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Socio-economic And Cultural Correlates Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Nursing Mother




Proper breastfeeding practices are effective ways for reducing nonage morbidity and mortality, while numerous maters understand the significance of breastfeeding, others are less knowledgeable on the benefits of breastfeeding and weaning. The end in then i to assess breastfeeding pattern, child formula feeding pattern, and weaning preface in Nigeria and to probe the factors that child nutrition. 150 maters were canvassed using a questionnaire which was designed to evoke information on child feeding Statistical analysis were done using arbitrary slice, whereby chi-square tests were used to estimate relationship between different named variable. The frequence of breastfeeding practice in Nigeria has risen from 72 in 1991 to93.4 as set up in this study, while only17.9 breastfed their children simply for the first 6 months, and the mean duration of EBF( exclusive breastfeeding) is2.1 months. reciprocal feeding was more generally initiated around 4- 6 months(75.2). Despite the fact that60.6 of maters initiate bone feeding and26.1 of maters are set up to breastfeed up to 2 times, the practice of EBF for the first 6 months is low(17.9). Factors set up to impact child feeding practices are type of delivery, equality, system of delivery, occupation, education problems.


Chapter One






Background Of The Study


Acceptable nutrition during immaturity and early nonage is essential to insure the growth, health, and development of children their full eventuality. It has been honored worldwide that breastfeeding is salutary for both the mama and child, as bone milk is considered the stylish source of nutrition for an child.


The World Health Organization( WHO) recommends that babies be simply breastfed for the first six months, followed by suckling along with reciprocal foods for over to age or beyond. Exclusive breastfeeding can be defined as a practice whereby the babies admit only bone milk and not been water, other liquids, tea, herbal medications, or food during months of life, with the exception of vitamins, mineral supplements, or drugs. The major advantage of exclusive breastfeeding from to 6 months includes reduced morbidity due to gastrointestinal infection. still, manyresearchers are questioning there’s sufficient substantiation to confidently recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months for babies in developed countries due to the fact that bone milk may not meet the full energy conditions of e average child at 6 months of age. nonetheless, there’s skimp data that give estimation about the proportion of simply breastfed babies at threat of specific nutritive scarcities.


Several studies have shown that maters find it delicate to meet particular pretensions and to cleave to the expert recommendations for continued and exclusive breastfeeding despite increase rate of inductions. Some of the major factors that affect exclusivity and duration of breastfeeding include bone problems similar as sore nipples or mama ‘s comprehensions that she’s producing shy milk, societal walls similar as employment and length of motherliness leave; shy breastfeeding knowledge; lack of domestic and societal support; lack of guidance and stimulant from health When bone milk or child formula no longer supplies needed energy and nutrients to sustain normal growth health and development, reciprocal feeding care professionals. These factors in tum promote the early use of bone milk cover.


When bone milk or child formula no longer supplies babies with needed energy and nutrients to sustain normal growth and optimal health and development, reciprocal feeding should be introduced. According to the WHO recommendation, the applicable age at which solids should be introduced is around 6 months owing to the childhood of the gastrointestinal tract and the renal system as well as on the neurophysiological status of the child. Factors that impact the weaning process include child feeding problems similar as turndown to eat, bellyache, and puking among These factors represent challenges for maters and in tum direct or laterally impact the feeding pattern Hence, understanding the factors affecting child nutrition in Nigeria can help in developing strategies to promote breastfeeding and prostrating problems faced by maters and children.


Predictors of breastfeeding and weaning practices vary between and within countries. Civic or pastoral difference, age, bone problems, good breastfeeding practices, mode of delivery, heal system practices, and community beliefs have all been set up to impact breastfeeding in different areas of developing countries. Information on the frequence and factors impacting child feeding practices is limited in Nigeria and dates back to 1996. This present study determine child feeding pattern and its predictors among Nigerian maters with the following objects to interpret breastfeeding practices, in terms of inauguration, exclusivity, and termination, and the factors impacting them; to determine the time when weaning starts, the challenges met by maters , and the type of weaning espoused.


Ideal Of The Study


The general ideal of this study is to identify the socio- profitable factors that impact the practice ornon-practice of exclusive breastfeeding among women. Specific ideal are to


· Examine patterns of exclusive breastfeeding in Agbado- Ijaiye Community.


· Identify the relationship between the age of mama and station to breastfeeding.


· probe the influence of the position of education of maters on their breastfeeding practice.


· Explore the impact of number of birth of maters on their station to breastfeeding.


· To probe the influence of distance in birth rate as it affects the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.


· To view the position of knowledge of nursing maters as how it can affect the exclusive breastfeeding practice.


· To examine the government programs as to exclusive breastfeeding practices among maters .


· To also examine the profitable state of the nation as how it affect the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.


· The system of delivery influential in exclusive breastfeeding practice among maters .


· inadequate bone milk of maters as how it impact the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.


· Explore the impact of work engagement of maters to exercise of exclusive breastfeeding.


