Classroom Teaching Quality Strategies And Students’ Academic Performance In Physics In Public Secondary Schools, Ikot Abasi Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State.
Chapter One
This Chapter is concerned with the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, research hypotheses, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and definition of Terms.
Background of the Study
Science is receiving much emphasis in education because of its significance and relevance to the society (Chait, 2010). Science is the product of mind seeking to review the natural laws that govern the universal technology. It can also be addressed as finding practical ways of using scientific discoveries or turning scientific knowledge into use (Wilson, 2009). Science as a collective institution aim to produce more and more accurate natural explanations of how the natural world work, what its components are and how the world got to the way it is now. Classically, Science main goal has been building knowledge and understanding, regardless of its potential applications (Ingersoll and Kralik 2004). Science has contributed immensely to the development of the modern world and has been recognized as the bedrock upon which modern day technological breakthrough is hanged. Nowadays, proper functioning of lives depend greatly on science. It help man to know more about the universe.
Physics as a branch of science has a great impact which nations depend on in order to advance technologically. Rotherham (2008) defined physics as a natural science that involves the study of physical properties of matter, its measurement, motion through space and time along with related concepts such as energy to understand how the universe behave and laws applied to it. Physics can also be viewed as a physical science that deals with quantities, units, measurement, instruments and calculation (Hirsch,2008).
Physics as a branch of science and the pre-requisite subject for many fields of learning contributes immensely to the technological growth and advancement of every nation (McCartney, 2002). It is one of the most rewarding in terms of teaching the students to developed an analytical mind. An analytical mind indicates the ability to reason in an orderly and logical manner, the ability to make conclusions consistent with the evidences presented, and the ability to discern faulty arguments and erroneous assumptions. In addition, the study of physics can help the student to be more imaginative, creative and speculative because it dramatically affect our daily lives and our future. Leithwood, Louis and Anderson (2004) observed that the study of physics gives students’ not only knowledge and information about the world around but also the key to practical solution of the problems that confront them. It teaches students’ to doubt argument not based on sound evidence. It teaches students’ to listen, estimate and think.It teaches the right way of doing things. It inspires us to advance further towards new inventions and happier living. Coggshall and Ott, (2010) indicated that the teacher can help create the atmosphere and scenario for accomplishing the above objectives. He can help the students sharpen their imagination and develop students creativity.
Recent trends in the teaching of physics include curriculum planning to give the students a better understanding and background in mathematics, the construction of demonstration apparatus by the instructors to heighten interest in teaching, re-evaluation of the content of the physics course to keep it in harmony with present day developments in physics advances in science and technology; the establishment of training programs for physics instructors to enable them refresh their knowledge of physics, giving opportunity to discuss with other physics instructors, their common problem and solutions to the problems they encounter in the teaching the subject area (Ladd,2008). Because of the indispensability of physics, much emphasis has been placed on instruction especially in the secondary school level. The study of Physics can equip students with useful concepts, principles and theories that will enable them face the challenges before and after graduation (Ibe-Bassey, 2008). The study of physics aims at equipping the learner with knowledge, skills and attitudes that necessary for controlling and preserving the environment. However, the use of appropriate strategy is requires for the reduction of the complexities / abstraction during the teaching learning sessions so as to increase the academic performance of students in physics (Roza and Miller, 2009).
Academic performance of students in physics has been below expectation and unimpressive. The persistent failure in physics has however remained a major threat to its learning (Rice, 2003). The poor performance of student in physics can be attributed to many factors viz: over-population of classroom, school location, perceived abstract and difficult nature of physics, poor mathematical ability of students, inadequate modern laboratory equipment for practical work, insufficient physics books and poor instructional delivery approaches (Carroll and Foster, 2010; Goe, 2007; Podgursky, Monroe and Watson 2012).
