The Impact Of Conflict Management On Employees’ Performance In The Public Sector




This study uses P.H.C.N as a case study to examine how conflict management affects workers in the public sector.


The goal of the research is to pinpoint the origins and effects of conflicts while also examining how effective conflict resolution can promote peaceful coexistence among various interest groups at work, with a focus on P.HC.N.


The study’s technique was a survey research design. Textbooks, journals, and surveys were employed as primary and secondary sources of data. To test the hypothesis, a variety of instruments, including the Chi-square and the statistic distribution method of table percentage, were used.


The results showed that workplace disagreement can have a beneficial or negative impact on an employee’s performance.


The conclusion of this study was that both junior and management employees should constantly be given motivational incentives in order to perform their jobs as required of them, and that it is necessary for their management in the P.H.C.N to support a thorough research investigation into the issue.


Chapiter 1




1.0 The Study’s Background


Conflict will always exist. While labor’s first objective is to secure and maintain the highest level of salaries in the best conditions, management’s primary goal is to increase profits. Despite this, peace, according to Obisi (1996), is one of the key elements to increasing productivity, which benefits both labor and management as well as the nation’s economic development. Therefore, it won’t be out of place to view conflict as an unavoidable and desirable element in the workplace.


Conflict can be seen as a competitive situation when the parties are aware of the unachievability of any prospective future positions and each wants to occupy a position that is at odds with the other’s desires.


According to Oxford Dictionary, a conflict is defined as a scenario in which individuals, groups, or nations are engaged in a heated quarrel or disagreement.


Since workplace relationships are essentially the focus of industrial relations, it is crucial to look at the factors that contribute to conflict as well as offer suggestions for how such relationships might be managed effectively.


A programmed judgment adheres to standard operating procedures whether it is programmed or not. Alternative solutions need not be investigated because the best one has already been found and published. New, difficult, or poorly defined challenges, on the other hand, call for non-programmed decisions. Decision-makers must consider options and perhaps provide a novel solution under these circumstances. But as issues recur, automated decision-making processes develop. As a result of our desire for predictable, routine situations, programmed decisions supplant non-programmed ones in this regard. Conflict may result from an employee’s desire to maximize profit and the worker representatives’ efforts to guarantee consistently improving living conditions for their constituents. Failure to abide by collective bargaining agreements could potentially lead to conflict.


According to Damachi (1999), if an employee’s rights and prerogatives are violated, it may also lead to conflict. These consist of wage requirements, among other things.


When a representative or delegate to the main body of employees participates in various ways in the decision-making process within the business, this is referred to as indirect involvement. The concept of “industrial democracy” is connected to indirect forms, such as joint consultation, which expand the scope of collective bargaining and worker rights (Barman et al., 1976; Bullock, 1977).


Statement of the problem: 1.1


Employee underperformance lowers their output, which lowers the organization’s profit. Additionally, employees are the areas of bad interpersonal relationships, lost money, termination from a job or, eventually, death, and a deadline. The result of such an issue is similar to a bad wind that does no one any good, and it has an impact on the effectiveness of organizations. Usually, all parties involved in the organization are impacted.


Industrial conflict has the potential to cause social unrest; instability and high unemployment could make it difficult for the government to fulfill its duty to the populace.


In his article on the impacts of strikes and lockouts from 1987, Otobo explored the psychological, political, and economic effects that follow industrial strife. Every participant in the industrial action is impacted overall. It is impossible to overstate the importance of having an effective conflict management system to reduce the issues that arise from conflict and support organizations as they work to achieve their corporate goals. This study will concentrate on the “industrial relations climate in Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)”.


Research objectives are 1.2


The primary goal of this research project is to determine and evaluate the impact of conflict management on employee performance in the public sector.


a) Recognize the origins and effects of disputes.


b) Consider the strategy for preventing dispute from escalating into employee strikes and lockouts.


b) Examine the impact of dispute resolution on worker performance.


d) With particular reference to PHCN, consider how good conflict management can promote harmonic and peaceful coexistence among various interest groups at the workplace.