Statement Of Research Problem




Some women don’t actually believe in the positive goods of exclusive breastfeeding and this informs the continued feeding of their Babies with other supplements like Pap and ready- made baby food. The concern of Croakers, Health officers and Associations are eventually on the decline in breastfeeding practice itself. The interest in this content isn’t only medical, there are social and indigenous difference in breastfeeding which reflect the trend towards what’s regarded as normal and respectable in different social settings.


surely, some socio- profitable and artistic factors impact the extent and duration of breastfeeding. Considering the significance of duration of suckling it’s imperative to identify factors, which can impact it, and that’s what this is meant to achieve.


The commonest reasons for not suckling simply include inadequate bone milk and the socio-artistic practice of giving water to babies because of the hot climate. Also, there’s a lot of misreading about the acceptability of bone milk especially where the baby cries indicating vexation substantially assumed by the mama to be empty. numerous of the nutrition- related di eases can be reduced in our society if maters will completely subscribe to e idea of exclusive breastfeeding.


Exploration Question




This study would strive to answer the following exploration questions.


1. What’s the pattern of exclusive breastfeeding in Agbado- Ijaiye area of Lagos State?


2. Is there any relationship between maters ? Age nd their station to breastfeeding?


3. Does the position of mama education influence breastfeeding station?


4. Do societies impact on breastfeeding practice?


5. Does births rate has any influence on breastfeeding practice?


6. What are the effect of working mama on exclusive Breastfeeding?


7. Can exclusive breastfeeding increase the impunity of the child?


8. Does the position of ménage income affect the practice of exclusive breastfeeding?


9. Can the government programs affect the exclusive breastfeeding among nursing maters ?


10. Does the profitable state of a nation affect the practice of


exclusive breastfeeding?


11. Is system of delivery influential in exclusive breastfeeding practice among nursing maters ?.


Statement Of Hypotiiesis




thesis is a theoretical conceptualization, subject to confirmation or verification. These suppositions were grounded on the practices of exclusive breastfeeding among the Nursing maters in Agbado- Ijaiye Community of Lagos State.


thesis I


Ho The Nursing maters in Agbado- Ijaiye Community doesn’t exercise exclusive breastfeeding.


Hi The Nursing maters in Agbado- Ijaiye Community practices exclusive breastfeeding.


thesis II


Ho The position of education doesn’t affect the practices 0 breastfeeding among the Nursing maters in Agbado- Ijaiye Community.


Hi The position of education affects the practices of exclusive breastfeeding among the Nursing maters in Agbado- Ijaiye Community.


Significance Of The Study




Breastfeeding is associated with a lower prevalence of child diarrhea and respiratory complaint, particularly in lower advanced co tries. An ecological study on breastfeeding showed that further than half of all child deaths from diarrheal complaint and acute respiratory infection are preventable by exclusive breastfeeding in babies progressed-3 months and partial breastfeeding throughout the remainder of immaturity( WHO, 1996). The theoretical base for this may be a combination of the nutritive and immunomodulatory goods of mortal milk.


The significance of this exploration work lies in the fact that it would contribute to being literature on the subject matter by furnishing anexpository analysis of the pattern of breastfeeding in Agbado- Ijaiye Community in Nigeria and identify the socio- profitable factors that impact it. This would enhance policy expression in the primary health care in the area of perfecting the practice of exclusive bone feeding among women.


Compass/ Limitation Of The Study


The work is limited to the significance of exclusive breastfeeding among women and its benefits in perfecting child health and mama ‘s well- being Data collection will be limited to data gotten from the exploration instruments administered on the study population i.e. Agbado- Ijaiya Community. But there may be co information gathering because literature on breastfeed subject/ content aren’t fluently available and assessable. Only a new runners in a wide range of books contain information on exclusive breastfeeding thus, expansive use of a wide range of source including the United Nation data on breastfeeding or issues related to it and other available literature will be assured. Available literature will be exhausted to get varying views on the study area.


Defense For The Study




The practice ornon-practice of exclusive breastfeeding de ends to a large on the socio-artistic beliefs in a society. A lot of w men won’t just suckling simply- because they feel that bone milk isn’t acceptable to feed their babies. Whereas, bone milk is the only’ baby food’ that contains acceptable nutritive contents necessary for growing babies. Without it, babies are exposed to ramify conditions and blights which can only be averted naturally through breastfeeding. Supplements to bone milk like pap and ready- made baby food tend to complicate the growing up process of babies since it exposes them to different conditions and pitfalls during growth. Because there are colorful reasons why people do no practice exclusive breastfeeding, and because of the problem associated withnon-practice of exclusive breastfeeding, it becomes necessary to accomplish exploration on the study area. The study is being conducted to help address these issues.


Definition Of Terms




BREASTFEEDING Is the practice of feeding an child, or occasionally a toddler or a youthful child, with milk produced from her mammary glands, generally directly from the nipples.


EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING Is generally feeding a baby with nothing but bone milk.


FERTILITY Is the state of being suitable to produce.


LACTATION Is the period during which a woman produces milk from the guts to feed a baby.


MALNUTRITION Is a poor condition of health caused by a lack of food or a lack of the right type of food.


MAMMAL GLANDS Are the corridor of the bone th t produce milk.


PREDOMINANT OR MIXED BREASTFEEDING Is the practice of feeding bone milk along with some form of cover.

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