print last longer ” is veritably true as the guest from his/ her print on entering decides if he she will come back again. On appearance the guest enter the frontal office and gain the print of the establishment from what can be seen substantially from the setups of the establishment, the decorations the interior decorations and as the guest move on his/ her room has further time to explore the surroundings more nearly. Also the guest takes a close look at the decorations finishing and decides if it’s likely to meet with the conditions and give satisfaction.


In the history, it was true that the room of a hostel should as far as possible give appearance of home down from home. But it’s now realised that the guest who wants to feel at home expects so important difference in the way of decoration.


Design suitable for home frequently have a cold appearance and look veritably cool and seductive. currently new architectural surface and interior designs have been formulated to give the outside and the room a warm, friendly and luxuriant appearance. The part of interior design in hospitality can not be undervalued as warm, colour good cabinetwork attracts guest to hospitality assiduity like every other business organisation needs to maximize profit. This makes it necessary for the hospitality assiduity to pay strict attention to interior design.


Statement of problem


Interior design is an exertion that every hostel should take over so as to exclude the peril of client rejection of apartments. utmost hospices don’t have a policy for new interior décor as a result of this they find it delicate to have the client patronisation and face the competition in the request.


Poor operation opinions on operation of interior design can peril an organisation change of thing.


Ideal of Study


The exploration is to examine the effect and prospect of interior design in the hospitality assiduity and how interior has faired in the wake of its problem and whether interior design would be suitable to harness these challenge into openings that insure growth and development.


To negotiate these points, the study shall concentrate on the following objects


a) To examine critically on the present development in interior design in hospitality assiduity


b) To examine the effect and social donation of interior design in hospitality assiduity


c) To estimate the profit income that interior design has brought into the hospitality assiduity


Exploration Thesis


thesis is a conditional statement. It’s defined as a set of supposition provisionally accepted as a base of reading trial or disquisition.


The thesis to be tested are;


H0 Interior design has contributed to the development of hospitality assiduity


H1 Interior design has not contributed to the development of hospitality assiduity.


The acceptance on rejection of the thesis will be grounded on the sample drawn from the interviews and ferocious exploration conducted in the colorful institution and operation in hospitality assiduity; this will also be couple with the result attained from the test of thesis.


. Significance of Study


The study would contribute in no small measure to the development of interior designed in hospitality assiduity that innards design in the establishment can not be overemphasized. thus interior needs not be completely and adequately rated.


The exploration would be useful in other prospective experimenters in interior decoration in hospitality assiduity. Also the study will help in polishing people’s exposure about decorations and design.


Compass of Study


The main compass of the study is to make it plan to the general, the effect of interior design and also the important of interior design in hospitality assiduity.


Description of Terms


Hospitality assiduity According to Wall- block he defines hospitality ‘ as the act of making guest or sightseer to feel at home by furnishing foods, drinks accommodation and entertainment for their staying. Also Luckwood defines hospitality as the people’s business of furnishing security physical and psychology comfort price.


Oyeniyi also defines hospitality as a friendly and a generous event and entertainment of guest.


Hospitality assiduity This is the assiduity that provides food, libation, accommodation and entertainment to meet the need of the domestic and transnational rest and tourism request. Hospitality assiduity also provides service in services manufactories and clubs. Hospitality assiduity can also be defined as an assiduity that deals with the provision of food, drinks and accommodation for permanents or layover guest.


hostel According to the hostel possessors Act 1956 ‘ An hostel is an establishment offering food and drink and sleeping accommodation, if needed by anybody travelling who appear suitable and willing to pay for service and installations handed.


By Common Law a hostel can offer food libation and accommodation to its guest but it must also assume a liability for the provision of a high standard of cleanliness and sanitation. Also a hostel is a domestic apartment furnishing foods and drinks.


Interior According to Oxford mini reference wordbook define interior design as the art or job of choosing the makeup, carpets, Furnituree.t.c embellish the inside of a house.


In sanitarium assiduity, interior design doesn’t necessary mean the inside of a hostel but extent o the immediate surroundings of the hostel also interior design gives someone practical information about planning, structure and decorating inside of a hostel and when people lives and work.


Design This is a general form or arrangement line or shapes forming a decoration also according to Oxford wordbook defines design as the art or process of deciding how commodity will look, worke.t.c. by commodity may be made arrangement of lines and shapes as a decoration. Also a delineation that shows how a thing is to be made.


Role This is defines as the function significance of commodity. The degree to which commodity is involved in a situation or an exertion and the effect that they’ve on it.


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