This project will be carried out through a critical approach of research using empirical methods to find out the causes, problem, and dangers inherent in drug abuse among the youths in our society: this project will be carried out through a critical approach of research using empirical methods to find out the causes, problem, and dangers inherent in drug abuse among the youths in our society: this project will be carried out through a critical approach of research using empirical methods to find out the causes, problem, and dangers inherent in drug abuse among the youths




Because of its enormous reach and capacity to affect behavior, home video has become increasingly essential in public campaigns. It has aided beneficial advances such as the battle against HIV/AIDS, gender bias, poverty, and racism, and now it is critical to harness the full potential of the same medium to teach teenagers about drug usage and drug trafficking. There is compelling evidence that well-planned home video campaigns can reduce drug abuse by correcting misleading perceptions about normative drug abuse.

The current trends of youth indiscipline are so concerning that various military and civilian governments have sought strategies to address the issues.

The researcher aims to investigate home videos as a possible remedy to drug misuse as a result of this. Home video messages have a significant impact on society, and youths play an important role in establishing popularly approved spaces. The rapid and easy flow of information and education is ensured by home video. Some home video systems play music and videos that promote social issues such as alcohol, drug, and sex misuse. Drug misuse and other unhealthy habits have played a role in the recent spate of tragic situations in which kids have become highly violent and out of control.

Drugs, gambling, internet use, and chocolate all alter the brain, according to home video.

Wrestlers, boxers, and other athletes and bodybuilders may use anabolic steroids to gain muscle mass. Drug misuse has an impact on society and adolescents in certain respects because drug abuse can have major health repercussions at any age, but kids who abuse drugs are more vulnerable to negative outcomes. Drug-abusing teenagers are more likely to develop an addiction later in life and suffer lasting and irreparable brain damage. Other harmful consequences of drug misuse include:

1. Emotional Issues: Drug misuse can cause or disguise emotional issues such as anxiety, despair, mood swings, and suicide thoughts. Unfortunately, drug addiction can exacerbate these emotional issues. Teenagers who use marijuana on a weekly basis, for example, have a twofold increased risk of despair and anxiety.

2. Behavioural Issues: Adolescents who use drugs are more likely to have social problems, depression, suicidal thoughts, and violence. According to a recent poll by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, kids who do not abuse drugs are more likely to participate in delinquent behaviors such as fighting and theft. Some drug-addicted teens have an increased desire for sex, which can lead to disease transmission such as HIV/AIDS.

3. Learning Issues: Drug usage impairs short and long term memory, which can lead to learning and memory problems later in life.

4. Brain damage: Drug misuse in children and adolescents can lead to major mental illnesses or irreparable brain damage. Shrinkage of the brain, impaired learning ability, and memory issues are all symptoms of brain injury in children. faulty reasoning


Youth are supposed to be well-educated, morally upright, respectful, honest, intellectually sound, kind, and academically successful. On the contrary, today’s adolescents are more likely to indulge in cultism, drug addiction, robbery, and prostitution, as well as a variety of other social vices that have a negative impact on society. As a result, there is a need for ethnical re-orientation of such young men and women using home-video. Some of the issues that this initiative would address are:

I The abuse of narcotics by young people, particularly females.

(ii) The detrimental consequences of drug usage on young people and society

(iii) The influence of society on drug usage and addiction


The goal of this study is to educate parents, guardians, and society at large on the problem of drug misuse, especially since it is not limited to children from wealthy families; children from disadvantaged families are also involved in drug abuse. The investigation’s goal is to:

I Determine the role of home video in the prevention of drug misuse.

(ii) an appropriate solution to the situation.

(iii) To figure out what causes drug abuse.

(iv) To comprehend the idea of drug abuse

(v) The efforts done to reduce the prevalence of drug misuse in society.

(vi) The types of substances that teenagers are abusing

(vii) understand how the film (Omo Gomina) has aided in the discussion of drug usage.


The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of home video in reducing drug abuse and to determine the causes as well as the risks associated. The home video “OMO GOMINA” by Iyabo Ojo will be used as a case study.


The following question, as well as any others that may occur during the study process, will be addressed.

I What is the definition of drug abuse?

(ii) Is ignorance the source of drug abuse among the general public?

(iii) Is it possible that society is to blame for drug abuse?

(iv) Can drug misuse lead to bad health in children and adolescents?

(v) Can drug misuse have an impact on a young person’s academic, social, mental, emotional, and physical well-being?


I Home Video: A house entertainment system that uses video and audio equipment inside or outside a private home to recreate the feel and atmosphere of a movie theater.

(ii) Menace: A person or object that causes or threatens to cause substantial injury, harm, or danger.


(iii) Drugs: These are substances that have an effect on psychological or behavioral functioning. A drug is sometimes defined as the only substance that can be used to prevent and treat disease.


(iv) Abuse: Abuse is defined as the act of abusing someone.


(v) Drug Abuse: This is defined as the use of drugs in a harmful and unusual manner that deviates from a group’s or society’s norms.

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