Perception Of Married Women On Family Planning Programmes 




Chapter One









Background Of The Study

When Western and Scientific Medicine was born and began to develop under the glows of Hippocrates( 460 – 377 BC), one of its major point was to remove revocation and infanticide( Edelstein, 1943). The Hippocratic pledge therefore solemnly condemned them as unethical. Before Hippocrates, family planning has been in practice( Wikipedia, 2010). In the literal record of the Jews, Onan, son of Judah, in fulfillment of the laws of leverate marriage was to macerate his family Er’s widow, Tamar, in order to raise seed from the union in his family’s name( Genesis388). In order to avoid raising assignee for his late family still, Onan revealed his semen on the ground when he went into his family’s woman , so that he’d not give seed to his family( Genesis 389- 10). therefore, the word Onanism was chased meaning blatting outside the vagina or commerce interupt us( Wikipedia, 2010). Among Christian appellations moment, there are large variety of positions towards family planning. The Roman Catholic has disallowed artificial contraception for as far back as one can historically trace. It was also disallowed bynon-Catholic Christians until 1930 when the Anglican fellowship changed its policy. Soon later, utmost protestant groups came to accept the use of ultramodern contraceptive as a matter of biblically permissible freedom of heart( Flann, 1960). The only form of birth control permitted by the Roman Catholic is abstinence. ultramodern scientific styles of “ periodic abstinence ” similar as Natural Family Planning( NFP) were counted as a form of abstinence by Pope Paul VI in his 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae( Humanae Vita 1968). Meanwhile, protestant movements similar as Focus on the Family view contraception use outside of marriage as stimulant to promiscuity( Abstinence policy, 2005).

There’s no ban on birth control in Hinduism( “ BBC – Hindu beliefs about contraception ”). Some Hindus believe that producing further children than the terrain can support goes against the doctrine of the religious and moral canons of Hindus. Although fertility is important, according to the Hindus, but conceiving further children than can be supported is treated as violating the Ahimsa(non-violent rule of conduct)( Wikipedia, 2010). Islam is considered as sympathetic to family planning. Since inordinate fertility leads to proven health pitfalls to mama and children, and/ or leads to profitable difficulty or embarrassment to the father or incapability of the parents to raise their children religiously, educationally, and socially, also Muslims would be allowed to regulate their fertility in such a way that these rigors are shielded off or reduced. similar was supposedly the base for the legal opinion by Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltout, the former grand Imam of Al- Azhar( Onran, 1994). For all this time still, child distance was the trust of family planning for utmost societies. The other aspect of family planning culture is that numerous men still believe that their women shouldn’t use contraceptives because of the fear that it’ll make their women independent of their control, and have coitus with other men. Some others are against family planning solely because they themselves know little about it, a many decry the idea of their women talking to nonnatives about coitus and reduplication; while other solicitude that contraceptive use will harm their women health or their own or violate their religious instruction( Population Reports, 1994); and all these will lead to intimidating rate of population growth.

Nigeria is by far the most vibrant country in Africa and she accounts for roughly one- sixth of Africa people( Wikipedia, 2010). The Nigeria population estimate as at July 2009 was( CIA World Factbook, 2009). As at 2010, the population of Nigeria rose to an estimated 152 million with a population growth rate of2.0( Bureau of African Affairs, 2010). The United Nations estimates that the population in 2005 was at 141 million, and prognosticated that it would reach 289 million by 2050( World Population Prospects, 2006). Nigeria has just lately experienced the launch of a population explosion due to high fertility rates. The United States Census Bureau projects that population of Nigeria will reach 264 million by 2050. Nigeria will also be the 8th most vibrant country in the world( International Data Base( IDB) – Country Rankings). Nigeria total fertility rate is4.82( Bureau of Africa Affairs, 2010).

In 1988, the government of Nigeria espoused the National Policy on Population for Development, Unity, Progress and tone- reliance. The policy was designed amongst others to decelerate population growth. Limited progress was made in enforcing the policy, still, and millions of Nigerians remain mired in poverty, with shy access to reproductive health services and the means to determine for themselves the number and distance of their children( National Population Commission( NPC), 2004). For living norms to rise, the rate of growth of the frugality and the provision of social services would have to be much advanced than the rate of population growth( National Population Policy( NPP), 2004). Contraceptive frequence among wedded women in Nigeria is low compared to othersub-Saharan countries. Although family planning services have been available in Nigeria since the 1950s, in 2003 only8.9 percent of wedded women were using ultramodern contraceptive( NPC, 2004). It’s pivotal thus, to support and promote programs, similar as the National Policy on Population for sustainable development, which are aimed at icing effective operation of the growing population, and perfecting the quality of life for Nigerians( NPC, 2004).

