Workload Factors And Teacher’s Job Performance In Public Junior Secondary Schools In Education




The purpose of this study is to probe the extent to which workload factors( similar as working hours, class size, schoolteacher- pupil rate, commission assignment and nature of work) influence schoolteacher’s job performance in public secondary seminaries in Education District III of Lagos State. The study was carried out using descriptive check design, the population comprised of the 960 preceptors in the 66-public inferior secondary academy in the District and the Sloven formula of sample size was used to elect 280 preceptors out of the 960 total population. The stratified and arbitrary slice ways were used to elect and administer the exploration instrument A tone- designed questionnaire was the exploration instrument used for the study. Descriptive statistics similar as frequence count and simple chance was employed to assay the demographic characteristics of actors and all the exploration questions, while the ki-square statistical tool was used to test the exploration suppositions. From the study it was discovered that working hours, class size, schoolteacher- pupil rate, commission assignment and nature of work has an influence on schoolteacher’s job performance. thus, it was recommended that School authorities should be conscious of the health status of their preceptors by enhancing work effectiveness through health-prone working hours and time operation, maintain a sizeable classroom that will enhance academic excellence of scholars and effective tutoring of the preceptors, play a significant part in promoting pupil- schoolteacher commerce and a significant pupil- schoolteacher rate in order to enhance an advanced academic performance and effective tutoring among preceptors. preceptors should be involved in decision timber of the academy and to take active part in the effective administration of the academy to promote an advanced job performance among preceptors, assigned to the work they find so accessible and charming doing. It’s to promote preceptors ’ satisfaction, and to enhance advanced job satisfaction






Background of the Study


enhancement in the performance of Nigerian workers in the different sectors of the frugality including academy association has remained the intermittent themes of numerous councils, conferences and shops. It’s a honored fact that performance is a critical factor in socio- profitable development of any nation, for it’s one of the crucial determinants of the standard of living of the populace. There’s thus no doubt that bettered performance is at the core of the exertion of all associations including academy, suggest that the survival and growth of utmost mortal understandings depend to a large extend on the association position of performance which itself depends on the performance of hand. thus, the performance of any hand including a schoolteacher depends largely on the workload.


The operation of workload in academy is an important aspect that can make or mar the pretensions of education. This is because where these tasks or duties aren’tco-ordinated efficiently; anticipated result will be far from consummation. According to Nweke and Dollah( 2011) view a schoolteacher’s workload as the summation of academic tutoring work and commission workload assigned to a schoolteacher for the attainment of the overall educational objects in the academy. This is in terms of assignment note medication, test and assignment, examination, house mastery and any other routine work that may be assigned to a tutoring staff by the star. This view agrees with Sinclair as cited in Usoro, Nnaessien & Saleh( 2007) that workload is viewed as the physiological and internal demands that do while performing a task or a combination of tasks; and it can also be the physical and/ or internal conditions associated with a task or combination of tasks.


This means that workload is the cost incurred by an individual, given their capacities while performing at a specific position of performance on a job that has particular demands; that’s the perception of having too numerous effects to do or not having enough time to do the effects one has to do. It’s that portion of the workers ’ limited capacity actually needed to perform a particular task. Tasks are specified in terms of their structural parcels. A set of stimulants and responses are specified with a set of rules that collude responses to stimulants. The workload factors are tutoring units working units, class size, schoolteacher- pupil rate, commission assignment, scholars ’ assessment and nature of work.


Due to limited coffers, like confined budget and staffs, associations might not be suitable to hire a sufficient number of workers. For this reason, the association gives the workers liabilities that aren’t included in their job descriptions, therefore adding the workload. According to Kawada, Ueda, Hayashi, Sakamoto, Uchida, Shirato & Etoh( 2010), workload is divided into physical and internal workload. Physical workload is created by the specialized conditions for recycling the work, both in and outside the plant. This means, the measurable portion of physical coffers expended when performing a given task and is affected by a range of factors. still, internal workload is the quantum of the subject’s processing capacity which is needed for the performance of a task at a given time. This means, it’s an trait of Information processing and control systems that intervene between stimulants and, rules and responses.


