The purpose of this study was to look into the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. This study began with an attempt to define the problem that motivated the research.

The study was conducted to gain a critical understanding of the impact of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and the efforts to reduce it. The method hypothesis was tested using the Kruskal-Wallis multiple comparison test, sign test, and goodness of fit test. The null hypothesis of the first two tests was rejected in this test, while the latter was accepted due to an increase in reported cases of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.

We also conclude that the age distribution of people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria differs and that the rate of occurrence is not the same in male and female patients.

female. Also, the 39-year-old age group is the most affected.

The following recommendations were made: specific measures, such as the provision of safe blood transfusions, should be implemented, employment opportunities for youths should be provided to discourage them from prostitution and drug abuse, men and women should change their sexual behaviors, and the government should take immediate action to avoid population decline, frustration, and so on.



The most unwelcome visitor of the twentieth century was Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It has been upsetting and dangerous to the human race and the global population. Since the discovery of AIDS in America in 1981, the number of cases and deaths has skyrocketed. The predictions of some local and international organizations, such as the United Nations, are becoming a reality. The future of developing countries like Nigeria, where the scourge is gradually taking its toll on the population, is extremely uncertain.


AIDS is a severe disease that impairs the body’s ability to defend itself against other diseases. It is caused by the HIV virus (Human Immune Deficiency Virus). It is a retrovirus that affects and takes over certain immune system cells. The HIV virus infiltrates immune-boosting cells. It then replicates itself and spreads to infect other immune cells. As a result, the infected cell functions incorrectly and prematurely. This weakens the immune system, allowing all types of infections to enter.

1.2              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY


Nobody knows where the AIDS virus originated, but many scientists believe it originated in Africa. According to one theory, the AIDS virus evolved from a similar, but harmless, virus found in African Green Monkeys. According to this theory, one of the monkey viruses underwent a mutation that allowed it to survive in the human body at some point in the past. This mutation was passed down to the virus’s “offspring,” and one of the mutated viruses eventually made its way into the human body, possibly as a result of a person being bitten by a monkey eating a monkey (monkey brains are popularly found in Africa). Once inside the human body, the virus may have mutated further, leading to the virus we know today.

AIDS is a virus. AIDS is now a global problem, regardless of where it began.

Dr. Montegor of California University was the first to discover AIDS in America in 1981. However, AIDS has now been reported in over 100 countries around the world.


Most scientists believe that AIDS is caused by a virus, which is a type of germ. The virus has been given various scientific names, including HTL V – III, LAV, ARV, and HIV. The most well-known of these is HIV.

HIV is an abbreviation for

H stands for Human.

I – Immunodeficiency

V – Virus



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