The poor performance in physics is incontrovertibly attributed to poor instructional delivery approaches adopted by teacher in schools (Wilson, 2009). To support this assertion, Keramati (2010) submitted that many researchers have adduce that poor performance in public examination is traceable to instructional delivery approaches adopted by teachers. The resultant effect is low performance in students’ outcome both internal and external examinations (Goe 2007).
In spite of the significance role of physics in life, industries and technological development of our society; the performance of students in senior school certificate examinations has been experiencing a decline and also narrow gap in male/female students enrolment and achievement of credit grades (May/June West African Examination Council: WAEC; Chief Examiner’s report 2010:17). The undesirable achievement of physics students has been attributed to several teaching strategies adopted by teachers during classroom instruction (Campbell and Smith 1997). The poor performance in physics examination is a problem to students at all level of education and a cause of concern to physics educators and the public. This situation created need to explore the efficacy of alternative teaching quality strategies which is very vital in any teaching/learning process. Teaching strategies affects the response of students and could be interested, motivated or involved in any lesson (Mckeachie, 1999).
Therefore, students’ performance as generally observed by Johnson, Smith and Johnson, (1998) has been attributed to teachers failure to use effective teaching strategy such as writing instructional objectives; using students centered instruction; using active learning; using cooperative learning; and assessment. physics like any other subject requires serious input by the teacher in terms of planning to teach to achieved instructional objectives (Lobman and Ryan, 2006).This trend of poor performances of students in physics and the high percentage of failure if not arrested, will spell doom for the scientific and technological development of the nation. To this effect, the WAEC Chief examiner proffered remedies to solve this problem; one of which is adopting is instructional delivery approaches that utilizes instructional materials to help students understand physics concept.
To minimize the failure rate in physics; Goe, Bell and Little (2008), pointed out that physics teachers have to be trained and re-trained, adequate modern laboratory facilities should be provided and better teaching strategies should be adopted. As identified by (Campbell and Smith 1997; Mckeachie, 1999) in their dissertation writing format to include writing instructional objectives which shown the expected outcome of instruction, and specific observable action that students should be able to perform; using student-centered instruction which describe how students can get information through research instead of given to them directly; using active learning which involve engaging students in meaningful activities during the process of learning; using cooperative learning which describe student working in teams to accomplish an assigned task; and assessment which helps to monitor and measure the progress of students toward the goals learn and objectives (Johnson, Smith and Johnson, 1998). In simple language, it is what the teacher does to help students learn.
In an attempt to create a better learning environment for the learner, (Duffett, Parkas, Rotherham and Sulva, 2008) gave a list of teaching principles as follows:
If learning situation is a part of ‘real life” or seem to be real to the student, he will perceive the relevance and be more eager to learn.
If learner is an active participant, his interest is likely to be greater and achievement more rapid.
If the learner is mentally and emotionally involved in learning situation, it is more likely to continue to learn.
If the students sees usefulness in his learning activities motivation will be increased.
The application of these principles make learning more certain to involve learners; less abstract, less tedious and less threatening, which clearly support the principles of learner centered techniques. Several strategy may have these qualities but writing instructional objective; students centered instruction; using active learning; using cooperative learning and assessment was ranked first in teaching approaches that promote and improvingteaching quality in the classroom and enhance good performance(Campbell and Smith, 1997).
Teaching as observed by Ackerman (2015), is a process that involves bringing about desirable changes in learners so as to achieved specific outcomes. In order to facilitate the process of knowledge transmission, teachers should apply appropriate teaching strategy that best suit specific objectives. Levine, (2008) maintains that teachers need to be conversant with numerous teaching strategies that take cognizance of the magnitude of complexity of the concept to be covered. Wilferdo (2016) indicated that in order to bring desirable changes in students, teaching strategy used by educators should be best for the subject matter. Furthermore, (Lobman and Ryan, 2006) sustained that teaching strategy work effectively mainly if they suit learners needs since every learner interprets and responds to questions in a unique way.
