1.1 Background of the study

Higher education is expanding globally, both as a result of government investment in the knowledge economy and as a result of new private and offshore providers. According to the Task Force on Higher Education and Society (2000), knowledge serves as a springboard for economic growth and development, making the promotion of a culture that fosters its creation and dissemination a critical task. If any society is to succeed in this globalized economy, it must rely on the collective contribution and participation of all citizens. Gender issues have been recognized as important by many international communities. Gender issues are not only a matter of social justice, but also of sound economics. Despite the fact that the gender gap is closing globally, more women than men remain illiterate. When creating

Women in developing countries, in particular, are less educated, work longer hours, and are paid less. Women make up half of the world’s population and work two-thirds of the world’s hours, but they have fewer resources and are underrepresented in decision-making positions everywhere (Koláová, 2006). According to research, women are at a disadvantage in most developing countries in terms of educational training, scientific knowledge, and technological literacy.

There is growing concern that women continue to face discrimination and exclusion in higher education. Gender, along with socioeconomic background, ethnicity, and poverty, continue to limit access to higher education in Nigeria. According to Llop (2006), there is no doubt that countries will require a knowledge society in a future characterized by globalization, information, and the knowledge society.

A critical mass of people with solid higher education backgrounds is required. If this is the case, then all members of society, both men and women, should have equal access to higher education.

Many females are thought to regard western education as a waste of time. As a result, when a child is sacrificed to allow another to advance educationally due to the parents’ financial inability, it is more often than not a girl. Furthermore, because school assignments are not on the agenda, a girl’s time is taken up by household tasks such as trading rather than attending school work. For the adult woman who may be overburdened by her role as a mother,

Domestic labor and household chores may leave her with insufficient time and energy to pursue a higher education certificate. Many women, particularly the brilliant ones, prefer to conceal their brilliance for fear of rejection by their male peers and society. Fear of success inhibits one’s career and education. According to one of the women’s organizations, the girl is regarded as a liability because parents are aware that their daughter is only a temporary member of their family. In this way, they believe that education and skills will benefit their in-laws rather than their parents after marriage. Women’s advancement in higher education has been hampered by these and other sociocultural inclinations and dispositions.

1.2 Problem description

Education is critical to empowerment.

as well as empowering women. Women’s education is critical for development because educating a girl benefits the entire generation. Women are not only a part of human society; they are also the central pillar of human origins. Women can play an important role in the social, financial, and cultural advancement of their communities. Traditional and cultural values, on the other hand, are a barrier to women’s educational opportunities. As a result, millions of girls in various societies go without an education and are denied many other opportunities. The literature on the Disposition And Cultural Constraints To Female Participation is vast. However, in Higher Education: A Case Study of Ilorin University.

1.3 Purpose of the research

The primary

The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological and cultural barriers to female participation in higher education. The study specifically seeks

1. To investigate the factors that contribute to women’s underrepresentation in higher education.

2. To investigate the obstacles or challenges that women face in their education.

3. To investigate the policies that civil societies have implemented to promote girl-child education.

1.4 Hypothesis of Research

HO: Cultural constraints and disposition have no influence on women’s decision to pursue higher education.

HI: Cultural constraints and disposition have a significant impact on women’s decision to pursue higher education.

HO: Civil society policies have not been effective in promoting girl-child education in Nigeria.

H1: Policies established by civil societies has been effective in promoting girl-child education in Nigeria.

1.5 Importance of the research

This study aims to provide more detailed and specific information to educational policymakers, specifically the Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs and the National Council for Tertiary Education, in order to enlighten them on factors impeding girl education. The findings of this study will serve as a guide and point of reference for future research on early marriage and female child education in Nigeria.

1.6 The scope of the research

The study’s scope is limited to the Disposition And Cultural Constraints To Female Participation In Higher Education: The study is limited to the University Of Ilorin in Kwara State.

1.7 Study Restrictions

During the course of this research, the following factors may pose a limitation.

Financial constraint- A lack of funds tends to impede.

the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

Respondent attitude: The majority of respondents did not collect the questionnaires, and those who did collect them paid close attention to filling out and returning them, while others did not. Others were less accommodating and may have provided untrustworthy information out of fear of being exposed, despite the researcher’s assurance that all information would be kept strictly confidential and used only for educational purposes.

1.8 An explanation of terms

Cultural constraints are either prescriptive, indicating that people should do certain things, or proscriptive, indicating that people should not do certain things.

Higher education is tertiary education that leads to the award of an academic degree. Higher education, also known as post-secondary education, third-level education, or tertiary education, is an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after secondary school.

Girl-Child Education: The term “girl-child education” refers to a broad range of issues and debates concerning primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as health education for girls and women.


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