Assessment Of The Activities Of Abuja Geographic Information System (AGIS)



Recent sweats to secure term and enhance real property requests are under pressure from adding demand and competition for land. While limited success in enforcing land administration reform in the FCT have led to inefficiency, incoherent and poor land operation, have been honored as one of the crucial obstacles hindering change and also undermining its huge eventuality and global competitiveness. This thesis assesses the extent land administration reform under AGIS has formed positive issues in the FCT and the explanations for the issues, to determine the areas of failings for enhancement.

Data collection for the exploration involved sample of 250 aspirant/ heirs of land, drawn across seven sections to determine how land administration system in FCT has bettered in practice. The institutional check handed information on the operation conditioning of land affiliated departments and the operations of AGIS. It concentrated on the performance of the system in meeting the challenge of land accession. Good governance principles was considered as evaluation criterion in land administration systems, and linked six evaluation areas that has links to what aspects of the issues of land administration system is best affected by AGIS. The good governance principles were also used as benchmarking for a presumed ideal system.

The exploration reveals that land administration in AGIS doesn’t address unstable land distribution. operation, accession and disposal of public land follow unclear procedures and aren’t applied transparently. Formal land delivery takes an devilish quantum of time under the being fabrics and land freights are unaffordable to numerous in the FCT. The check reveals that only about 17 of good governance in land administration has been achieved by the Abuja Geographic Information System. In conclusion, the study recommends that Fairness and equity in land accession processes can be achieved by duly constituting and allowed to serve, the Land Use and Allocation Committee( LUAC). AGIS workflow can be reorganized and state- of- the art technology installed for effectiveness, so that processes and procedures available for the accession of land would be clear and understood by the general public. Active participation of crucial stakeholders is necessary through the use of public sounds and citizen’s forums.



The world moment faces numerous complex challenges including rapid-fire urbanization and growing food, water, energy dearths etc. numerous of these challenges have a clear land confines and have a repeated citation in the literature( Palmer et al, 2009). Responding to the challenges of urbanization in particular is delicate when the governance of land is weak. This observation leads to the proposition that land policy reform is important and that an understanding of the reform process from governance and political frugality perspective offers perceptivity that can’t only ameliorate land administration, but can also offer tools to support its perpetration.

Land is an ultimate resource that provides the base for life. It’s both a physical commodity and an abstract conception, in that the rights to enjoy or use it are as much a part of the land as the objects embedded in its soil. Land is fixed in force and is a introductory place of mortal conditioning. Humankind has always had close association with land as a base for food, sanctum and livelihood development( UN/ FIG, 1999). Land is of abecedarian significance to profitable exertion and development. It’s frequently the most common means of storing wealth and a important profitable asset. It provides foundation for profitable exertion in sectors as varied as husbandry, diligence, casing and tourism and is also a crucial factor in the functioning of request(e.g. credit) andnon-market institutions(e.g. original governments).

Land accession and transfer in Nigeria has largely been organized through informal means similar that between 50- 70 percent of civic land in Nigeria is delivered through informal practices. The limitations of the informal process have created backups in gathering and storing data for land administration; which is a crucial prerequisite for effective land operation. The reversal of these failings is concerned with changing the rules, processes and structures through which opinions are made about the use of, and control over land; the manner in which the opinions are enforced and executed, and the way contending interests in land are managed( Palmer et al, 2009). Reform generally has counteraccusations for land agencies, courts and ministries responsible for land, as well asnon-statutory actors similar as traditional bodies and informal agents. Its compass covers both the legal and policy frame for land as well as the traditional and informal practices that enjoy social legality. Before other objects, land administration reform also aims at guarding the property right of an individual and enterprises as well as the state by introducing similar principles as translucency, responsibility, rule of law, equity, participation and effectiveness into land affiliated public sector operation.

As observed by Bell( 2007), governments with a record of translucency, responsibility and responsiveness are far more likely to attract investment, give high- quality public services and manage coffers more cost- effectively than those whose conditioning are opaque. Being affair of reform, bettered access to land and the security of term can guarantee food security, social stability, profitable growth and poverty reduction. They’re the essential base for livelihood of all people around the globe( FAO, 2007). Access must be stable and secured if it’s to give an occasion for profitable growth and the incitement to invest( SIDA, 2008).

A study conducted by Arnot and Meadows( 2006), reveals that a good land administration system should be seen to; guarantee power and security of term; support land and property taxation; give security for credit; develop and cover land request; grease land administration reform and palliate poverty; ameliorate civic planning and structure development; support environmental operation and produce statistical data; support governance and rule of law; and reduce land disagreement.


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