The impact of high fertility is felt at the population situations( public,sub-national, community) as well as by individualities and family( NPC, 2004). child mortality rates are advanced when births are too close together( lower than 24 months piecemeal). In Nigeria, children born within two times of a antedating birth are doubly as likely to die as those born three or further times piecemeal( NPC, 2004). When birth are too close together, a woman’s body doesn’t have acceptable time to recover from the physical stress of the former gestation and parturition, thereby reducing her chance of delivering a healthy baby. Close distance can also reduce the number of months a mama breastfeeds her child( NPC, 2004). This has needed the need for crusade in strategic places for wedded women to maintain a veritably sensible size of family they will be suitable to feed, for illustration, variety of crusade accoutrements are displayed on the notice or bulletin boards of some hospitals in Benin City, some are displayed on billboards and other strategic places in the state. Oredo Original government Area being an enlightened megacity doesn’t free herself from being part of the population explosion in Nigeria. thus, this study is to elect the community to glass the state of effects in the megacity and determine the types of ways of family planning the wedded women are using.

According to Nigeria National Reproductive Health Strategic frame and Plan( 2002 – 2006), the fertility position in Nigeria remains persistently high at a public position substantially due to negative socio-artistic beliefs and morals; negative impact of myths and rumours about family planning styles, poor access to services especially in pastoral areas and for specific target groups; low quality of services due to shy chops of providers and shy/ irregular force of goods; low status of women, adding teenage gestation; and lack of manly involvement( Federal Ministry of Health( FMH), 2002). These also shows that some wedded women in the society still warrant mindfulness of strategies which won’t only be applicable but dependable, cheap, available and free from any side effect to the life and health of the stoner.

Statement Of The Problem

The acceptance and use of family planning among wedded women in Nigeria has come a contentious problem. Against this background, wedded women tend to give birth to numerous children, forgetting the significance and benefit of family planning. Ignorance, ignorance, African traditional values and morals, hubby dominance among others have come against the practice of family planning among wedded women. This is a problem, serious problem in that in view of the global profitable challenge and that of security, where children that aren’t provisioned for by parents turn out to be security pitfalls or wayward. These problems aren’t far from the bones endured in the study area of the exploration work.


An unplanned family brings about unbudgeted liabilities and indeed population explosion at large. thus, what are the factors hindering the practice of family planning? Is it knowledge inadequacy, religious, artistic or traditional beliefs of the people? It’s upon these these hunt that these study set to examine perception of wedded women in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State on family planning programmes.

Purpose Of Study

This study is aimed at inspiring the perception of wedded women in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State on family planning programmes.

exploration QUESTIONS

1. Are there differences in the perception on family planning programmes between wedded women who are lower than 25 times old and those who are further than 35 times?

2. Is manly child pattern a determining factor in the perception of family planning?

3. Is artistic factor a factor in the perception of family planning?

4. Is religious belief a factor in the perception of family planning?

Significance Of The Study

It’s hoped that the findings of this study will give necessary information that will enhance conditioning and programs towards the practice of family planning to be meetly conducted.


The compass of this study covers only wedded women between the periods of eighteen( 18 times) to forty- five( 45 times) in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.

Limitation Of Study

During the course of the study challenges encountered were simply but not demarcated to the following multitudinous. These are


l fiscal constraint Insufficient fund tends to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire and interview)


l Time constraint time factor disguise another constraint since having to manage in this exploration which went contemporaneously within the time schedule of other academic work making it insolvable to take over this study in large further representative skill.


Description Of Terms

Abortion The deliberate termination of a foetus on purpose before its development.

Contraceptives bias used in birth control.

Contraception The use of birth control device to help unwanted gestation.

Contraceptive frequence The rate at which birth control device are put to use.

Family Planning The practice of birth control, child distance and contraceptive use.

Population The total number of people living in a defined geographical area.

Fertility Rate The number of children a woman had at a particular time or in a period of time.

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