It’s important to determine the rudiments that associations have to consider in order to reduce the workload of the hand. originally, they need to identify the pivotal element that has the strongest effect on the workload of an hand. After this, the association must take the necessary conduct to reduce workload. It’s clear that associations and in particular mortal exploration departments should consider this issue. The work schedule, working day, job description and job specification among others should be easily set out( Guimarães, Pessa & Biguelini, 2012).


A schoolteacher thus can be overfilled, that is, important task in terms of tutoring units and commission assignment or under- loaded with work, that is, less tutoring unit assigned( Zwalchir & Buenyen, 2009). The star in the academy is the sole director who assigns workload to the tutoring staff and so must be visionary to avoid over application or under- application of tutoring staff for the purpose of thing getting and fruitful performance.


In this same tone, the star has the duty to also check the class size tutored by the schoolteacher, as large class size constitutes redundant workload for the schoolteacher. With the adding registration rate in our seminaries, the tutoring staff can be paid for redundant workload( Adu, Titilola & Ifeoma, 2013). They further stressed that, the distribution of workload by the star is dependent on the tutoring staff strength of the academy. Where this is small, the workload will be high per schoolteacher and some work will be left undone. This is responsible for some subjects not being tutored unless the top engages the services of a helping schoolteacher who may not be competent in the subject; hence quality or effectiveness is compromised. Arora( 2009) said that quality is conformance to demand or specification. In this direction, thus, tutoring staff productivity is directly related to the workload assigned to that staff.


Performance of a tutoring staff is a measure of the extent of effectiveness and effective prosecution of the workload within a quested time, climaxing to achievement of academy objects. Usoro et al( 2007) agreed that performance is measured in terms of how the scholars have appreciated and assimilated the assignment tutored by the schoolteacher. The class size can make or mar the rate of understanding. A large class will be delicate to be effectively controlled which contradicts the tenets of training on class room operation. The classroom operation will be more effective if the 140 schoolteacher- pupil’s rate is maintained in the public elderly secondary seminaries.


Observably, in recent times the quality of education in Nigeria, especially in our secondary seminaries, has been a subject of public concern. The major thrust of similar public concern has to do with the falling standard of education and critical need to requital the situation to avoid farther deterioration. Ajayi( 2000) attests to this in an address presented at the public factory on planning and administration for a successful perpetration of the Universal Basic Education( UBE) programme in Nigeria where he states that a gadarene look at the education script in Nigeria presents no less a picture of poor quality education and also went on to posit that poor planning models, weak academy administration and operation, low schoolteacher productivity arising from low preceptors ’ fidelity and commitment( morale) to their job reckoned for the poor education quality in the country.


Given the below script, the significance of good administration and operation of the secondary academy system becomes imperative. In the secondary academy system, the star is responsible for the administration and operation while tutoring and literacy are carried out primarily by preceptors and scholars independently. According to Jaiyeoba( 2008), the schoolteacher occupies a central position in the educational setting.


Adesokan( 2000) aptly states this when he asserts that the schoolteacher is the spark and crucial man in the drive to progress in our educational enterprise. Unexpectedly, the schoolteacher can not carry out the demanding and necessary assignment alone. He has to work in cooperation with other stakeholders – the star, other preceptors, scholars and parents in order to be suitable to achieve the objects of delivering good instructions in the classroom setting.


Statement of Problem


Education is the bedrock of development, and the schoolteacher plays a pivotal part in the product and outgrowth of the education sector. There have been reports of patient poor job performance by preceptors and poor academic performance of scholars in core and major subjects at the elderly Secondary academy position of education. This can be attributed to workload of the preceptors in seminaries which has led to the decline of schoolteacher’s job performance.


