The Influence Of Journalism Code Of Ethics On Journalism Practice


Chapter One





Background of the Study

Journalism is abecedarian in icing purposeful and peacefulco-existence in the society. They’re necessary to the success of every mortal bid. Through their docket – setting part, the journalism practice set the scale of current issues, determine the extent of transmission and established the terms of reference and limit of debate, which eventually impact peoples conduct, responses, opinions and judgement on the issues so raise.


still, the current trend in journalism practice has raised a contestation as to who really set the docket – the mass media or the state? According t Okunna,( 1996p. 66) asserted that, it’s through the practice of journalism that views in the society are made given, government programs and conditioning are publicized and opposing and also heard. Again, journalism serves as the conduct for the colorful forms of commerce among the different fact of the society. The strings of the relations are typically controlled by numerous variables, similar as the legal, ethical, political, socio-artistic, technological and profitable factors.


Defluer( 1989;p. 46) refocused out the commerce is necessary so that certain inferior and disruptive behaviours aren’t displayed in the society. In view of forenamed, journalism contents should be packaged in a way that helps the media to perform their places effectively as the media are the major force that stimulates public, transnational, socio- profitable and global understanding.


Obi( 1988;p. 106) said, by reason of their strategic position in the society, the operations of journalism are affected by numerous development law of ethics. The central themes of these law of ethics includes the ethics that relates to not allowing particular interests to impact them in their professional duties, the use of fair and honest means to gain news, filmland, flicks, videotapes and document, etc. This effect the seenario in Nigeria and the transnational picture.


No doubt, ethics are pivotal to journalism practice in Africa because the profession is youngish than other mainlands where it long has been rehearsed. Journalistic law of ethics is helping to bring about a intrepid married, believable and effective press. The union of intelligencers has formulated canons of conduct for journalist. Some papers and broadcast stations have guidelines on situation in which journalists constantly find them( Udofia, 2013;p. 14).


Statement of the Problem

Since journalism practice is the mastermind of public opinion. numerous compendiums listeners and observers depend on them for news and information. For intelligencers to be considered effective, they must be trusted by a significant proportion of the public. Recent elevation and allegation of corruption and high handedness by politicians with the conspiracy of journalists has forced the public to look at the intelligencers with a critical eye.


To avoid casting dubitation on their performance and products, intelligencers ’ professional formulated conduct and how news and events should be collated and reported above reproach.


thus, the question is, to what extent has the journalism law of ethics impact the practice of journalism among intelligencer in Uyo?


objects of the study


The under listed are the objects of the study;


To find out the position of knowledge of Uyo intelligencers on the position of knowledge on the colorful journalism law of ethics.

To determine the extent of knowledge of intelligencers in Uyo on the Journalism law of ethics influence journalism practice.

To find out the extent to which intelligencers in Uyoadhere to the applicable journalism law of ethics in their practice.

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