Evaluating The Problem Of Rent Collection As An Aspect Of Residential Property Collection




Rent is a periodic payment made to an proprietor of a property for the use of similar property. This payment is on the increase n ultramodern times due to several factors which includes increase in the price of goods, affectation and rapacity on the part of landlords. also, the collection of rent is limited by a lot of problems which frequently results to rifts between landlords and tenants. still, these problems of rent collection can be answered successfully, thereby promoting a cordial landlord – tenant relationship. This study thus seeks to achieve this by relating the problems of rent collection in domestic parcels in Enugu, and make recommendations on how to break these problems.


The government overtime have put up measures to help insure that the process of rent collection is less clumsy. These measures have come in form of rent control fiats and recovery of demesne fiats, as well as the setting up of rent bars. These laws have been espoused by colorful countries of the confederation, and modified to address the problems of rent collection peculiar to their state. States similar asCross-River, Kwara, Anambra and Lagos State have done this. These laws will be reviewed in this study, in order to arrive at a better understanding of how these laws can be used to address the problems of rent collection in domestic parcels in Enugu megalopolis.


Three neighbourhoods have been named for this study. They include new Haven, Obiagu and Achara Layout each in Enugu megalopolis.


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


casing is one of the most introductory requirements of man alternate to food and followed by apparel. As man continues to experienced changes from one stage to another, the need for decent casing keeps arising. adding mortal population and advancing technology have increased the need for casing. This need overtime have been addressed through the provision of domestic property by inventors who in turn collect rent from the tenants. adding demand for casing which keeps rising above the available force has given rise to hike in rental price of casing, especially domestic casing.


casing as a introductory need is being handed by the public and the private sector. The private sector which is a major provider of casing do so at extravagant prices and employs colorful styles in collecting rents. still, the process of rent collection in domestic parcels is marked by problems which frequently lead landlords to take extreme measures to insure that rent is collected. occasionally too, landlords and tenants do engage in long legal battles which frequently times loiter on over a long period of time.


Measures to address the problems of rent collection have been espoused by the public and private inventors. The government have legislated rent control fiats and rent bars to help to insure that rent collection issues are duly handled with minimum dissensions .


Rent collection is a system of domestic property operation for both the public and private providers of casing. It involves the collection of an agreed sum of plutocrat after a specified period of time which could be yearly, annually orbi-annually as the case may be. Rents collected on domestic property are used to manage the property and rehabilitate the property if necessary. This helps to increase the life span of the property. Rent to be collected on a property is generally subject to proliferation after an agreed period of time in order to accommodate affectation.


Rent collection in Nigeria as well as in Enugu megalopolis is the top duty of the provider of the casing. still, this duty utmost times is delegated to other parties who collect rent on behalf of the proprietor. similar delegation is generally made to Estate Agents, caretakers or any other representative who engage in contractual agreements on behalf of the landlord both for rent collection and entrance of new tenants. Estate Agents when acting on behalf of landlords charge yearly or monthly freights for their services. These freights are added tot eh rent outstanding by the tenant, further adding it.


The government as a provider of casing have made several attempts to address the issue of rent collection in Nigeria. Laws similar as the rent control and recovery of demesne edict and other analogous laws set up in colorful countries are some of the measures taken by the government. The rent control edict has been espoused by colorful countries of the confederation to reflect their tricks. These laws cover areas similar as fixing of rent, mode of collection and proliferation.


Rent collection on government possessed domestic property has lower problems than that of private individualities. This is frequently the case because tenants perceive the government as having the power and right to eject them from their houses further than private individualities. thus, they fluently misbehave with the payment of rent without detention whether the price is high or not. The mode of collecting rent from tenants by the government which is generally through government agencies also help to reduce the problems of rent collection on government possessed domestic property.


Statement Of Research Problem




The process of rent collection on domestic property has a lot of challenges. One of similar challenges is detention in the payment of rent. Some tenants fail to meet u ewitht he agreed dealine for payment. This could be asa result of detention in the payment of stipend by their employers, increase in rental price, the goods of affectation, among other factors. Delay in the payment of rent frequently results to the tenant being punished by paying redundant on the agreed rent. It could also lead to legal battles between the landlord and the tenant, which may lead to the forceful eviction of the tenant.


