Design And Implementation Of An Electronic Yoruba Translator



An electronic wordbook is a wordbook whose data exists in digital form and can be penetrated through a number of different media. It’s meant to work in different forms which may included hand- held bias and computer operation.

The study demonstrates proper development of an electronic wordbook with the English/ Yoruba language restatements. This makes this wordbook a bilingual wordbook rephrasing words in english to their Yoruba interpretations. It was erected with a web grounded programming language in order to enable inflexibility in the readability. This makes it platform independent, furnishing all druggies on all kind of bias to view its contents with ease. All the demand for this program to run is a web cybersurfer that meets the norms by the W3C( World Wide Web Consortium). With the actuality of numerous programming languages in actuality, software can be erected for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and other computer operating systems. Likewise, software and operations can be erected with some programming languages for hand- held bias and tablets. This programming languages may only bear some special libraries to specialize on the target device for its druggies. still, all bias are erected to use the web in the same way without calling or importing any special libraries. The only possible limitation with web grounded objects may be the range and sizes of objects which may suite some bias and not suite the others. The Yoruba electronic wordbook by this study was erected with validated HTML5 and CSS.

In order to allow the prosecution of result instructors through hyperlinks for each of the english words to be restated, HTML iframes were used to call in Yoruba meaning of words from separate HTML lines from the factual wordbook lines. With a range, height, and name set for the iframe, all the needed words named on the word selection area will only be targeted to display in the named iframe area. The hyperlinks were directed to the iframe by calling the name of the iframe in the anchor element using the target trait. With the actuality of colorful languages across the world, the world needs translators to help those that intend to expand their knowledge by being multilingual. This wordbook/ translator is an illustration of what the world needs.

Chapter One


Yoruba is a shoptalk( natively ede Yoruba) of West Africa with over 25 million speaker. The traditional area, “ Yoruba Land ”, Benin and Togo. Yoruba is a Niger- Congo language spoken in West Africa. The number of speakers was estimated around 20 million in this 1990’s and Togo and among other communities in other corridor of Africa, Europe and America.

A wordbook( also called word stock, word reference, dictionary, wordbook or vocabulary)

is a collection of words in one or further specific language, frequently listed alphabetically( or by radical and stroke for ideographic languages), with operation information, delineations, etymologies, phonetics, pronunciations and other information or a book of words in one language with their coequals in another, also known as a wordbook.

Brief History Of Yoruba

The Yoruba group assumed to have developed out of indifferentiated Volta- Niger populations by the 1stmillennium BC. agreement of early Yoruba speakers are assumed to correspond to those set up in the wider Niger are from about the 4th century BC, especially at Ife.

Standard Yoruba has its origin in 1850’s when Samuel Ajayi Crowther, the first Africa Bishop. Published a Yoruba alphabet and started his restatement of the bible.

The colorful Yoruba cants in Yoruba land of Nigeria can be classified into the major cants area; North- WPA Yoruba( NWYU) Abeokuta, Ibadan, Oyo, Ogun and Lagos( Eko) areas.

Points And Ideal

v To allow stoner to know the correct meaning of a particular Yoruba word.

v To train learners stoner in the use of electronics wordbook.

v To help stoner/ learner in knowing the proper spelling of words.

v To help scholars develop a more natural command of Yoruba.

v To make stoner knowledge to be increased along with his/ her Yoruba shoptalk.

v It could be a companion as to know particular word should be used.

v To make stoner to develop autonomy and confidence in himself herself.

v To enable scholars to understand the meaning of words snappily and nearly painlessly.


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