Knowledge And Perception Of Federal Civil Servants



National Health Insurance Scheme( NHIS) is a system of healthcare backing introduced by Federal Government of Nigeria to help reduce the pitfalls and minimize the costs of healthcare. Since its commencement, only the Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme( FSSHIP) has exhaustively taken off. This study delved the knowledge and perception of Civil Civil retainers in Abuja Municipal Area Council( AMAC), Federal Capital Territory( FCT). A sample size of 383 Civil retainers were named. The instrument for data collection was a experimenter – designed 30 item questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics similar as frequentness, probabilities, mean and standard divagation. suppositions were tested using deducible statistics similar as pupil’s t- test and ki- forecourt. Findings showed that maturity of the civil retainers(56.3) had fair knowledge of NHIS programme. The civil retainers had a positive perception of the NHIS programme( Overall Mean = 2.81). maturity of the repliers( 60) penetrated care under the scheme. Findings from the study also showed that the civil retainers who employed the scheme had a better perception of the programme( mean = 2.84) when compared to those who did n’t( P = 0.038). Education was significantly associated with knowledge and positive perception of the programme. There was no association between grade position and knowledge of NHIS programme. In addition, their perception of the programme wasn’t dependent on their gender. The study concluded that boosted crusade on the objects, benefits and workings of the scheme should be assured. This should be eased by the nursers and use of mass media in order to reach a vast maturity of the pool and enhance their perception of the programme.






Chapter One


Background to the Study

Health system are designed to ameliorate the standard of health care of the population. Advanced backing and operation of health systems lead to social stability. Population’s content is a clear index of the performance of the health system. The policy of National Health Insurance Scheme( NHIS) aims at adding content of the Nigerian population. Health insurance as a health care backing medium has come a sought- after approach to the problem of backing healthcare each over the. world. The current concern with backing, and the specific interest in health insurance is frequently the result of resemblant trend; the recognition of introductory healthcare for all citizens as a abecedarian mortal right on the one hand, and the difficulties faced by governments in developing and maintaining coffers to give health care through general taxation profit on the other( Mgbe & Kelvin, 2014). World Health Organization( WHO) has been giving tremendous support and cooperation to nations that pursue their citizen’s weal through health insurance. They further noted that, nations inversely are channelizing large knob of their budget to the attainment of good health for their people.

Health insurance can be distributed as social( or government) health insurance and private health insurance. Where a system is financed by mandatory benefactions commanded by law or levies and the system vittles as specified by legal status, it’s social( or government) health insurance plan. On the other hand, private health insurance is generally financed on a group base but utmost plans also give for individual programs( Adeoye, 2015).


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