Social Media Enterpreneurship As A Tool For National Development


Social Media Enterpreneurship As A Tool For National Development


Chapter One


Background To The Study

Nigeria is the most vibrant country in Africa and has the implicit to be one of the high motorists of development on the mainland. nonetheless, the country’s development is constrained by the weak terrain for broad- grounded profitable growth. Achieving sustainable long- term change requires a significant strengthening of policy expression and perpetration processes. At its core, this involves the force of, and demand for, advancements in the business terrain. Social media entrepreneurship is a new miracle that has changed how the business terrain operates. Businesses are suitable to gain access to coffers and online exposure that were else not available to them. It has also helped businesses to increase their worthiness, cultivate strategic hookups and increase their contact with guests and suppliers. It has come important for business possessors and marketers to register their presence on the social media which also work as a communication and marketing tool which significantly grow their businesses. The entrepreneurs on social media have the capability of participating their business ideas and hassles. This assists in creativity, open communication and sharing of knowledge among druggies. Facebook, Skype and discussion forums are exemplifications of social media tools where large figures of entrepreneurs share( Tapscott and Williams, 2008). The sky is the limit with social media. Owing to of the inflexibility of social networking tools, businesses can realize different benefits. These according to Simon( 2012) are lesser access to different cult, increased patronage, bettered client service, bettered products and services, job creation and relinquishment of favorable pricing practices. The 21st century has seen a shift in the way businesses operates. Smith and Taylor( 2004) reveal that companies are presently passing several new unexpected events and the development of the Internet as a communication channel is nearly clearly one of the most influential factors. The internet has brought about several new rudiments – it has made consumers more accessible, it has surfaced with a fully new set of communication tools that make the process of swapping information much easier and briskly, and it has impelled companies to reevaluate how they’re communicating with their guests( Jaokar, Jacobs, Moore and Ahvenainen, 2009). Entrepreneurs, marketers and consumers are substantiation the appearance of virtual social media. As of January 2012, there were further than 800 million active Facebook druggies, with over 250 million of them logging in everyday. In addition, the average Facebook stoner has 130 musketeers and likes 80 runners but this figure is anticipated to expand with time. also, over3.5 billion pieces of contents similar as blog posts, web links and news stories are participated on this social network( Digital Buzz, 2012). The Internet and the online social networks allow individualities to connect with one another. It’s important for entrepreneurs and marketer to grasp how the Internet functions and the prospects of its druggies. Mangold and Faulds( 2009) fete that social media allows an enterprise to connect with both being and implicit guests as the number of businesses that completely operates online only continues to increase each over the world. This has greatly reduced severance thereby contributing to profitable growth each over the world. Social networking has led to the preface of social media entrepreneurship and presented new ways of communicating to breadth cult on colorful Internet platforms. Different kinds of associations render colorful services through the social media each over the worlde.g. health, news, sports, education etc.( Kotler and Armstrong, 2011).

Statement Of The Problem

There are numerous reasons why individualities come entrepreneurs; it could be to earn plutocrat, to make a difference to community/ terrain or simply passionate about it or to fulfill a lifelong dream. Whatever the reason perhaps, it isn’t a joke or a simple task in just getting an entrepreneur or to start a business, the individual requirements lots of coffers similar as capital, labor, technology/ specialized know- style, and numerous other effects. position of this business and visibility and increased patronage is another factor to consider. Entrepreneurs considerably use the social networks to gain access to a large population of people each over the world through the internet and also use connections in decision timber and sharing ideas. Social media Entrepreneurs operates their business online, this has greatly reduced severance each over the world( Greve and Salaff 2003). still, the experimenter is examining social media entrepreneurship as a tool for public development.

Objects Of The Study

The following are the objects of this study

1. To examine social media entrepreneurship as a tool for public development.

2. To examine the advantage so social media entrepreneurship.

3. To identify the factors militating against social media entrepreneurship.

Exploration Questions

1. Can social media entrepreneurship be used as a tool for public development?

2. What’s the advantage so social media entrepreneurship?

3. What are the factors militating against social media entrepreneurship?

Exploration Thesis

HO Social media entrepreneurship can not be used as a tool for public development.

HA Social media entrepreneurship can be used as a tool for public development.

Significance Of The Study

The following are the significance of this study

1. The results of this study will throw light on approaches to social media entrepreneurship and how it can be used as a tool for public development.

2. This exploration will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and experimenters interested in carrying out further exploration in this field latterly, if applied will go to an extent to give new explanation to the content.

Compass/ Limitations Of The Study

This study on the social media entrepreneurship as a tool for public development will cover the conditioning of the entrepreneurs on the social media and the profitability with a view of determining its effect on public development.

Limitation Of Study

Financial constraint-inadequate fund tends to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This accordingly will cut down on the time devoted for the exploration work.


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