The Influence Of Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaigns On The Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of Men


Chapter One



Background of the Study

Cancer is the growth complaint of cells in the body. Clinically, it can be defined as a large number( up to a hundred) of complex conditions that bear else depending on the cell types from which they appear( William,, 2009,p. 513). It’s a inheritable complaint which is caused by mutation that has dominated other cells. In 2000, there were reported cases of new cancers and 552,200 cancer deaths, indicating that roughly half of the people who develop cancer die from it( William, Klug,, 2009,p. 513). Statistics expiring from different health organisations and agencies around the world indicate that there are over 16 million new cases of cancer encyclopedically. This figure, according to World Health Organization( WHO) 2011report, is likely to double in 2020( Chustecka, 2011,p. 1). The rapid-fire spread of this complaint to a large extent is as a result of incognizance of its early symptoms which can be treated at its early stage when detected. Cells proliferation and metastasis nature of cancer has made it worst, this has redounded to its fast spread( cancer) in mortal body. Cell proliferation has to do with the division of cells into multiple units which can be said to be characterized by abnormal cell growth. On the other hand, metastasis is a process that allows these cells to spread to other corridor of the body. The painful aspect of this complaint is the capability to combine both cell proliferation and metastatic, this makes it more dangerous( Peter & George, 2002,p. 367).

The International Agency for Research on Cancer( IARC), in 2008 gave an estimate of over 681,000 and 512,400 new cases of cancer. These numbers have increased to1.4 million cases and 714 thousand deaths in 2010( IARC Report 2010,p. 3). The three most deadly mortal cancers are cancer of the lung, cancer of the colon and bone cancer. still, lung cancer is largely preventable, utmost of these cases affect from smoking cigarettes( American Cancer Society, 2000,p. 13).

There are several causes of cancer, notable among them is the inheritable factor. John Hill, an English croaker in 1761 discovered that some excrescences which can develop to cancer are caused by chemicals. Percival Pott, also made a analogous discovery, he discovered that heavy snuff druggies are exposed to cancer. The 1966 Nobel Prize winner in drug, Peyton, Rous discovered another cause of cancer. He set up out that contagion can beget cancer in mortal( Peter & George, 2002,p. 368).

Peter and George,( 2002,p. 369), stated that, one out of every three children born will contract cancer at some time during their lives. While one- fourth of the manly children and one- third of the womanish children will eventually die of cancer. One begins to wonder what will be the fate of developing nations since the position of knowledge and mindfulness of this complaint is fairly poor in these nations.

The most deadly complaint in men is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a type of cancer which only affects men. It’s the alternate leading cause of death in men.( World Cancer Report 2011,p. 4). It occurs when excrescence begins to grow in the prostate gland of manly reproductive system. The word “ prostate ” means “ one standing in front ”. The prostate is so called because of its position, which is directly at the base of the bladder. It’s estimated that 241,740 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in 2012 in America and out of this number, 28,170 cases will die from this complaint( America Cancer Society, 2012,p. 23).

This is to show the low position of mindfulness and attention given to this complaint that’s gradationally transferring most men to the grave. Developing nations are seriously at disadvantage when it comes to knowledge.


Statement of the problem


Cancer cells are immortal, until they’re pulled by surgery or the body in which the cell resides dies before one can be said to be free from this complaint. Due to the nature of this complaint in man, several agencies and associations similar as United Bank for Africa have organized forums and mindfulness juggernauts on prostate cancer. On Saturday, June 18th 2011, UBA Foundation flagged off an mindfulness crusade against prostate cancer in Nigeria and Africa, all in a shot to fight cancer. Yet the current statistical data of mortality performing from prostate cancer is in the increase. prostate cancer is the most nocuous complaint in man, the alternate loftiest cause of death in man( Orarusi, 2012). In malignancy of the juggernauts on cancer generally, death continues to be on the increase. In developing nations like Nigeria, death rate as a result of prostate cancer is veritably high and substantially among men that are 50 times and over. still, this high death rate can be linked to lack of public mindfulness, knowledge, late discovery and opinion of the complaint and the station of men about the complaint. All these lead to the premise that prostate cancer is yet to be well understood by men. still, some people are of the view that any mindfulness crusade aimed at combating this deadly complaint must have all it takes to increase knowledge, produce positive station and enhance practice of webbing styles among the followership. Except there’s a significant change in the station of those exposed to prostate cancer juggernauts, the entire exercise will amount to vanity. Grounded on this, this exploration thus seeks to find out the extent to which men in south- eastern Nigeria are exposed to prostate cancer juggernauts, their station and practice towards crusade dispatches on forestallment, early discovery and treatment of prostate cancer.


Objects Of The Study


The general objects of the study is to examine the influence of prostate cancer mindfulness juggernauts on the knowledge, station and practices of men. The specific objects is as follows


To find out the mindfulness position of men in South- Eastern Nigeria about prostate cancer.


ii. To ascertain the knowledge position of men in South- Eastern Nigeria on prostate cancer.


iii. To identify the sources of information about prostate cancer.


iv. To ascertain the station of men in South Eastern Nigeria towards prostate cancer.


To find out if the crusade on prostate cancer have told the geste of men in the South- Eastern part of the country.


Exploration Questions


The following questions have been prepared for the study


What’s the position of mindfulness among men in south- eastern Nigeria about prostate cancer?


ii. What’s the position of knowledge of men in the south eastern Nigeria on the issue of prostate cancer?


iii. What are the sources of information known to men in South- Eastern Nigeria on prostate cancer?


iv. What’s the station of men in South- Eastern Nigeria on prostate cancer?


v. What influence has the juggernauts on prostate cancer on the geste of men in South Eastern Nigeria?


Significance Of The Study


This study will be significant to the ministry of health as it’ll be exposed to the need of creating an mindfulness on the issues of prostate cancer


The study will also be significant to the academic community as it’ll contribute to the being literature.


Compass Of The Study


The study will find out the mindfulness position of men in South- Eastern Nigeria about prostate cancer. The study will also ascertain the knowledge position of men in South- Eastern Nigeria on prostate cancer. The study will further identify the sources of information about prostate cancer. More so, the study will ascertain the station of men in South Eastern Nigeria towards prostate cancer. Incipiently, the study will find out if the crusade on prostate cancer have told the geste of men in the South- Eastern part of thecountry.hence, this study is demarcated to south Eastern part of Nigeria.


Limitations of the study


Like in every mortal bid, the experimenters encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. inadequate finances tend to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature, or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the experimenter resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so, the experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the quantum of time spent on exploration will be reduced.

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