1.3 Questions For Research


The study will make an effort to provide the most thorough response it can to the question.


1. How does Nigeria’s Power Holding Company’s conflict management strategy affect employee performance?


2. How much of an impact does the conflicts management system have on lowering employee turnover?


3. How much does a company’s approach to managing conflicts affect how committed its employees are?


4. What kind of conflict resolution technique would reduce employees’ disinterest in their work?


Research hypothesis, section 1.4


Hi: Employee performance at the organization is impacted by the conflict management strategy PHCN has implemented.


Ho: The PHCN conflict management system has no impact on worker productivity.


Hello: In an organization, the conflict management system affects employee commitment.


Ho: A company’s employee performance is unaffected by its conflict management strategy.


Hi: The system for managing conflicts will lessen workers’ disinterest in their work.


Ho: The mechanism for managing conflicts won’t help employees who have lost interest in their jobs.




The study will make an effort to analyze the Power Holding Company of Nigeria’s conflict management scenario. The theoretical underpinnings of the study will be generally reviewed, and the PHCN’s historical past will also be examined.


1.6 Applicability Of The Study


The value of a company in achieving its goals depends on the caliber of its staff. The effect of conflict management systems on employee performance in the public sector must thus be investigated.


The study is pertinent and significant due to the perception that “this is a government work” and as such everything goes that both employees and management of a public organization typically have. It is crucial to examine how conflict is being managed now that the economy is adopting greater economic deregulation and Power Holding Company has been commercialized. It is intended that the findings of this study will serve as a guide for other formerly public firms that are currently being commercialized or privatized, helping them to understand how to manage conflict within their own workplaces and avoid jeopardizing their core business goals. The research will also advance the body of knowledge in the area.


1.7 Power Holding Company Of Nigeria (PHCN) History


The Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) is a government-owned corporation that was established by decree with the goal of maximizing the welfare of the general people. The typical service offered by PHCN is crucial. The government creates NEPA to guarantee a fair allocation of facilities and social services. NEPA aids in preventing both the unhealthful rural-to-urban population migration and private monopolies of power.


By Decree 24 of April 1, 1972, the Niger Dams Authority (NBA) and the Electricity Cooperation of Nigeria (ECN) were combined to become the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). As a result, PHCN was given the authority to maintain a coordinate and economic system of electricity supply that was effective and reached all parts of the country.


With just four large power facilities, notably Ijora, Delta, A Fam Turmal Power facilities, and Kanji Dam Hydro Power Station, it began modestly but steadily, providing service to more than two million people nationally. The nation’s technological and industrial development was fueled by this. With a customer base of over five million, PHCN has emerged as the fastest-growing and largest electrical industry in Africa and the developing world overall. The status of the electrical supply systems from the beginning of PH CN of the electricity is compared in the table below.


systems of supply since 1972 and 1997. Therefore, it may be argued that conflict management is a necessary tool or approach for resolving disputes as they happen. Given its ability to cause or lessen industrial crisis, this is crucial and might even be regarded as an art.




Introduction, Historical Background, Problem Statement, Study Objective, Study Significance, Research Questions, Research Methodology, and Study Relevance are all included in Chapter 1.


Chapter 2: Review of the Literature


Chapter 3: Research techniques


Chapter 4: Interpreting and Analyzing the Data


Summary and conclusion in Chapter 5.




Conflict is the unavoidable struggle and battle, debate, or resistance between people or groups of people, organizations, or governments over the continuation of better living or survival conditions.


MANAGEMENT: The act of handling a situation that needs to be in some way controlled.


MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICT: The techniques, art, or manner of handling conflict. Human resource managers who are typically experts in the field of industrial relations.


Relationships that exist between employees, employers, and the government for the advancement of peace, employee satisfaction, and organizational growth are referred to as industrial relations.


Performance Of Employees


Employees should have the chance to influence and, whenever possible, participate in decision-making on issues that have an impact on their working lives as part of the performance review process.

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