Another challenge of rent collection is in the area of regular proliferation. This condition may arise when the interval for rent proliferation isn’t specified in the ‘ Residency Agreement ’. This leaves the tenants at the mercy of shylock landlords who increase rent at will. also, when property possessors delegate their rights as landlords to agents who act on their behalf, these agents charge service freights which are added to the rent price. This is generally perceived as rent proliferation by tenants. In addition, utmost landlords don’t give enough time or indeed formal notice of proliferation to tenants. These problems leads to detention in payment or indeed turndown to pay.


A third challenge is the absence of any inked document of agreement between landlords and tenants. Such a document which should contain details on the quantum to be paid, when to pay, and whom to pay to, when absent can affect to problem when rent collection is due. The absence of a ‘ Residency Agreement ’ may bring dissensions between the landlord and the tenants on whether rent should be paid annually or monthly as the case may be.


Rent collection becomes problematic when the property in question belongs to a family and the members are having controversies as to who rent should be paid to. In addition, when the landlord and the tenant are engaged in legal battle, the tenant may probably decline from paying rent until the matter is determined. To achieve this, the tenant may device a means of making the case to loiter, during which rent is ropped.


Other problems of rent collection arise from nonstop affectation and increase in the cost of raw accoutrements which in turn increases the cost of rent.


Aim And Objects Of The Study


The end of this study is “ To estimate the problems of Rent collection as an aspect of domestic property operation in Enugu ”, with a view to making recommendations on how to address these problems;


The following objects will help in achieving the end of the study


1) To determine the styles of rent collection by domestic property possessors in Enugu megalopolis.


2) To determine the donation of the government in rent collection.


3) To identify the problems of rent collection in domestic parcels in Enugu megalopolis.


4) To make recommendations on possible ways to break the linked problems of rent collection in Enugu megalopolis.


Exploration Questions


The following exploration questions will be answered during the study


1. What are the styles of rent collection in domestic parcels in Enugu?


2. In what way has the government contributed to rend collection in Enugu?


3. What are the problems of domestic property rent collection in Enugu?


4. How can the problems of domestic property rent collection in Enugu be answered?


Significance Of The Study


This study on the evaluation of the problems of rent collection in Enugu megalopolis is especially significant considering the rising surge of residency cases in law courts. This study will help to reduce residency cases by relating the problems of rent collection and proffering results to address these problems. By reducing the number of rent- related suits in court, the burden on the courts will be reduced and enough time devoted to other more important cases.


The significance of this study can also be set up in the area of reduction in forceful eviction of tenants. This will affect from a better understanding between landlords and tenants. likewise, since rent collection is an important aspect of property operation, this study will enable property possessors to assess the stylish possible way of collecting rent. This will help to save time spent on actions and as well save coffers which are scarce.


Compass Of The Study


The compass of this study covers the problems of rent collection as an aspect of property operation in Enugu. still, emphasis will be placed on domestic parcels in Enugu megalopolis alone. This is because rent collection covers a wide range of property types, and probing into these will make the study too broad. Also, the study will cover the styles of rent collection in domestic parcels in Enugu. Doing so will help in relating the problems essential in them.


likewise, this study covers the donation of the government to rent collection in form of the colorful fiats, bye- laws and acts. Attempts will be made to figure out areas where these benefactions by the government to rent collection can be employed to break the problems of rent collection in Enugu megalopolis. Eventually, recommendations on how to break the problems of rent collection in Enugu megalopolis will be made grounded on the findings of the study.


Overview Of The Study


This study deals with an evaluation of the examinations of rent collection as an aspect of domestic property operation in Enugu megalopolis. In other words, attempts will be made to identify the problems of rent collection as it affects domestic property. During the study, the styles employed by landlords in the collection of rent for domestic property will be aanlysed with a view to determining the effectiveness of thee system. To achieve this, the experimenter will solicit named landlords, tenants and agents.


likewise, this study will estimate the donation of the government to rent collection by looking at the colorful rent control fiats and other laws on rent control. The main end of the study is to estimate the problems of rent collection as an aspect of property operation in Enugu megalopolis. objects similar as; determining the styles of rent collection in domestic property, determining the donation of the government to rent collection, relating the problems of rent collection were drafted to help in achieving the end.


Eventually, this study is presented in five chapters. Chapter one contains the background of the study, chapter two has the literature review and chapter three contains exploration methodology. Chapter four deals with data donation and analysis, while chapter five covers the recommendations and conclusion.


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