The Proliferation Of Socio Political Organizations And Their Roles In The Political Development Of Akwa Ibom StateĀ
Chapter One
Background of the Study
Over the past few decades, Nigeria has witnessed considerable growth in the number of socio-political organizations, a growth which accelerated mostly in the 90s. During this time an increase number of citizens took up membership.
Consequently, large institutions such as universities, churches, government agencies, foundations and community groups formed their own organizations to represent them politically (Obafemi, 2011). This has been the only basis for them to reach out to or draw the attention of the government to their affairs.
The significance of socio-political organizations is the integration of the acceptable norms of the government and society including the development of political experience. The organization act as a yardstick in which members of the society are educated and encourage to participate. Individuals through their various organizations will know and understand their significance and roles toward the development of politics.
Political organizations are a fundamental part of democracy. They increase participation and access to the political system, thereby enhancing the quality of democracy and politics development. They also enable particular interests and causes to be heard and to exert influence in public decision and decision making. Yet it is precisely the representation of specialist interests and of single issues which may give cause for concern, both in terms of the methods used to audience objectives and of the undue power and influence which particular lobbies can exert.
However, it is against this background that this research seeks to assess the effect of the proliferation of political organizations and their roles on the political development of Akwa Ibom State.
1.1 Statement of the Problem
It has been argued that the proliferation of socio-political organizations has not played effective role in the face of political, human and infrastructural development. This is because most of the political organization are created by power drunk, greedy and egocentric political stalwarts to defraud the economy of the state to the detriment of the less privileged.
However, it is seen that election rigging in Nigeria has dealt a hue below to the development of politics and democracy. Politics and elections so far have not live up to expectations due to various forms of electoral manipulations which have denied the country credible free and fair electoral politics. Acording to Boyan (2003), election rigging has not only marred democratic consolidation in Nigeria but has also violated the fundamental human right (right to life) of so many socio-political organizations and many Nigerians. Since independence, election riggings have resulted into the imposition of corrupt and illegitimate leaders who have resulted into the imposition of corrupt and illegitimate leaders who have no regard to the principles of democracy which are off-shots for good governance, rule of law, constitutionalism and fundamental human right.
According to Samuel (2001) many of the political organizations have contributed immensely to electoral fraud and malpractice.
The proliferation of these organizations has even aggravated the situation through which the elites and top government officials used to defraud the state and rig elections. In other words, many of the organizations are establish out of selfish interest by the politicians to gain the trust and affection of the masses. Most politicians through the organizations hire tugs whom they use to disrupt election and steal ballot boxes from pooling stations.
It is on the basis of the above that this research seeks to find out the extent of the effect of the roles of the socio-political organizations on political development in Akwa Ibom State and to identify the problems pose by the proliferation of political organizations.
1.2 Research Question
I. What are the problems pose by the ever rising socio-political organizations on political development?
II. What are the effects of the roles of the political organization on political development?
III. What mechanisms can be use to control the many political organizations to ensure effective political and electoral development?
1.3 Research Hypothesis
The proliferation of socio-political organizations have no significant impact on political development of Akwa Ibom State.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
i. To identify the problems pose by the roles of political organizations on political development.
ii. To assess the effects of the roles of political organizations on political development.
iii. To suggest mechanisms and make useful recommendations on how to control the many political organizations and achieve effective political and electoral development.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The outcome of the research will be of immense benefit to many.
First, it will bring to fore the problems pose by the existence of the proliferation of socio- political organization to the political development of Akwa Ibom State.
Second, the research will help the government to understand the roles of the organizations and the extent to which the organizations have exercise their roles in the state.
Third, the research will assist us in properly understanding the concept of socio- political organization.
Lastly, the study will not only add to existing literature on the subject matter, it will also serve as a reference guide and document to other researches and the public.
1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The scope of the study is on the proliferation of socio-political organizations and their roles in the political development of Akwa Ibom State. It shall cover the period between 2003 and 2014.
The research is constraint by factors such as expensive stationeries, finance, and lack of sufficient materials both in the internet and the library as well as unwillingness of many socio- political organizations to reveal confidential information.
1.7 Organization of the Study
The study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one which is the introduction contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, research hypotheses, objectives, significance, scope and limitations, organization chapter two focuses on the review of related literature.
Chapter three deals with the methodology of the research while chapter four is concerned with data presentation and analysis. nnnnChapter five covers summary, conclusion and recommendations.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Proliferation : This implies the sudden increase in the number or amount of something. It also means a large number of a particular thing. For instance the proliferation of socio-political organizations and their roles in the political development of Akwa Ibom State.
Socio-Political: This implies a name or something relating to society and politics.
Origination: This implies a group of people who form a business, club, etc together inorder to achieve a particular aim. It also implies working for a business, political or voluntary transition.
Role: This implies the function on position that somebody has or is expectated to have in originations.
Obafemi, P. (2011) Proliferation of interest Group. Retrieved from.
Boyan, L. (2013) The Right of citizens has been violated. News Watch, November 14. pg 38.
Samuel, U. (2011) Problems of Election in Nigeria. Unpublished Lecture Note, University of Calabar.