One of the largest industries in the tourism sector, the hotel industry has been crucial to the hospitality sector, especially in ensuring that tourists have the necessary comfort in any destination (Laws, 1995). It is a sector based on services that generates employment and income and acts as a force for economic and social change (World Tourism Organization, 1997). This sector of the economy is made up of production facilities that offer a variety of services to consumers, including lodging, entertainment, and the production and distribution of goods and services (Isang, 2001). According to Ugal (2007), the hotel industry generates additional guest amenities like restaurants, swimming pools, or childcare and social function services that provide revenue for use in poverty alleviation.  service various auxiliary services as well as other sectors. Today, the majority of the hospitality sector, including Turkish hotels, has 5,005 rooms and employs 2,000 men and women to ensure the comfort of guests (Yu, 1994). According to Richter (1981), the hotel industry is a desirable way to produce the limited foreign currency and employ unskilled and semi-skilled labor. The three senatorial districts of Cross River State contain more than 1,500 hotels that have been established and duly registered by the state’s tourism bureau (Larry, 2005). He claims that more than 5000 skilled and unskilled workers work in the industry, providing the necessary services to guarantee the comfort of visitors. This sector has generated a multiplier effect, particularly in the creation of commercial enterprises that provide them with a means of support, such as catteries, restaurants, and recharge operators (Aniah, 2009). However, the industry’s ups and downs pose a significant issue because the majority of hotels have closed their doors and fired their staff. In addition, the people in Calabar have not felt the impact of the numerous hotels. Could it be argued that the industry hasn’t improved people’s lives? What part does business play in reducing poverty in Cross River State? As a result, this essay aims to evaluate how the hotel sector contributes to the reduction of poverty in relation to annual tourist arrivals, the appeal of Cross River State as a travel destination, and duration

length of stay, employment levels at various hotels, hotel revenue generation, and the monthly wages given to employees in the sector. However, the hotel industry in Cross River State is a major draw because of the cutting-edge amenities and high-quality services that appeal to tourists and fun-lovers (Lalopa, 2005).

Background of the study (1.1)

Serving others and exhibiting consistency in excellence and quality are both aspects of hospitality. Additionally, it should entail profitably offering worthwhile services at any price point while showcasing your own distinctive selling points. Most importantly, hospitality should be a “place” where guests can still be themselves and express their unique sense of style and personality (Hogan, 2008). The hospitality sector is a significant one.

The travel and tourism sector is a collection of businesses that offers travelers the products and services they require or want. The world’s largest and fastest-growing industries are those of hospitality and tourism (Walker, 2010).

The hospitality industry makes ongoing efforts to uphold a positive reputation and provide excellent customer service. It seems that the foundation for business success is providing top-notch service. Therefore, businesses that prioritize quality become the best at ensuring ongoing customer satisfaction, cultivating loyalty, and influencing

With international arrivals rising by 51% over the past ten years, from 594 million in 1997 to an estimated 898 million in 2007, the global tourism industry has experienced tremendous growth (UNWTO, 2008). Spending on tourism totaled US$733 in total.

was spent in 2006, representing a US$372 billion increase since 1996. (UNWTO, 2008). Based on this performance, it is predicted that global tourist arrivals will rise in the ensuing years and reach 1.6 billion by the year 2020.

Tourism and hospitality are now major employers in many nations due to the explosive growth of the tourism industry, making them one of the largest sectors of the global labor market.

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) estimates that in 2004 tourism generated over 214.7 million jobs globally (or 8.1% of total employment) and over 10% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). In 2007, employment in the global tourism and hospitality sector was also

Statement of the problem: 1.2

Graduates and school dropouts have particularly high unemployment rates, which is contributing to the problem of “educated unemployment.” Unemployment among recent graduates paradoxically appears to be related to educational attainment in some circumstances. This is especially true for school dropouts in countries like Nigeria, where between 1974 and 1985, the percentage of unemployed people with a secondary education rose from 24 to 51 percent. In many countries in the region, open unemployment among graduates as a group in the labor force could be as high as 40 to 50 percent. Graduate employment rates are likely three to four times higher than those of older workers. In his 2001 article “Nigerian Irrigation Analysis,” John Obi Steve

The need has arisen as a result of the aforementioned problem.

This research project recognizes the issue and aims to identify potential solutions to the ugliness with which our nation is currently dealing.


The researcher seeks to address and establish a channel among the local residents regarding the impact that hospitality and the tourism industry has on the overall employment rate of the country, keeping in mind the issues that arise or led to this research work. The following will also be covered by the work objectives:

1. The community gains jobs from the industry

2. Highlights of unemployment courses

3. To determine which programs the tourism and hospitality sector is using to create jobs.

4. To determine the challenges the tourism and hospitality sector faces in generating employment in

Oyun local government in the state of Kwara

5. To ascertain the tourism and hospitality sector’s contributions to the expansion of the Nigerian economy.




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