Workload is on the frontal burner when it has to do with quality or effectiveness of education in as important as workload determines to a great extent the position of schoolteacher’s job performance. On a general perception, there’s tinge and cry on the deteriorating position of quality of education as products of our education system, elderly secondary academy inclusive can not adequately prove their worth. The script is worsening with the insufficiency of schoolteacher staff strength in seminaries with the performing high workload on the available tutoring staff.


The major statement of problem thus is to what extent do workload factors( similar as working hours, class size, schoolteacher- pupil rate, commission assignment and nature of work) influence schoolteacher’s job performance in public secondary seminaries of Education District III of Lagos State?


Purpose of the Study


The major purpose of this study was to assess how workload factors impact schoolteacher’s job performance in public inferior secondary seminaries of Education District III of Lagos state. Specifically, the study sets out


1. to examine the influence of working hours on schoolteacher’s job performance;


2. to determine the extent to which class size influence schoolteacher’s job performance;


3. to examine how schoolteacher- pupil rate influences schoolteacher’s job performance;


4. to ascertain the extent at which commission assignment influences schoolteacher’s job performance and


5. to probe how nature of work influences schoolteacher’s job performance.


Exploration Questions


The following exploration questions were used to guide and direct the disquisition


1. To what extent do working hours influences schoolteacher’s job performance?


2. How does class size promotes schoolteacher’s job performance?


3. How does schoolteacher- pupil rate influences schoolteacher’s job performance?


4. To what extent does commission assignment influence schoolteacher’s job performance?


5. To what extent do nature of work ameliorate schoolteacher’s job performance?


Research suppositions


The following null suppositions were formulated to give direction to the study


H01 Working hours don’t significantly influence schoolteacher’s job performance.


H02 Class size don’t significantly influence schoolteacher’s job performance.


H03 schoolteacher- pupil rate don’t significantly influence schoolteacher’s job performance.


H04 Commission assignment don’t significantly influence schoolteacher’s job performance.


H05 Nature of work don’t significantly influence schoolteacher’s job performance.


Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will equip general knowledge on workload factors and schoolteacher’s job performance. The findings will contribute to information that can be used in organizing forums and shops on how to reduce preceptors ’ workload in public secondary seminaries in order to ameliorate scholars ’ academic performance and preceptors ’ job performance in educational thing consummation.


The findings could also be used by mortal coffers department of the Ministry of Education and other policy making organs of government especially in the expression of programs that will help to insure reduction of preceptors ’ workload that will help to enhance effective tutoring- literacy process. The findings of this study will also reveal the stylish organizational structure that will ameliorate scholars ’ academic performance in seminaries and ameliorate preceptors ’ job performance.


Compass of the Study


The study concentrated substantially on workload factors and schoolteacher’s job performance. The study concentrated substantially on public secondary academy preceptors. The study covers only Education District III of Lagos state. The study concentrated on the following variables working hours, class size, schoolteacher- pupil rate, commission assignment and nature of work


Delineations of Terms


Class size refers to the number of scholars in a given course or classroom, specifically moreover( 1) the number of scholars being tutored by individual preceptors in a course or classroom or( 2) the average number of scholars being tutored by preceptors in a academy, quarter, or education system.


Nature of work is appertained to as the introductory diurnal tasks that he carries out as part of his job, and it can relate to othernon-routine tasks that may be needed by the job also.


Pupil- schoolteacher rate expresses the relationship between the number of scholars enrolled in a academy, quarter, or education system and the number of full- time original preceptors employed by the academy, quarter, or system.


schoolteacher’s job performance This is tutoring work related conditioning anticipated of a schoolteacher and how well those tutoring conditioning were performed. This implies the position of productivity of preceptors in a academy organisation.


Workload factors This is the physiological and internal demands that do while performing a task or a combination of tasks. These factors are tutoring units working units, class size, schoolteacher- pupil rate, commission assignment, scholars ’ assessment and nature of work


Working hours is the period of time that an individual spends at paid occupational labour.

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