The Influence Of Parental Value System On Success Orientation Among Adolescents





The study examined the influence of maternal value system on scholars ’ success exposure at the secondary position in named public secondary seminaries in landmass Original Government Area of Lagos State. Also, this study reviewed some applicable and affiliated literatures undersub-headings.


The descriptive exploration check was applied in this study for the assessment of the opinions of the named repliers for this study, with the use of the questionnaire and the slice fashion.


A aggregate of 120( one hundred and twenty) repliers were tried for this study. Four null suppositions were formulated and tested, with the operation of the t- test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation tools at0.05 position of significance.


1. There’s a significant influence of maternal value system on scholars ’ academic performance in academy.


2. There’s a significant influence of negative maternal value system on scholars ’ social adaptation in the society.


3. There’s a significant relationship between positive maternal value system and adolescents ’ success exposure in academy.


4. There’s a significant gender difference in scholars ’ success exposure due to maternal value system.






Background of the Study


The child’s parents are the topmost influence on his/ her development in two irrefutable ways. originally, parents give the child with his/ her natural heritage. Secondly, they organize his/ her life. Parents within this family structure, act as fraternizing agent in furnishing pretensions and value system from which the child develops colorful patterns of behaviours.


In some situations, parents borrow care free station towards the literacy of their children, indeed their social exposure, and this has in numerous cases, caused the low academic performance of children indeed their maladaptive behaviours in their immediate society( Hake, 1999).


According to Ndubuisi( 2005) there’s a positive correlation between maternal station and children’s social exposure and academic achievement. Ndubuisi is of the opinion that parents ’ confines of value placement on their children’s well- being or else significantly affects the child’s positive or negative adaption to his/ her society.


As Adeleke( 2000) puts it, parents who place positive value on their children, care for them veritably well by furnishing them with necessary amenities at home which help to grease their educational careers, and by furnishing medical care and nurturing them innocently. The attendant effect is the moulding of good conducted children who are well acclimated to their immediate terrain.


Uzomah( 2006) presuppositions that if parents parade positive values in terms of furnishing for their children’s education, similar children who are well provisioned for, will no doubt, be high academic achievers, while those whose parents place negative values on their education will grow up to be low achievers in their educational career. This will inversely show in their poor social adaptation to their larger communities.


Statement of the Problem


Parents ’ stations play important part in the social and academic lives of their children. For case, parents who place negative values on the academic career of children won’t give them with the necessary books, academy uniforms and fund plutocrat for feeding. They won’t also give the children good and nutritional diets that would beget them to grow fleetly and to be more intelligent. The result of this is poor academic performance by the children. In terms of their social exposures, children would not bear well in their society, if their parents display negative values in the system of bringing them up in the right dimension. This study is embarked upon as a result of the concern for the influence of maternal value system on success exposure among adolescents in the society.


Purpose of the Study


The main purpose of this study is to examined the influence of maternal value system on success exposure among adolescents in landmass Original Government Area of Lagos State.


exploration Questions


The following exploration questions were raised in this study


1. Will parents ’ negative value system affect their children’s social exposure?


2. To what extent will the academic achievement of parents affect their children’s success exposure in seminaries?


3. To what extent will the positive value system of parents affect their children’s social adaptation?


4. Is there any relationship between maternal care and children’s geste ?


5. To what extent will there be gender difference in success exposure due to maternal value system?


Exploration Hypotheses


The following exploration suppositions were formulated to guide this study


1. There will be no significant influence of maternal value system on adolescents ’ academic performance.


2. There will be no significant influence of negative maternal value system on social adaptation of adolescents ’ in the named secondary academy.


3. There will be no significant relationship between positive maternal value system and adolescents ’ success exposure.


4. There will be no significant gender difference in success exposure among adolescents due to maternal value system.


Significance Of The Study


This study will be of great benefit to the colorful parts of individualities and group of individualities in the society as stated below


1) The scholars will profit from this study because its findings and recommendations will help them to appreciate that they need maternal care and placement of positive values for them to be successful in the society. It’ll make the scholars to be more adaptive to their maternal control and care.


2) Parents would also profit from this study because it’ll enable them to be over and doing in the parenting of their children if they want them to be notable in both the academic and social world. This study will enlighten parents on the stylish system of bringing up a child in the homeetc.


3) preceptors would be heirs of this study because, it’ll enable them to be more enlightened on how stylish to train up their children in the home and at academy, as surrogate parents.


4) The society will really, benefit from this study because it’ll help them to learn that maternal value system has commodity to do with the child’s geste and his/ her academic success in the academy.


compass of the Study


The study covered the influence of maternal value system on the success exposure among adolescents in landmass Original Government Area of Lagos State.


Description Of Terms


functional delineations of terms were meetly handed in this study, therefore


1) Maternal Value System This study sees maternal value system as a situation or position at which parents attach significance to or place certain values on their children’s education or success in life. utmost parents don’t watch for their children or wards, thus, they’re assumed to place negative values on their children’s success, whereas, numerous other parents take proper care of their children, and these parents are regarded as those who have positive maternal value system on their children and wards.


2) Adolescents ’ Academic Performance This refers to the position or rate at which youths or adolescents in academy perform in their academic career in academy. It also shows the position at which scholars carry out their academy works at a given period of time and the result of it.


3) Maternal Discipline This means the position of discipline, parents give to their children or wards at home in order to bring them up in a positive way. Maternal discipline allows children to grow up embracing the proper morals and values in their immediate society or communities.


4) Socio- Economic Status This refers to the position of social position of individualities in a given society. It’s the socio- profitable distinction amongst members of the society.


5) High Academic Achievers This means those who record high academic performance in the academy during their courses of study.


6) Low Academic Achievers This refers to those scholars who record low academic performance during their courses of study in the academy.


7) Maladaptive Behaviour This means the geste of an existent that isn’t ate by the larger society. Maladaptive behaviours are those characters that areanti-social in nature.

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