The Role Of Effective Communication Towards Success, Development And Achievement Of The Designed Goals In An Organization (A Case Study Of Champion Breweries Plc Uyo)


The Role Of Effective Communication Towards Success, Development And Achievement Of The Designed Goals In An Organization
(A Case Study Of Champion Breweries Plc Uyo)


Chapter One


1.1 The Background Of The Study

The important of communication in any organization cannot be overemphasized. Effective communication make for cooperation and understanding between management and employee. Davis ([990). Communication is the transfer of ideas from the sender to the receiver Sattler (1999). It is an indispensable management tool. Any means that an individual uses to transfer meaning, ideas, feeling, emotion or attitude to others is communication. House (1984), there are speechless message that are transmitted by ficial expressions, by the use of eyes, body movement, and gesticulation of the hands, shacking the head in approval or disapprova1, smiling or frowning.

These are sometimes accurate ways of expressing oneself than the conventional oral or written mariner. Flippo (1980).

Communication breakdown is the greatest barrier to corporate excellence. When the managers in an organization are friendly, and have a good working rapport, communication tend to be very good. George (1984). When the member of the organization engages in mutual distrust, resentment, gossips or when there is a feeling of incompetents and insecurity, there is board to be communication breakdown. Level (2000). A11 the key functions of an organization, planning, organizing, directing and controlling depend on effective communication for proper execution. Directing requires effective communication. A11 good leaders encourage effective communication by having established channels (formal and informal) of transmitting information to people. Rogers (1985). When the leaders set the pace for open communication by encouraging subordinate, to be frank by soliciting information and sending out feedback, he set a good organizational climate. Blake (2001).

Good management recognizes the fact that it has to transmit skill and knowledge to those in the organization through its direction, control, organizing ability, decision making and co-ordinating techniques. The quality of communication skills possessed by a manager determines his degree of accomplishment. Robbins (1987).

The management of information flow is fundamental to the success of every business organization. Information is the input on which business decision are based. Sufficient, timely and reliable information are indispensable ingredients for management decision. Successful organization do not only provide the channels but also practice timely dissemination of policies, objective and changes in clear and understandable language to all employees Chu (2005). They also encourage employees to communicate to management their ideas, suggestions, complaints and grievances. The philosophy is that only people who talk to one another can think alike to pursue a common goal with zeal than those who hold divergent views.

It is quite unfortunate most organization generally have been slow to realized the role, effective communication play toward the success, development and achievement of the desired goals in an organization. It is because of these, that the researcher decided to carryout this study in other to bring out a lasting solution to this problem.


1.2 The Research Problem

The problem is that, many communication fail because the sender tries to convey everything that she or he know about the subject. When a message contains too much information, it is difficult to absorb. One of the most serious problems that organizations face today is that of communication. Everyone wants to get information about the happening in his or her organization.

The manager on the other hand needs to know the job performance of his subordinate and also the problems that such subordinate face. The subordinate also want to know what management plans are.

In Nigeria industries today, this vital point of smooth .relationship between workers has been greatly overlooked and this has led to dissatisfaction and industries unrest.

The organization is faced with a situation where staff will feel they are not being in the allowed to know what is happing in the organization and what they will want to do retain their right.

It is on this basis, that there is need to examine effective communication as a tool toward achieving the desired goal in an organization.

1.3 The Objective Of The Study

The objective of this study will be focused on:

To investigate the method of communication used in the organization.

To determine the role communication play toward the success, development and achievement of the desired goal in an organization.

To determine if an effective communication contribute to the development of an organization.

To evaluate on how communication flow with in the company, is it from the top of the lowest? Or from the lowest to top? To determine if selective perception have any role to play in communication process.




1.4 The Research Question/research Hypothesis

Research Question

Does communication play any role toward the success development and achievement of the desire goal in an organization?

Is there any step to be taken to faster effective communication in an organization?

It proper communication network put in place will it significantly affect the development of the organization?

Will the organization under study appreciate the idea behind the study and the accept suggestion and possible solution to the problem?

Will the organization be able to find out what method of communication to be used in the organization at the end of this study?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

HO: There is no significance relationship between effective communication and organizational development.

HI: There is a significance relationship between effective communication and organizational development.

1.6 The Significance Of The Study

This study is however significance in the sense that it will be of immense benefit to the management and staff of champion breweries Plc.

It is a catalyst that speeds up organizational success, it has come in handy as a tool in tackling environment mental uncertainties.

It will also be useful to other researcher who may wish to carryout research on similar topic as a source of reference.

It seeks to encourage the organization under study to improve its communication system.


1.7 The Scope Of The Study

The study is in no way attempting to determine the level of communication process in champion breweries organization, rather it attempts only to identify the extent to which communication help in achieving organizational objective.


1.8 The Definition Of Terms

Communication: It is the transfer of ideas from the sender to the receiver. Sattler (1999).

Any means that an individual used to transfer meaning, ideas, feelings emotion or attitude to other House (1984).

Organization: It is an organized body of person or organized system. It is an organized body of person set up for a common goal Anukas (1989).

Success: The achievement of an aim.

Effectiveness: The ability to determined appropriate objective. During the right think this involves choosing the right goal, Peter Drucker (1988).

Development: Become or make larger, more mature or more advanced.

Idea: A thought or suggestion about a course of action.

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