1.1 Background of the story

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and its role in society has caused national and international concern. Companies, organizations, and agencies cannot function in isolation within the society in which they operate, so they must act and contribute positively to their host communities.

As stated by Ismail, there is no fixed definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (2009). According to the author, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a company’s decision to operate in ways that benefit society and the environment rather than harming or destroying it. Companies and organizations are expected to be socially responsible to the society in which they operate in addition to making and maximizing profits. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a widely accepted concept for this responsible behavior.

Corporate activity.

CSR is also defined by Adeboye and Olawale (2012) as a company’s moral and ethical responsibilities to its employees, the environment, competitors, the economy, and a variety of other aspects of life that its operations touch. CSR (corporate social responsibility) is a self-regulatory business model that allows a company to be socially responsible to itself, its stakeholders, and society as a whole.

Matten (2004) defined Corporate Social Responsibility as an organization’s constructive response to societal values and what it believes in, as well as its actions in accordance with these societal values. Companies can be conscious of their impact on all aspects of society, including economic and social standards, and act accordingly in the normal course of business.

To summarize, the term Corporate Social Responsibility can be defined as

also known as:

-Maintaining a balance between shareholders’ and other stakeholders’ interests in society.

-Running a business that is ethical and environmentally responsible.

The importance of CSR in polytechnics cannot be overstated. Polytechnics are higher education institutions that offer a variety of courses of study and award degrees. They operate within host communities and societies, and thus bear social responsibilities to them.

The importance of polytechnics going beyond providing educational support and degrees to assisting and developing society cannot be overstated.

1.1 Problem description

Some Polytechnics appear to be unaware of their social responsibilities to society, while others are aware to some extent and are working hard to make it a top priority not only in policy, but also in practice.

However, in practice. Polytechnics, as institutional organizations, must ensure that their social responsibilities are met, and they must strive to incorporate social responsibilities into their internal policies and structures, as well as their external activities with and within their host communities.

1.1 The Study’s Objective

The primary goal of this research is to examine the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the image of Polytechnics in Nigeria. Other goals of this research will include:

i. To investigate Polytechnics and their societal Corporate Social Responsibility.

ii. To determine whether Polytechnics meet their Corporate Social Responsibilities.

The society.

iii. To investigate the relationship between Polytechnics’ image and their Corporate Social Responsibility.

1.4 Research Issues

i. Do Polytechnics have a Corporate Social Responsibility to the Community?


ii. Have Polytechnics met their Corporate Social Corporate Social Responsibility?

iii. What is the perception of polytechnics in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility?

1.5 The Importance of the Research

This study will be very useful to scholars, lecturers, and students because it will add to existing literature and serve as a reference point for future research. It will also benefit higher education institutions by assisting them in understanding and fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities to their host communities and society as a whole.

1.6 Scope of the Research

This study will concentrate on polytechnics in Nigeria, and the research will be conducted specifically at Alvan Ikoku Polytechnic in Owerri. This study will also concentrate on

on only the impacts the CSR has on the image of Polytechnics and not on its solutions.

1.7 Limitations of the Research

Because this study was conducted on a small number of Polytechnics, its findings cannot be generalized or applied to all Polytechnics in Nigeria. Further research on the effects of CSR on other higher institutions of learning, such as universities, could be conducted, as this study does not cover it.

1.8 Terminology Definition

This can be done as a distinct effect and influence.

Image: the overall impression that a person, organization, or product gives to the public.

Polytechnic: A higher education institution that offers courses at the degree level or below, particularly in vocational subjects.



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