Teaching quality defined by Donalson and Peske (2012), as a process which produces progressive series of teaching strategies and changes in behaviour of learners that results from activity. Ackermana (2015), describe teaching quality based on common phenomena of achieving the national goals of education. This was determined by the ability of the teacher to interpret, plan and implement the curriculum by following the procedures required by the professional bodies to ensure that the instructional objectives are accomplished (Berry, Montgomery and Snyder, 2008). Going further, Roza and Miller (2009) opined that teaching quality involve stimulating students to learn; the child is equally to be directed and guided in his study. All these are possible in a well-coordinated classroom setting.
Classroom teaching as observed by Wayne and Young (2003) refers to a situation where teachers and students interact with each other and use variety of tools and information resources in their pursuit of learning activities. The nature of classroom teaching and psychological interaction can make a difference in how the students learning and achieved their goals. In this regard, Moir, Barlin, Gless and Miles (2010) noted that it is important to make sure students enjoy the teaching – learning sessions and ascertain whether they are able to develop conceptual understandings about difficult topics in physics during the classroom teaching interaction.
Classroom teaching quality strategy as defined by Elicker, Langill, Ruprecht and kwon, (2007), as a good teaching instruction that leads to effective learning, which in turn means thorough and lasting acquisition of the knowledge, skills and values the instructors or the institution has set out to impact. Campbell and smith (1997), describe several strategies known to be particularly effective in improving teaching quality in an individual classroom to includes: writing instructional objectives, student-centered instruction, using active learning, using cooperative learning and assessment.
If effective teaching strategies are known and validated by extensive research as they are, why not simply incorporate them into classroom instruction without added layer of jargon (Johnson, 2004). However, Gordon, Kane and Straiger (2006) indicated that the proper used of any of teaching quality strategies is to improves the quality of learning that occurs in the classroom. Several of the strategies are used in concert, the potential for improvement is all the greater. The classroom teaching quality strategy may therefore be improved by persuading as many instructors as possible to used those strategies in their classes and providing them with the training and support they will need to implement the strategies successfully (Rockuff, 2004). The interest of the learners in the classroom is very paramount and should be sought after and encouraged. Keramati (2010) further collaborated that teachers’ should been courage to vary their strategies of teaching so as to ensure that learners interest and attention are guaranteed for effective and meaningful learning to take place. The strategies characterized by engaging learners in face to face interaction, developing appropriate collaborative and interpersonal skills to teach and encouraging each other to learn, reflect and assess the effectiveness of growing for future learning.
The efficacy of instructional strategy in science instruction on students’ mastery of concept in physics is still in doubt. In the same vein, because instructional strategy may be students based, (depending on the one utilized), it may be worth speculating that instructional strategy may have fascinating implication for students in physics classroom. While it has not been substantiated that the current poor performance of students in senior secondary school certificate examination is as a results of the non-application of instructional strategy in physics instruction, the extent to which the adoption of these instructional strategy enhance students’ performances in physics is still an issue that need to be subjected to empirical investigations. The researcher is thereby optimistic that if the instructional strategy can be appropriately, in physics classroom to bridge the existing gaps of poor performance and further improve students performance equally, hence, researcher was motivated to carry out this present study on classroom teaching quality strategies on students’ performance in physics in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
Statement of Problem:
In spite of the significance role of physics in life, industries and technological development of our society; the performance of students in senior school certificate examinations has been experiencing a decline and also narrow gap in male/female students enrolment and achievement of credit grades (May/June West African Examination Council: WAEC; Chief Examiner’s report 2010:17). The undesirable achievement of physics students has been attributed to several teaching strategies adopted by teachers during classroom instruction. The poor performance in physics examination is a problem to students at all level of education and a cause of concern to physics educators and the public. This situation created need to explore the efficacy of alternative teaching quality strategies which is very vital in any teaching/learning process. Teaching strategies affects the response of students and could be interested, motivated or involved in any lesson.
