The Incidence Of Salmonella And Escherida Coli On Poultry And Their Feeds


Chapter One




The term flesh used in husbandry generally refers to all tamed catcalls kept for egg or meat product. These includes cravens( domestic fowls), Grallus retainers, clunkers, ducks and geese. This design will deal largely with the funk which are the most common domestic fowl. The species of flesh are inhabitable or can survive in different surroundings thus, they’re extensively distributed in the world, with great increase in population, the demand for goods especially protein food come acute. To meet the demand for beast protein and its development, rapid-fire multiplying bones becomes veritably necessary. Flesh has so numerous advantages over other tamed beast whose product is veritably important hindered by lack of plutocrat, high temperature, complaint and lack of good at certain ages of the time.


The conditions of flesh is like the complaint of other creatures may be caused bya. pathogenic organisms like bacteria and contagions, protozoa, worms and some members of arthropods


nutritive insufficiency,( c) From crack or cannibalism


The following conditions are generally associated with the fowls locally


1. New castle complaint


2. habitual respiratory conditions


3. Fowl typhoid


4. Coccidiosis


5. Fowl spell


The prevalence of salmonella and Escherida coli simply means the extent to which the enteric organisms( Escherichia coli) that are part of the normal foliage and apropos causes complaint and pathogenic organism( salmonella) affect the flesh feeds. Hill,D.H; and Davis,O.s;( 1962). Shoening et al 1942). Defined conditions as any abnormal condition of the towel of the body, the cells that make up the colorful towel have specific functions to perform. Pekzar et al( 1977) defined Salmonell is as a complaint of the juvenile fowl and swim raspberry cause by some species or Salnaonells.


Anon( 1963) described pullorum complaint as an acute infection complaint of body sprats caused by salnonella pullorum. Infection is the entering of the complaint produces organisms into the beast.


Beast( Flesh) gets infected when pathogenic organisms passes to the susceptible beast through the through the following avenues.Esmat.omar 1977.


1. Feeds and polluted water feed or water containing feces or waste products of diseased beast will help spread the organisms to fresh hosts. The feeding troughs and soddening vessels also spread the conditions if not separated.


2. Dropping or excretes These material are the gateway out for some stages of oarganisms to go out of the host and get to fresh beast hosts.


3. near contact – some complaint spread by contact. Their agents may be external spongers or air borne in which case nearness to the superior’s catcalls increase the changes of getting the organisms


4. To or event the complaint pathogenic organism from getting into the body of flesh, attention should be payed to those factors that impact their infections and spread. First and foremost, they should have complaint defying stock, give good sanctum, clean range, proper feeding and practise separating the unhealthy bones from the healthy flesh, quarantining new stock. In case of flesh, the brooder house should be 30m to 48m from old catcalls. similar that they gets good feed and sun. They should act be allowed to get in contact with their feces or excretes since their dropping carry the pathogenic organisms. Sanitation is veritably important in flesh operation by cleaning of water barrels and feed troughs and eventually disinfecting the stock to help reduce organic matter.




This study has been justified by the need and safety of consuming children( white meat) which has low cholesterol but rich in protein than beef which has high cholesterol. Also mortal beings and the world at large, benefit from our flesh granges where we’ve the layers( Egg producing Chiks) and the cookers( Heavy sprats ) for consumption.


The flesh( funk) are rich in protein and amino acid demanded for growth. Beast feeds are formulated to a rate for different species and classes of flesh. These are also feed cumulative, which may be added to the feed to help complaint or make creatures use feed more. Some component concentrate is added to nourish the feed.


Points And Ideal Of The Study




1. To punctuate the colorful significance of the beast( flesh) to mortal and our diligence.


2. To determine the prevalence of bacteria infection similar as balmonella


and Escherichia coli which beget health hazard to the flesh( Chiken).


3. To insulate and conclude effect of salmonella specie and Escherichia coli


in beast( flesh) and their feeds.


4. To advice flesh growers on how to save and handle their granges


feeds from infections conditions to the catcalls.


Limitation Of Study




This exploration work will be limited to the available accoutrements for carrying out experimental work and also due to cost of transportation. This work will be limited to Enugu megalopolis.




HYP. 10- Salmonella and Escherichia coli are the major causes of bacteira infection set up in beast( flesh) feeds.


HYP. II- salmonella only is the infection that effects the beast( flesh) feeds.


HYP. II0- Escherichia coli only is the bacteria infection that effects the beast( flesh) feeds.)


Statemnet Of Problem




1. Flesh feeds are infected during procession by handling, mixing of component and exposing the raw accoutrements and furnished products to the atmospheric micro organism.


2. Flesh( catcalls) are being infected through the consumption of the defiled feeds and unpurified water


3. Also when the healthy and unhealthy catcalls are fed together from the some feeding trough and water vessels, ultimately the pathogenic and the enteric organisms from infested bones may extensively spread


4. Salmonella and Escherichia coli as the bacterial organisms goods the essential demand of the body similar as water, carbohydrate, fats, vitamin, minerals and protein thereby reducing the content of the nutrient demanded for the food to the palatable and fluently digestible


5. Consumers( humans) get infected by the in take of raw and half done funk


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