The Concept Of Sovereignty In International Law: Issues Challenges And Lessons For Nigeria




Modern communications and trade are undergoing new trends and advances.


have otherwise inflicted a serious blow to state political boundaries


commonly known as Sovereignty. The premise of sovereign equality is that everyone


The state enjoys the rights that come with complete sovereignty. These appear to be the


fundamental tenet of international law, which the United


Nations. Sovereignty is the main tenet of the modern international system.


system. It is understandable why sovereignty is a contentious issue inside the UN.


not seen as a hindrance to the preservation or defense of peace


decency toward humans.


The smallest possible common denominator that this opening envisions


the underlying tenet of interactions between nations is that of sovereignty.


Consequently, nations support nonintervention, sovereign equality, and the inviolability of


the prospect of nonviolent transformation and frontiers. It is undeniable that,


Independent states have received respect, particularly in the


new challenges have arisen in the domain of non-interference in their personal affairs


continuing to arise in the field of human rights under international law.


rights defense. Consequently, human rights have had a big impact on


global legislation.




vii More recently, claims of mass-murdering weapons were in the possession of


Various things, including the protection of democracy and destruction,


cited as factors that restricted a state’s ability to exercise its sovereignty


with. These recent difficulties lack a defined category and come in a variety of


as this idea no longer exists, developing states of its persistence are


possesses the restrictions that it once did. Additionally, civil turmoil and


conflict between factions like in Liberia, Si

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