Therefore, students’ performance as generally observed has been attributed to teachers failure to use effective teaching strategy such as writing instructional objectives, using students centered instruction, using active learning, using cooperative learning, and assessment. The use of the teaching strategies mentioned above may allow new materials especially abstract concept on physics to be easily assimilated with the students prior knowledge, thus enabling them to develop an understanding of the concept. It is on this basis that the researcher poses the question; could the adoption of the above classroom teaching quality strategies improve classroom instruction and motivate students’ performance in physics?
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of classroom teaching quality strategies on students’ academic performance in physics in public secondary schools in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State.
Specifically, the objectives of the study are to:
Examine whether the writing of instructional objectives can affect students’ academic performance in physics.
Investigate the influence of students’ centered – instruction on students’ academic performance in physics.
Determine whether the use of active learning can affects students’ academic performance in physics.
Ascertain whether the use of cooperative learning can influence physics students’ academic performance.
Find out the influence of assessment on students’ academic performance in physics.
Research Questions
Based on the specific objectives of the study, the following research questions were posed:
To what extent does the writing of instructional objectives enhance students’ academic performance in physics?
To what extent does student-centered instruction influence students’ academic performance in physics?
To what extent does the use of active learning affect students’ academic performance in physics?
To what extent does the use of cooperative learning influence students’ academic performance in physics?
To what extent does assessment influence student’s academic performance in physics?
Research Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:
There is no significant relationship between writing instructional objectives and students’ academic performance in physics.
There is no significant relationship between student-centered instruction and students’ academic performance in physics.
There is no significant relationship between using active learning and students’ academic performance in physics.
There is no significant relationship between using cooperative learning and students’ academic performance in physics.
There is no significant relationship between assessment and students’ academic performance in physics.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be of immense benefits to physics students, physics teachers, curriculum developers, ministry of education and prospective researchers.
The findings of this study will be greatly benefit physics students as the skill and knowledge acquired through writing instructional objectives; students centered instruction; using active learning; using cooperative learning; and assessment strategies which will provide the students with a lifelong opportunity for self-development and improved academic performance in a subject.
The finding of this study will help teachers to solve many persisting challenges arising from inadequacy and deficiency of the classroom teaching quality strategies used by the physics teachers. This study will be of immense significance as it will provide physics teachers with better teaching strategies to be adopted in teaching the subject.
Curriculum developer will also benefit from the findings of this study as the findings will reveals area of improvement instruction that may arose a curriculum review and emphasis on the use of teaching strategies approach in teaching physics in the senior secondary school.
Ministry of Education will equally benefit from the findings of this studies if adopted and published the strategies they will encourages teachers to see it as a technique in teaching physics in senior secondary schools as a new model of instruction will it also provide variety of ways for student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the subject.
Finally the findings of this study will also of great benefit to prospective researchers who may conduct researches on similar or related subject matter and will also serve as a reference source to them.
Delimitations of the Study
This study will be delimited to classroom teaching quality strategies of writing instructional objectives, using student- centered instruction, using active learning, using cooperative learning and assessment. It will be conducted in public secondary school in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The study will also be delimited to senior secondary one (SS1) physics students’ of the 2017/2018 session.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined is uses in this study.
1.81 Classroom teaching quality strategies: This is defined as a good teaching instruction that leads to effective learning, which in turn means thorough and lasting acquisition of the knowledge, skills and values the instructors or the institution has set out to impact. Several strategies known to be particularly effective in improving teaching quality in an individual classroom to includes: writing instructional objectives, student-centered instruction, using active learning, using cooperative learning and assessment.
Students’ academic performance: This refers to the scores obtained by the individual students on the physics performance test developed by the researcher for the study.
Physics: This is the natural science that involves the study of physical properties of matter and its measurement, motion through space and time. The concept of heat energy will be used as physics performance test (PPT) to determine effectiveness of students’ academic performance.