Security Of Information In A Personnel Record Keeping System (A Case Study Of Judiciary Headquarters, Uyo)


Security Of Information In A Personnel Record Keeping System
(A Case Study Of Judiciary Headquarters, Uyo)



Chapter One

Background Of The Study

1.0 Introduction

The computer is one of the most powerful forces in the society today. It is being put to use everywhere. It is seen in the homes and in organization of all sizes and no one can doubt this usage a strong impact on information revolution and as in any revolution some innocent people may be hatred.

We are all concerned in having a safe and secured environment to live in. we are careful about where we walk at night and who we talk with. These are all physical security. What about computer security? Does it matter if someone gain access to personal information about you? What if your records are lost? These are just a few reasons to be concerned about computerized data security.

There are lots of reasons to consider security for the computer especially in the personnel records to ensure that information is safe. It is likely you have information in your computer that is simply private to the company and you don’t want it to spread all over, you need security between you and the internet.



Despite the employment of physical security measures like staff access control, regular auditing etc. There is still problem when it comes to securing files. Unsecured files face the following attacks.

Passive Attack: An attack where the person gains direct access to data, which is not entitled to

Active Attack: Here the person attempts to manipulate or change data in order to gain advantage over the changed data.

This project work will inform and enlighten computer operators and users on the importance and essence of data security and on the dangers of the attacks faced by unsecured files. This information and enlightenment will prompt, guide and empower computer users/data custodians to fight seriously against the above state problems.


1.2 Objectives Of The Study

The main aims of this project work are:

To stop the rate of computer crime committed within staff in any individual company.

To make sure that data are safe from unauthorized user

To reduce the incidence of hackers and crackers

To create a back up for a secured data

To enhance privacy in individual records


1.3 Significant Of The Study

This project will:

Clear the confusion in the opinion of many people about computer crimes committed.

Provide information and strategy for planning security to data/records.

Serve as further research work to other researcher in the area of study.

1.4 Scope

By virtue of environmental condition, this project concentrates in Judiciary headquarters, High Court of Justice, Uyo Akwa Ibom State. The study only consider the personnel record in computer department.


1.5 Definition Of Terms

Data: This refers to facts, events, activities and transactions, which have been recorded. It is the raw material from which information is produced. Computer Crime: This is using the computer to commit unauthorized act. It is also an illegal action in which the perpetrators use special skill/knowledge o: computer technology.

Software Piracy: This is the unauthorized copying or use of computer programs.

Hacking: This involves using a microcomputer system or terminal to perpetrate the security of a remote computer system.

Access Card: This is a plastic card that when inserted into a computer machines and combine with a password permits access to a system.

Biometric Security: These are devices that upon recognition of some physiological or learned characteristic that is unique to a person allow that person to have access to the system.

Encryption: This is a method of disguising data or programs so that they are recognized to unauthorized users.

Audit: An inspection use to determine if a system or procedure is working as it should or if claimed records are correct.

Crime Legislation: These are Federal Laws sought to deter computer crimes, and to work according to rules and standard set by the computer professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN) and Nigeria compute society (NCS).

Privacy: In a computer processing context refers to how information about an individual is used and by whom.

Virus: This is a program that attaches itself to computer system and destroys or corrupts data. They can be passed from one system to another through diskettes networking.

Back Up: Routinely copying and storing at a remote location.

Security: This is an organization or Department responsible for providing security by enforcing laws, rules and regulations as well as maintaining order.

Audit: An inspection use to determine if a system or procedure is working as it should or if claimed records are correct.

Crime Legislation: These are Federal Laws sought to deter computer crimes, and to work according to rules and standard set by the computer professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN) and Nigeria compute society (NCS).

Privacy: In a computer processing context refers to how information about an individual is used and by whom.

Virus: This is a program that attaches itself to computer system and destroys or corrupts data. They can be passed from one system to another through diskettes networking.

Back Up: Routinely copying and storing at a remote location. Security: This is an organization or Department responsible for providing security by enforcing laws, rules and regulations as well as maintaining order.

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